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South Fork Camp - Sisquoc South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: Hurricane Deck
  • Elevation: 2,480 feet
  • Wilderness Area: San Rafael
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Lucia Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.77346420288086
  • Latitude: 34.759912924230704
  • Water Sources: The Sisquoc flows year round, even through all but the worst drought years.
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
03-12-2025Paul CostalesFlowing
12-28-2024Shaddus MaximusFlowing
05-29-2024Jeremy KFlowing
03-14-2024Michael McGurkFlowing
06-03-2023Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
04-24-2023Matt Inman - Ojai Valley SchoolFlowing
10-09-2022Los Padres Forest AssociationStagnant
05-28-2022James WapotichFlowing
04-23-2022Ojai Valley School Lower CampusFlowing
02-04-2022Stephen SFlowing
11-22-2021Shaddus Maximus Flowing
03-19-2021Jeremy KFlowing
02-14-2021Amelia RFlowing
01-01-2021Shaddus MaximusFlowing
11-21-2020Stephen SFlowing
07-25-2020Paul CronshawFlowing
05-16-2020Addison JerlowFlowing
12-31-2019Shaddus Maximus Flowing
11-09-2019Paul "The Beeman" CronshawFlowing
06-01-2019Tony G.Flowing
05-11-2019Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
11-18-2018Arlen Van DraanenFlowing
11-11-2018Tony G.Flowing
07-03-2018Paul CronshawFlowing
04-23-2018Matt Inman-Ojai Valley SchoolFlowing
04-18-2018Daniel J. HallFlowing
01-13-2018Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
12-29-2017Shaddus MaximusFlowing
11-25-2017Paul CronshawFlowing
11-19-2017Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
06-10-2017Paul CronshawFlowing
05-23-2017Ryan CheneyFlowing
01-01-2017Shaddus Maximus Flowing
11-15-2016Los Padres Forest AssociationDry
05-12-2016Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
04-06-2016Tom PlymaleFlowing
03-31-2016Katie MendenhallFlowing
01-01-2016Shaddus Maximus Flowing
10-04-2015Los Padres Forest AssociationDry
06-01-2015Hike Los PadresFlowing
04-10-2015Tom PlymaleFlowing
03-29-2015Paul CronshawFlowing
12-20-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
11-25-2014Paul "The Beeman" CronshawDry
03-22-2014Paul CronshawFlowing
03-11-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing

Photo By: beemancron@gmail.com - Website Link

Photo By: beemancron@gmail.com - Website Link
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Survey This Camp


There is a small forest service cabin located at South Fork, This is the Southern Los Padres South Fork Campground. Another South Fork Exists in the Northern Los Padres

Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • Paul Cronshaw - 03-22-2014

  • Paul Cronshaw - 03-22-2014

  • Paul Cronshaw - 03-22-2014

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014
    View of SouthFork camp after crossing SouthFork River. Sign the Register

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014
    The front gate

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014
    SouthFork Station Cabin

  • Tom Plymale - 04-10-2015

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-25-2017
    The Beeman prepares to depart from the South Fork Station cabin

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-25-2017
    Autumn comes to the Sisquoc River

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 01-13-2018
    Voodoo Camp and South Fork Map

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 01-13-2018

  • Paul Cronshaw - 07-03-2018
    SouthFork Cabin

  • Paul Cronshaw - 07-03-2018

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-09-2019
    South Fork Station

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-09-2019
    SouthFork Creek crossing

