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Potrero Canyon Trail - Los Padres National Forest
Trail Distance 2.90 Miles

The trail is located one mile down from the Lower Manzana Trailhead (aka Lower NIRA) along Manzana Creek.  The trailhead for Potrero Trail is between the two trail camps at Potrero Camp.  It begins at the junction of Manzana Creek Trail 30WI3 and Potrero Canyon Trail 29W12. The trail climbs consistently, sometimes steeply, up the south face of the Hurricane Deck, passing Negus Potrero to finally reach the Hurricane Deck Trail 30W14.

Trail Details

  • Trail #: 29W12
  • Wilderness Area: San Rafael
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Lucia Ranger District
  • Trail-head Latitude: 34.77869502
  • Trail-head Longitude: -119.9566917
  • Water Sources: Reliable water is only available seasonally in the Manzana but there is a chance of water near Negus Potrero during the rainy season.
  • Trail Condition: Good - Trail is easy to follow and is in good shape
  • Topo Maps:
  • Activities & Features:
    • Backpacking
    • Creek
    • Day Hiking
    • Horseback Riding
    • Hunting
    • Panoramic Views
    • Wildlife Viewing
    • Wilderness Camping

Trail Stats

  • Total Elevation Gain: + 2150 feet.
  • Total Elevation Loss: - 521 feet.
  • Overall Average Slope Gain: + 17 %.
  • Overall Average Slope Loss: - 13 %.
  • Kilometers: (km)
  • Meters: (m)
  • Miles: (mi)
  • Feet: (ft)
  • Average Slope: (%)

Trail Camps

Potrero Camp (1,660 feet)

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Survey Photos:

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-15-2016

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-15-2016

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-15-2016

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-26-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-26-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-26-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-26-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-26-2019

  • Paul M - 10-10-2020

  • Paul M - 10-10-2020

  • Paul M - 10-10-2020

  • Paul M - 10-10-2020

  • The Lost Padres - 04-16-2023

  • The Lost Padres - 04-16-2023

  • The Lost Padres - 04-16-2023

  • Adam Donald - 12-09-2023

  • Zachary Caipang - 02-01-2025

  • Zachary Caipang - 02-01-2025

  • Zachary Caipang - 02-01-2025

Submitted Trail Reports

Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 02-01-2025 - by Zachary Caipang
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 02-01-2025
Surveyor Name:Zachary Caipang
Trail description:Started the hike the morning of Feb 1. The weather was perfect (in the 50s-60s) with sunny skies. I did the loop counterclockwise to get most of the climbing out of the way day 1. The Potrero trail up to the Hurricane deck was steep and slightly overgrown, but not bad for typical Los Padres trails. Hiking along the top of the hurricane deck involved rolling grades with great views of the surrounding San Rafael wilderness. There is no water on the Hurricane Deck until you get down descend to the Schoolhouse. Even with the good temperatures, it felt oddly warm at the top of the Hurricane Deck due to how exposed the ridge is. The descent down from the Hurricane Deck to the school house was even steeper than the climb up. After camping at the schoolhouse, I made my way back on the Manzana trail. The trail was pretty easy exertion-wise, but it could be hard to follow with the many stream crossings. Make sure to be on the look out for the trail markers.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Climb up to the Hurricane Deck

Climb up to the Hurricane Deck

Climb up to the Hurricane Deck
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 05-18-2024 - by Adam Donald
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 05-18-2024
Surveyor Name:Adam Donald
Trail description:The trail has some annoying tall grass but is easy to follow.  The sections LPFA cleared brush out of look great. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 12-09-2023 - by Adam Donald
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 12-09-2023
Surveyor Name:Adam Donald
Trail description:Potrero trail is brushy in places but easy to follow.  Most of the star thistle (if that's the right name for the plant) crowding the trail has dried up, so it would be sharp if you were wearing shorts but not difficult to walk through.  A couple of minor areas of tread damage but nothing of major concern. The brush is much more overgrown into the trail once you pass the junction and get up onto the Hurricane Deck trail.  Beautiful views in all directions.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 09-02-2023 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 09-02-2023
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:As you start the hike up hill from Partero camp, there are several small washouts and overgrown areas, but overall the trail is decent and easy to follow. There is a 2nd camp 2.3 miles up trail from Partreo camp on large rocks that makes for a great rest area.

After that, as the trail turns from east to north, it becomes completely overgrown and relentless. For the next 1.5 miles it gets rough and you're going to have to work through heavy brush and branches. The trail is still surprisingly easy to follow, but the brush is constant. No opening, no breaks, just work. You'll need long sleeves and some sort of face covering, probably some glasses too. It finally clears toward the connection to hurricane deck. The view from there is worth it.

