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White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: Hurricane Deck
  • Elevation: 3183 feet
  • Wilderness Area: San Rafael
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Lucia Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.8058815
  • Latitude: 34.75815851
  • Water Sources: Water is available seasonally (usually January to June) in the creek beside camp.
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
01-17-2025Paul MuhlStagnant
12-28-2024Shaddus MaximusStagnant
05-29-2024Jeremy KFlowing
06-03-2023Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
05-28-2022James WapotichStagnant
04-23-2022Ojai Valley School Lower CampusFlowing
04-14-2022Surly hikerFlowing
11-27-2021Diane SoiniStagnant
04-03-2021Quentin WilliamsFlowing
03-27-2021Jared PulleyFlowing
03-20-2021Jeremy KFlowing
02-06-2021Kevin VargaFlowing
12-30-2020Shaddus Maximus Stagnant
12-03-2020John BorstelmannStagnant
11-21-2020Stephen SDry
07-28-2020Paul CronshawDry
07-07-2020Nathan SeafordStagnant
06-10-2020Ryan AndersonFlowing
05-17-2020Addison JerlowFlowing
04-26-2020Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
12-29-2019Shaddus MaximusFlowing
11-09-2019Paul CronshawDry
08-31-2019Anonymous SurveyorDry
05-11-2019Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
12-30-2018Erin C.Flowing
11-17-2018Paul CronshawDry
06-09-2018Alex HTrickle
05-27-2018Troop 4Flowing
04-28-2018Sarah STrickle
02-12-2018Dan STrickle
01-12-2018Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
12-29-2017Shaddus Maximus Dry
11-10-2017Anonymous SurveyorDry
01-01-2017Shaddus Maximus Trickle
05-07-2016Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
03-31-2016Sonia ConnorsFlowing
01-01-2016Shaddus Maximus Trickle
11-10-2015Los Padres Forest AssociationStagnant
04-23-2015M. JonesFlowing
04-11-2015Hike Los PadresFlowing
12-22-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
11-25-2014Paul "The Beeman" CronshawDry
03-27-2014M. JonesFlowing
05-6-2020Anonymous SurveyorFlowing


White Ledge Camp is located at the eastern junction of the Hurricane Deck Trail and the Manzana Trail. The camp is located along a spectacular band of white rock that drops steeply down towards the South Fork of the Sisquoc River - hence the name White Ledge. The trail through here is sometimes called the White Ledge Trail but technically it is the Manzana Trail. The camp is most commonly used by hikers on their way to South Fork Camp or as part of longer loop trips such as the Lower Sisquoc Loop and Hurricane Deck.

There is a fire ring and room for 2-3 tents, and while the trail goes straight through the camp, visitors are seldom enough to make one feel comfortable in camp. There are many unique rock formations, caves, and outcrops accesible off-trail near camp. Spring is a great time to visit White Ledge as there are numerous small cascades peeling off the canyon walls in just about all directions.  

Survey Photos:

  • M. Jones - 03-27-2014

  • M. Jones - 03-27-2014

  • M. Jones - 03-27-2014

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014
    White Ledge Campsite

  • M. Jones - 04-23-2015

  • M. Jones - 04-23-2015

  • M. Jones - 04-23-2015

  • M. Jones - 04-23-2015

  • Sonia Connors - 03-31-2016
    White Ledge Camp

  • Sonia Connors - 03-31-2016
    Wildflowers at White Ledge

  • Sonia Connors - 03-31-2016
    Campside creek

  • Sonia Connors - 03-31-2016
    White Ledge Camp

  • wehumananimals - 05-16-2017

  • wehumananimals - 05-16-2017

  • dherrig - 01-14-2018

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 01-12-2018
    White Ledge Camp

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 01-12-2018
    View of White Ledge from the East Deck

  • Erin C. - 12-30-2018

  • Erin C. - 12-30-2018

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-09-2019

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 04-26-2020

  • Addison Jerlow - 05-17-2020

  • Addison Jerlow - 05-17-2020

  • Ryan Anderson - 06-10-2020
    Creek at White Ledge

  • kellyohill - 05-02-2022
    looking downstream from camp

  • kellyohill - 05-02-2022

Submitted Camp Reports

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-17-2025 - by Paul Muhl
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-17-2025
Surveyor Name:Paul Muhl
Camp Description:Spent the night here 1/17/25. Great midday hiking temps but froze water bottles overnight. Great location.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Basically dry with a few small stagnant pool
Weather Conditions:Clear, cold at night
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-28-2024 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-28-2024
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Big pools of stagnant but filterable water at camp. Better, flowing water about 1/4 mile above camp.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-16-2024 - by Will
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-16-2024
Surveyor Name:Will
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Steady trickle enough to filter 1/4 mile before the camp.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-29-2024 - by Jeremy K
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-29-2024
Surveyor Name:Jeremy K
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 06-03-2023 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 06-03-2023
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Camp is in good condition.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Steady flow, but not a large volume.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-28-2022 - by James Wapotich
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-28-2022
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:standing water only, usable in a pinch, but no discernible flow
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-09-2022 - by K&S
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-09-2022
Surveyor Name:K&S
Camp Description:Always a beautiful spot to explore the amazing surround areas!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing beautifully
Weather Conditions:Sunny, clear, 80 degrees +
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-02-2022 - by kellyohill
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-02-2022
Surveyor Name:kellyohill
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Pools full of water, but flow rate was just a trickle.
Weather Conditions:Sunny+clear. Highs in the low 70s, lows in the high 40s.