  • Addison Jerlow - 05-16-2020
    best spot down by the river

  • Addison Jerlow - 05-16-2020
    by the cabin

  • Addison Jerlow - 05-16-2020
    the cabin

  • Reasner - 06-08-2021

  • Reasner - 06-08-2021

  • Reasner - 06-08-2021

  • Reasner - 06-08-2021

  • Reasner - 06-08-2021

Submitted Camp Reports

South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-12-2025 - by Paul Costales
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-12-2025
Surveyor Name:Paul Costales
Camp Description:Had a hard time finding the pit toilet, it is outside the barbed wire area. Head from the cabin/river west towards the trail, take a quick left as if you are gonna head up the Sisquoc trail and it is right there on your right behind some bushes.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing River
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 12-28-2024 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 12-28-2024
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 12-16-2024 - by Will
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 12-16-2024
Surveyor Name:Will
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water in river next to camp.
Weather Conditions:Low 70s during the day mid 40s at night.
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 05-29-2024 - by Jeremy K
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 05-29-2024
Surveyor Name:Jeremy K
Camp Description:The camp is in great condition. Water is flowing
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-14-2024 - by Michael McGurk
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-14-2024
Surveyor Name:Michael McGurk
Camp Description:South fork needs some repairs but is serviceable. The surrounding area still has many downed limbs that would be great to strip down and leave as firewood if someone were there for a longer time. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:good condition
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 06-03-2023 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 06-03-2023
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Camp is in good shape, beware of the ants though
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Sisquoc is flowing strong
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 04-24-2023 - by Matt Inman - Ojai Valley School
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 04-24-2023
Surveyor Name:Matt Inman - Ojai Valley School
Camp Description:Epic water all through the Sisquoc, and South Fork was no exception. Three different campsites here: 1. On the bench above the river, 2. Near the cabin, 3, Around the corner at Voodoo. Please respect the cabin for future generations.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 10-09-2022 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 10-09-2022
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:At South Fork Camp we found a pool of water about 50 yards down stream from the campsite on the main branch. We couldn't see it flowing, but I suspect the flow was below the rocks of the riverbed.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 05-28-2022 - by James Wapotich
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 05-28-2022
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:flowing water in the Sisquoc, better water in the nearby South Fork Sisquoc. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 04-23-2022 - by Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 04-23-2022
Surveyor Name:Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Huge camp with plenty of space for stock. Water flowing nicely in the creek. Please respect the cabin.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 02-04-2022 - by Stephen S
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 02-04-2022
Surveyor Name:Stephen S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-22-2021 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-22-2021
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:South Fork is flowing well just above the trail crossing. Sisquoc has stagnant pools just up canyon from the campsite.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 06-08-2021 - by Reasner
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 06-08-2021
Surveyor Name:Reasner
Camp Description:Took a peek inside the cabin and spotted 4 bats in between the studs of the walls. One of the windows was unlatched, so we properly closed the cabin back up before heading out. Register is still there and has a few more pages left for surveyors to document. The better camp is to the left of the cabin towards creek. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Shallow. 3-6” in depth and slow flow. Better water at Lonnie Davis Camp
Weather Conditions:75 high

South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-19-2021 - by Jeremy K
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-19-2021
Surveyor Name:Jeremy K
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good Water Flow
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 02-14-2021 - by Amelia R
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 02-14-2021
Surveyor Name:Amelia R
Camp Description:Beware of field mice rampant in the forest service cabin!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 01-01-2021 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 01-01-2021
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-26-2020 - by Nathan
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Nathan
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-21-2020 - by Stephen S
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-21-2020
Surveyor Name:Stephen S
Camp Description:Spent one night in the cabin and seemed to have the entire Sisquoc to myself for the night. The previous logged entry was Paul on 7/25 and the cabin was in good condition other than that a mouse that had been nibbling on one of the fabric fold out chairs in the rafters. Temp was 40-45 at night.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 07-25-2020 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 07-25-2020
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Spent two nights in the cabin doing clean up and small maintenance. It was 106 degrees in the cabin and 102 in the shade.  Spent the time outside under oak trees and wearing a cotton shirt dunked in water to stay cool. Hiked out starting at 3 AM to avoid the midday heat.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Clean, flowing water with shallow pools in the Sisquoc, Better water flow in the SouthFork River.
Weather Conditions:Upper 90s and Sunny with some wind
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 05-16-2020 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 05-16-2020
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:a high quality wilderness camp
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:wide and easy to collect. 1-2ft deep
Weather Conditions:

best spot down by the river

by the cabin

the cabin
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 12-31-2019 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 12-31-2019
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Both the Sisquoc and the South Fork are flowing nicely at South Fork now
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-09-2019 - by Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-09-2019
Surveyor Name:Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Camp Description:The campsites were in good condition.  Cabin was clean but needed sweeping.  Did some minor maintenance.  Last register entry was in September.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow in the SouthFork and Sisquoc Rivers with pools
Weather Conditions:80s Daytime; 60's at night

South Fork Station

SouthFork Creek crossing
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 09-29-2019 - by MSchless
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 09-29-2019
Surveyor Name:MSchless
Camp Description:Steady flow between Mansfield and SF.