I met a hunter that said he was camping on Bald Mountain and the trail there was good/not great
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 04-16-2023 - by The Lost Padres
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 04-16-2023
Surveyor Name:The Lost Padres
Trail description:There’s some water at Negus Meadow & the next drainage to the east.
Very pretty with areas of wildflowers on the way up & many Padre’s shooting star flowers around Negus. 
Trail has some erosion damage that needs work
Cleared some brush & scrub oak along the way, More brush needs clearing
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Beautiful views of the deck right now. Green grass, some water & wildflowers!

Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 12-02-2022 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 12-02-2022
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Dan McCaslin article about Potrero Canyon, enjoy:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 12-15-2022 - by Susie Thielmann
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 12-15-2022
Surveyor Name:Susie Thielmann
Trail description:Manzana River has great water flowing. No water on the Potrero trail. Trail tread good but a couple areas have sloughed (not dangerous). Needs slight brushing but great for hiking; not great for stock.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 04-20-2022 - by Stan Atchison
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 04-20-2022
Surveyor Name:Stan Atchison
Trail description:Hiked as part of a loop from Nira - Potrero - Hurricane Deck - Lost Valley - Manzana - Nira. 

Potrero was in pretty good shape and I had no problems following the trail. The lack of traffic over the last year during the closure is apparent as brush and annual grasses have accumulated on and over the trail in several spots. No water above Potrero camp. Beautiful trail.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 04-03-2022 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 04-03-2022
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:Once you turn up towards hurricane deck from Potrero, it gets a bit over grown. I was able to finish it in shorts, since no poison oak and not too thorny. No water past Potrero. 

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 10-10-2020 - by Paul M
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 10-10-2020
Surveyor Name:Paul M
Trail description:Did this as a mid-day hike from Nira up to the Hurricane Deck trail where I had lunch. Fantastic views. Creeks were all dry. Beautiful hike. Lots of nice solitude.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

view south from partway up

beautiful sky and rocks just past the meadow

grand oak in the meadow

from hurrican deck looking towards the schoolhouse
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 05-09-2020 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 05-09-2020
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Recent article about Potrero by Dan McCaslin in Noozhawk:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 06-16-2019 - by Louis Tremblay
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 06-16-2019
Surveyor Name:Louis Tremblay
Trail description:Good shape, very clear, easy. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 05-26-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 05-26-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Trail description:Passed through Memorial weekend. The trail is fine shape and easily followed. Would benefit from some brushing through Negus Meadow to keep the ticks at bay. Found a few small puddles of standing water around the Potrero. Rained on us all day but still no place I'd rather be. A touch more detail of the days events can be found at the link below. 

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Potrero/Manzana junction sign

Negus Potrero

Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 03-24-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 03-24-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Noozhawk article by Dan McCaslin highlighting a trip he took up Potrero Canyon to the Hurricane Deck.  Enjoy.....

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 04-07-2018 - by Tony G.
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 04-07-2018
Surveyor Name:Tony G.
Trail description:Hiked up to Negus Potrero in clearing storm Saturday 4/7 and on up to Hurricane Deck. The trail was in good shape. Only some small pools of standing water around Negus Potrero. Fair amount of ticks in grassy areas on the trail - long pants are a good idea. Saw only one other party of 3 high school kids, one of whom was hiking in his underwear because his jeans were too tight. Camped above Negus Potrero with a view to the west and Castle Craig.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 03-18-2017 - by Jeff Wheelwright
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 03-18-2017
Surveyor Name:Jeff Wheelwright
Trail description:I based at oak-dotted Negus Potrero for two nites. The trail from Manzana to the Deck is in very good shape, with only two fallen trees, easy to negotiate. Seasonal creek downslope east of the potrero was still flowing as of March 18 but it won't last. Wildflowers abundant because of the wet winter: prickly phlox, paintbrush, bush poppy, white-flowering buckbrush, California peony, spotted blue dick, and on the heights, in great swaths, goldfields.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 02-15-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 02-15-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:LPFA led a trail project to work the Potrero Trail from the Manzana up to the Hurricane Deck.  We had 21 volunteers over a 3-day weekend working on brushing the trail and restoring damaged trail tread by fixing over 200 water control structures.  The trail was in great shape at the completion of the weekend.

More information on the LPFA Facebook Page:
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Before & After along the upper Potrero Trail, just below the Deck. Photo Beeman

The Potrero Trail Sign

Fixing the trail drainage along the Potrero Trail.
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 05-06-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 05-06-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Noozhawk article about the Potrero Trail by Dan McCaslin.  Enjoy the read:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 10-18-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 10-18-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:
Report from BQJ:

Minimal encroachment of vegetation. Some light tread work may help along slopes but nothing significant
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Potrero Canyon Trail Survey - 11-18-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Potrero Canyon Trail
Date: 11-18-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Trail was clear and nice up to the Negus Potrero but started to get brushy from the Potrero to the Deck.  That last upper section could use some brushing.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

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Last Updated: Friday, December 2, 2016

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