One of the most enjoyable trails in the back country. It starts at Bluff Camp and descends along the creek of the same name until the creek joins Mono Creek a short distance up stream from the Santa Ynez River. A beautiful section from Pens Camp down to just above Indian Creek Camp was, thankfully, never completed. Although there isn't a designated trail, you can hike with care through the narrows. There are several beautiful water falls and numerous deep pools that provide good swimming and trout fishing.
Along most of its length Indian Creek runs from north to south but at the upper end of the narrows it runs from east to west until it cuts through a bed of Eocene Age Sierra Blanca Limestone. In the 1890's Jose Morage established Indian Narrows Camp under oak trees on the west side of the creek. Across the creek he dug a tunnel and filed a claim on the limestone for use in lithographic printing. Unfortunately he found small flecks of quartz in the algal limestone rendering it useless for that purpose. He then proposed building a railroad to the site and establishing a cement plant. Thankfully, this never came to pass.
Just down the creek from the limestone bed is a large, deep pool below a waterfall. It is one of the best swimming pools in the forest.