Checked cabin but stayed in the lower campsite by the river. Woke up at 4 am to something (probably a bear) moving rocks around in the river.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow at camp
Weather Conditions:40s overnight
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 06-01-2019 - by Tony G.
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 06-01-2019
Surveyor Name:Tony G.
Camp Description:Afternoon thunderstorm, 2 hours of steady rain. Cabin is in good shape. Two days before a couple had signed the register while passing through on Condor Trail attempt - good luck to them!!!!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Strong flow in both South Fork Creek and Sisquoc River
Weather Conditions:70's daytime, 50 night
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 05-11-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 05-11-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Nice spot to get a rest from the rain!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing well
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-18-2018 - by Arlen Van Draanen
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-18-2018
Surveyor Name:Arlen Van Draanen
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-11-2018 - by Tony G.
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-11-2018
Surveyor Name:Tony G.
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water, flowing, at entrance to camp in South Fork Sisquoc, pool approx 1 foot deep
Weather Conditions:75 degrees, lows in the 30's, hazy from Malibu fire
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 07-03-2018 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 07-03-2018
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Hiked the Sisquoc loop in a clockwise direction in 4 days with a zero day at Sisquoc cabin to clean and organize. Hot weather. Did not see a single person on this loop.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Clean, flowing water with pools in the Sisquoc and SouthFork Rivers
Weather Conditions:Sunny, low 90's

SouthFork Cabin

South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 04-23-2018 - by Matt Inman-Ojai Valley School
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 04-23-2018
Surveyor Name:Matt Inman-Ojai Valley School
Camp Description:Huge fenced in horse pasture near cabin, as well as campsite next to the creek outside of horse area. Secondary camp around the corner at Voodoo Camp. Please respect the cabin...too many lost in recent years.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Reliable water here with easy access.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 04-18-2018 - by Daniel J. Hall
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 04-18-2018
Surveyor Name:Daniel J. Hall
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:clean flowing water at a easily crossable depth
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 02-25-2018 - by Bastien
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 02-25-2018
Surveyor Name:Bastien
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 01-13-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 01-13-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:There has been some confusion about an adjacent camp to South Fork that is commonly referred to as "Voodoo Camp".  There was even a sign marking it as Voodoo Camp until recently.  Voodoo is basically the overflow camp for South Fork and is located on the same side of the river on the bench upstream from South Fork Station, see map.  Voodoo is especially good in the chance that you get to South Fork and the two regularly used camps are occupied.  There are a few camps at Voodoo with fire rings and icecan stoves.  Unsure why Voodoo got its name but perhaps we'll find that out at some point.

South Fork was great as always, clean and well respected.  Thanks to everyone who helps take care of it!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Great flow in both the Sisquoc and South Fork Sisquoc
Weather Conditions:

Voodoo Camp and South Fork Map

South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 12-29-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 12-29-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water in both the South Fork tributary and the Sisquoc itself.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-25-2017 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-25-2017
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Two hikers from Orange County were occupying the cabin who had ridden mountain bikes and hiked the Sweetwater trail to come to the cabin for a marriage proposal event.  Cabin is in good shape.  

Campsites are in excellent condition.  

Great weather with nice temperatures.  No bugs.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water in South Fork and Sisquoc rivers
Weather Conditions:Sunny; high 70s, no wind

The Beeman prepares to depart from the South Fork Station cabin

Autumn comes to the Sisquoc River
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-19-2017 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-19-2017
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Lots of water at South Fork.  Cabin looked great.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 06-10-2017 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 06-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Day hiked from the Narrows to do some minor cabin repairs and deliver supplies. Photographed register entries. Reviewed the cabin procedures with a hiker who was going to stay in cabin.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Sisquoc and South Fork Rivers have good flow of water for this time of year.
Weather Conditions:Sunny with day time temp 86 degrees.
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 05-23-2017 - by Ryan Cheney
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 05-23-2017
Surveyor Name:Ryan Cheney
Camp Description:Lots of good camping spots. Siscouq River was flowing really well. Took a dip on a 100 degree day.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Strong flow in the siscouq. Some deep pools.
Weather Conditions:100 degrees and sunny ins the shade.
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 01-01-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 01-01-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow of water in the South Fork and (less) flowing in the Sisquoc.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-15-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-15-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:DRY.  No water at South Fork or Lonnie Davis.  Nearest water was 30-40mins up the Sisquoc from South Fork.