looking downstream from camp

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-23-2022 - by Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-23-2022
Surveyor Name:Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Pretty little camp with shade, flowing water, cool rock formations.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-14-2022 - by Surly hiker
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-14-2022
Surveyor Name:Surly hiker
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-27-2021 - by Diane Soini
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-27-2021
Surveyor Name:Diane Soini
Camp Description:There were stagnant pools at the camp and before and after the camp. The trail before and after the camp was in good shape and easy to follow. You could stay here if you don't mind filtering and treating the water.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:warm and dry
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-03-2021 - by Quentin Williams
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-03-2021
Surveyor Name:Quentin Williams
Camp Description:Stayed at White Ledge on the second night of a two day backpack trip. Stayed at Manzana Narrows on night one and White Ledge on night 2. After dropping our gear, we did an out and back to South Fork Camp. The Sisquoc is amazing right now. Lots of water in both the south fork and sisquoc proper. Not sure how much water will be left back there in a month or so. But if you are looking for a short weekend backpack trip, this would be a good spot to check out.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:There is water at White Ledge! Enough for a waist high dip, and definitely filtering from the flowing creek.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 03-27-2021 - by Jared Pulley
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 03-27-2021
Surveyor Name:Jared Pulley
Camp Description:The camp was in great condition, good water flow. A good spot for one hammock at camp itself, plenty of space for tents. Definitely lived up to the nostalgia, best campsite in white ledge canyon; one of the best for the San Rafael wilderness. Camped here as part of the Lower Sisquoc River Loop. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good Flow
Weather Conditions:Clear / Cool
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 03-20-2021 - by Jeremy K
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 03-20-2021
Surveyor Name:Jeremy K
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good Water Flow
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 02-06-2021 - by Kevin Varga
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 02-06-2021
Surveyor Name:Kevin Varga
Camp Description:Hiked through White Ledge on 2/6 from Manzana, then turned up Hurricane Deck. Water was plentiful and flowing for most of the way to White Ledge.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing great, even swimmable
Weather Conditions:sunny and 70 <3 CA
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-10-2021 - by Easy-A
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-10-2021
Surveyor Name:Easy-A
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:No flow but drinkable after filtering.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-30-2020 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-30-2020
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Big, stagnant, reddish pools of water next to White Ledge. Bring a filter.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-03-2020 - by John Borstelmann
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-03-2020
Surveyor Name:John Borstelmann
Camp Description:One stagnant pool not far from the campsite
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-21-2020 - by Stephen S
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-21-2020
Surveyor Name:Stephen S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 07-28-2020 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 07-28-2020
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Campsite in good condition.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:90s and Sunny
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 07-07-2020 - by Nathan Seaford
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 07-07-2020
Surveyor Name:Nathan Seaford
Camp Description:Hurricane Deck trail from Lost Valley to White Ledge is in good condition and easy to follow.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Stagnant but at least a foot deep of clear water in two large pools.
Weather Conditions:HOT. Easily 90 degrees in the afternoon.
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 06-10-2020 - by Ryan Anderson
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 06-10-2020
Surveyor Name:Ryan Anderson
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Definitely more than a trickle but not flowing very strongly
Weather Conditions:

Creek at White Ledge
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-17-2020 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-17-2020
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:one of the best spots in the los padres
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:still good flow by camp
Weather Conditions:


White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-26-2020 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Very good flow - Big pools
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-29-2019 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-29-2019
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow and big pools right at White Ledge now.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-09-2019 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-09-2019
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Campsite in great condition with good firering.  Shovel present.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:70s and Sunny

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 09-30-2019 - by MSchless
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 09-30-2019
Surveyor Name:MSchless
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 08-31-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 08-31-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Made the mistake of going up there, and there was absolutely no water past the Narrows. It was also hotter than. The surface of the sun. It makes sense why there are no trail reports from May to November. 
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:Absolutely no water past the Narrrows
Weather Conditions:It was hot to the extreme. It felt hot to breath in.
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-11-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-11-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing well
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-25-2019 - by Sherman
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-25-2019
Surveyor Name:Sherman
Camp Description:Saw what looked like ca. condors perched up on cliffs behind whiteledge (from hurricane deck trail) and 1 circling around. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water. Trail is pretty well cut.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-30-2018 - by Erin C.
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-30-2018
Surveyor Name:Erin C.
Camp Description:Beautiful campsite, water is flowing nicely. Some pools are almost big enough for a swim. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Gentle flow but good flow
Weather Conditions:

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-17-2018 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-17-2018
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Campsite in good condition.  Needs a toilet located up the hill from camp. THere is an overflow camp located 100 feet up the creek on the left.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:70s and Sunny
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 06-09-2018 - by Alex H
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 06-09-2018
Surveyor Name:Alex H
Camp Description:Wear long pants! The hike over the ridge is lined with nasty prickly flora.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Barely a trickle of water. Will be Stagnant soon.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-27-2018 - by Troop 4
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-27-2018
Surveyor Name:Troop 4
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-15-2018 - by IGTOFT
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-15-2018
Surveyor Name:IGTOFT
Camp Description:
I was surprised to find water here. After viewing the previous surveys,
I brought three liters of water from the Narrows to make it to South Fork Station.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing from 20 minutes above camp,full pool at camp.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-28-2018 - by Sarah S
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-28-2018
Surveyor Name:Sarah S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Some light flow between the pools
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 02-25-2018 - by Bastien
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 02-25-2018
Surveyor Name:Bastien
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 02-12-2018 - by Dan S
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 02-12-2018
Surveyor Name:Dan S
Camp Description:Unclear how long this water will be around without more rain asap
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Very slight trickle, but you could get by with the pools
Weather Conditions:70s sunny
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-14-2018 - by dherrig
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-14-2018
Surveyor Name:dherrig
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Light flow between pools at the camp
Weather Conditions:

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-12-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-12-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Camp was clean, good water as a result of the Jan 9 storm.  All looked good!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Nice flow through camp and in the nearby waterfall
Weather Conditions:Perfectamundo

White Ledge Camp

View of White Ledge from the East Deck
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-29-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-29-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-10-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-16-2017 - by wehumananimals
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-16-2017
Surveyor Name:wehumananimals
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Steady flow between pools above camp. Water collecting in large pools for nearly 1/4 mile above camp
Weather Conditions:

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-01-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-01-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:There is a massive pool next to the camp that will provide water for several months to come no matter what the weather does.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-07-2016 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-07-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 03-31-2016 - by Sonia Connors
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 03-31-2016
Surveyor Name:Sonia Connors
Camp Description:Beautiful camp with flowing creek, white rocks and campsite nestled under the pines.  Fire pit, grill, logs and shovel.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Partially cloudy, about 65

White Ledge Camp

Wildflowers at White Ledge

Campside creek

White Ledge Camp
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 03-15-2016 - by CJ
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 03-15-2016
Surveyor Name:CJ
Camp Description:Observed good flow 24 hours after .5" rainfall.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Brisk flow with 2'-3' wading pools
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 01-01-2016 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 01-01-2016
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-10-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-10-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:There were pools of water at White Ledge Camp.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-23-2015 - by M. Jones
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-23-2015
Surveyor Name:M. Jones
Camp Description:

Camp is clean, there is a shovel there

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:White Ledge camp creek has a low but steady flow of water. Creek is flowing from a least a half mile above the camp site to well below.
Weather Conditions:63* party cloudy, 10 to 15 mph wind

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-11-2015 - by Hike Los Padres
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-11-2015
Surveyor Name:Hike Los Padres
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 12-22-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 12-22-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Nice flowing water..... YEE HAW!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 11-25-2014 - by Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 11-25-2014
Surveyor Name:Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Camp Description:Nice campsite at the junction of the Manzana and Hurricane Deck Trails. Campsites for a small to medium group of backpackers. Rock fire ring. One Fire shovel. 
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Sunny and unseasonably warm for November

White Ledge Campsite
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 04-28-2014 - by LPFA
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 04-28-2014
Surveyor Name:LPFA
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water, maybe 2-3 feet deep pools at camp.
Weather Conditions:
White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 03-27-2014 - by M. Jones
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 03-27-2014
Surveyor Name:M. Jones
Camp Description:Camp site has shade under a pine and oak tree, fire pit has grill and shovel, no table. Plenty of dry pine firewood 150 feet down trail thanks to the VWR crew. At night the camp fire creates enough illumination so that people who stand by it have their shadows reflected onto the rock wall face on the opposite side of the creek creating an entertaining phenomena. Location receives early morning sun.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:White Ledge Creek had steady, clean cool flowing water. No moss or algae mats in creek bed near camp site
Weather Conditions:Sunny and 75*

White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness Survey - 05-6-2020 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: White Ledge Camp - San Rafael Wilderness
Date: 05-6-2020
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

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Last Updated: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

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