Report LGomes
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 05-12-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 05-12-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Report from FROG the Condor Trail thru-hiker
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 04-06-2016 - by Tom Plymale
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 04-06-2016
Surveyor Name:Tom Plymale
Camp Description:Me and my crew did clean up and do hazard reduction on the site by the river. Is ready to camp in. We also did the hazard reduction around  the Guard Station in preparation for summer. Will upload some photos soon.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow, was a little murky due to heavy sedimentation after last summer's thunderstorms, South Fork Sisquoc is flowing clean
Weather Conditions:Days: 80-90 Night: 40's. Normal diurnal winds, sometimes gusty especially late afternoon.
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-31-2016 - by Katie Mendenhall
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-31-2016
Surveyor Name:Katie Mendenhall
Camp Description:Cabin is in great shape. 

ATTN: The shutter closest to the front door on the bunk-side of the cabin can easily come loose when pushed on it. Since a bear has figured out how to get inside the cabin, be sure to secure that shutter with extra care- it needs a new screw or something to hold the latch.

Throne (toilet) is located down the trail towards Skunk Camp; it's behind a bush BEFORE the last wire gate. It's easy to miss.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Sisquoc River water was cloudy, but a great flow. South Fork Sisquoc had lots of clear water.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 01-01-2016 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 01-01-2016
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:There is a low flow of turbid water in the Sisquoc next to the station. South Fork is also flowing and is clear.
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 10-04-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 10-04-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:No water at South Fork.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 06-01-2015 - by Hike Los Padres
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 06-01-2015
Surveyor Name:Hike Los Padres
Camp Description:Not too impressive, but there was water.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 04-10-2015 - by Tom Plymale
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 04-10-2015
Surveyor Name:Tom Plymale
Camp Description:Came in for 5 days to staff the station. Made 2 visitor contacts. Did not see any sign of a bear the whole time. Had light rain all day on the 7th, didn't notice any roof leaks. Swept and mopped the station, tidied up the firewood pile. Cleared some willows on the crossing of Sisquoc coming from SWater trail.  Picked up a lot of microtrash around the grounds. Thanks to the VWR' s for all the work on the station.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Decent flow Sisquoc, SFork good flow
Weather Conditions:Daytime: 60-70, lows 30's. <.20 in rain on 4/7

South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-29-2015 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-29-2015
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:The major campsite #1 by the river was in great condition. The second campsite has not been used so I cleaned the weeds and reformatted the rock fire ring for fire safety.  The cabin campsite was raked and in good condition.  The cabin was left in good order, except the cover on the North side has a broken hinge and cannot be lifted.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow rate in both the Sisquoc and South Fork Rivers. South Fork River has the best water for filtering.
Weather Conditions:Sunny, Temp mid 70s
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 12-20-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 12-20-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 11-25-2014 - by Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 11-25-2014
Surveyor Name:Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Camp Description:SouthFork Station is 15 miles from Nira Trailhead. Strong hikers can make the trip in one day but best to take two days to hike in. The restored cabin is open to the public, but reserved for Administrative use. Request to keep it clean and organized. There is a hiker box inside the cabin to leave excess food for future backpackers. There are three campsites with rock fire rings and Kalamath stoves. Two are by the Sisquoc River, and one is by the cabin. There are two tables. One fire shovel is shared between the campsites. The best water source for cooking and filtering is sourced from the SouthFork River crossing. There is a toilet a short distance up the trail from the front gate. Two gated fenced horse corals are available for stock.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:Sisquoc River is cry at lower campsite and cabin. SouthFork has flow above crossing
Weather Conditions:Sunny , High in 70s and low at 37.


View of SouthFork camp after crossing SouthFork River. Sign the Register

The front gate

SouthFork Station Cabin
South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-22-2014 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-22-2014
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Pat and I stayed the night in the cabin on a Nira 5 trail loop backpacking trip.Everything was in great condition. Rik and Ron had spruced the place up, gathered a stack of firewood and raked the area the day before.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water is flowing well in both the Sisquoc River and SouthFork Creek
Weather Conditions:Sunny, High in mid 70s and low at 42

South Fork Camp - Sisquoc Survey - 03-11-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: South Fork Camp - Sisquoc
Date: 03-11-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Low for this time of year, but good water.
Weather Conditions:

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Last Updated: Tuesday, November 13, 2018

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  • Forest Headquarters
    Phone: (805) 968-6640
  • Mt. Pinos District
    Phone: (661) 245-3731
  • Ojai Ranger District
    Phone: (805) 646-4348
  • Santa Barbara District
    Phone: (805) 967-3481
  • Santa Lucia District
    Phone: (805) 925-9538
  • Monterey District
    Phone: (831) 385-5434