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West Fork Lion Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: Lion Canyon
  • Elevation: 3470 feet
  • Wilderness Area: Non Wilderness Area
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.1493577
  • Latitude: 34.52525862
  • Water Sources: The camp is right next to a seasonal creek.
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
11-30-2024Jeremy ScarlettFlowing
06-01-2024Amy FindlayFlowing
04-01-2024Neal LFlowing
06-04-2022Addison JerlowTrickle
11-14-2021Adam OlivaresTrickle
03-20-2021Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
02-14-2021Kara HooperFlowing
01-16-2021Shaddus Maximus Trickle
04-19-2020claira cFlowing
02-16-2020Christopher P. LordFlowing
01-01-2020Antonio CalderonFlowing
09-09-2019Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
06-22-2019Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
05-28-2018James WapotichFlowing
05-20-2017Craig R. CareyFlowing
02-25-2017James WapotichFlowing
09-24-2016Craig R. CareyTrickle
07-09-2016Mark J.Stagnant
05-15-2016James WapotichFlowing
04-09-2016Ken ArnoldFlowing
03-31-2016Shaddus Maximus/Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
11-07-2015Los Padres Forest AssociationDry
11/11/2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
10-07-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
08-17-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationStagnant


West Fork Lion is a seldom used camp up the Lion Canyon Trail.  Most people prefer the more wide-open East Fork Camp and will camp at the West Camp only when the East Camp is occupied.  West Fork has a waterfall just upstream from camp, a small flat space for camping and a fire right.  The camp is only a few miles up from Middle Lion Campground and can be a great short backpacking destination.

Survey Photos:

  • Craig R. Carey - 09-24-2016

  • Craig R. Carey - 05-20-2017

  • Craig R. Carey - 05-20-2017

  • James Wapotich - 05-28-2018
    West Fork Lion Falls

  • Antonio Calderon - 01-01-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 01-01-2020

  • Christopher P. Lord - 02-16-2020

  • Christopher P. Lord - 02-16-2020

  • Christopher P. Lord - 02-16-2020

  • Christopher P. Lord - 02-16-2020

  • Christopher P. Lord - 02-16-2020

  • Christopher P. Lord - 02-16-2020

  • Yertle - 07-18-2021

  • Neal L - 04-01-2024
    Frost covered gear in the morning

  • Amy Findlay - 06-01-2024
    West Fork Lion Falls

  • Amy Findlay - 06-01-2024
    Lots of water flow.

  • Jeremy Scarlett - 11-30-2024
    Main camp

  • Jeremy Scarlett - 11-30-2024
    2nd camp

  • Jeremy Scarlett - 11-30-2024
    3rd camp

  • Andy - 03-23-2025
    Secondary campsite stove area - hard to use

Submitted Camp Reports

West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 03-23-2025 - by Andy
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 03-23-2025
Surveyor Name:Andy
Camp Description:Both primary and secondary sites have tent space. Primary site is a large clearing with plenty of space for multiple tents, plus a good fire ring. Secondary site is more cramped with space for 2 tents, and the stove is hard to access. Creek running between the sites was great, even saw some fish and frogs. Trail from the West/East Fork intersection to the campsite could use some brushing but was manageable. Trail from campsite to the falls is more difficult, and will leave you going through the creek (not a complaint!). 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Creek flow was deep and clear
Weather Conditions:

Secondary campsite stove area - hard to use
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 11-30-2024 - by Jeremy Scarlett
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 11-30-2024
Surveyor Name:Jeremy Scarlett
Camp Description:Main site has room for 4 tents, large fire ring and steel stove. 2 sites across creek fairly grown in, maybe could clear for 1 tent at each. 1 has a serviceable stove. Other one is a rotted out ice can stove. We couldnt find the 4th camp. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water flowing well. Large pools at the falls.
Weather Conditions:60 degrees. Cloudy

Main camp

2nd camp

3rd camp
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 06-01-2024 - by Amy Findlay
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 06-01-2024
Surveyor Name:Amy Findlay
Camp Description:The trailhead is closed with a locked gate.  We drove back to Rose Valley and backpacked in via the Rose Lion Connector Trail.  The trail to West Fork is pretty overgrown, but there’s lots of pink ribbon markers.  We only found the first camp.  The second seems covered in growth or debris.  Camp is in good shape. From camp to the waterfall is a rock scramble, but there’s lots of water and a beautiful waterfall.  We encountered two rattlesnakes on the trail.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Upper 70’s/low 80’s in day, low 50’s at night.

West Fork Lion Falls

Lots of water flow.
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 04-01-2024 - by Neal L
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 04-01-2024
Surveyor Name:Neal L
Camp Description: I was trying to get to the East Fork camp but I lost the trail past the junction between East and West Fork camps. I crossed the creek multiple times and went through very heavy brush from one side of the canyon to the other but could not find it. My daughter was crying and I gave up and turned around. Thank goodness West Fork camp was nearby. The trail to it was easy to follow and mostly brush free. The camp itself is perfect for a small group and had everything we needed.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Very strong flow. Did not check depth, but could easily fill a 6 qt gravity filter in seconds.
Weather Conditions:Perfect weather for an exposed hike (mid-60s, partly cloudy). It dipped below freezing overnight and our gear was covered in frost in the morning. Thank goodness the sun came out and it was a pleasant

Frost covered gear in the morning
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 06-04-2022 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 06-04-2022
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:Main camp looks great. Water in creek but difficult to fill. Cross the creek and head downstream a bit where there are a few more rocks for an easier fill. Really choked in elsewhere. Falls trickling and pool below still present, but full of algae and about 10 happy garter snakes.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:difficult to fill but cold and clear. 6 inches
Weather Conditions:mid 80s
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 11-14-2021 - by Adam Olivares
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 11-14-2021
Surveyor Name:Adam Olivares
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 07-18-2021 - by Yertle
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 07-18-2021
Surveyor Name:Yertle
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Pools are stagnant and small. No flow at water fall. No trail there either.
Weather Conditions:Hot and dry

West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 03-20-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 03-20-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Thick poison oak and overgrowth makes it very challenging to reach the falls. Campsite is clear (really only room for one group, though)
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 02-14-2021 - by Kara Hooper
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 02-14-2021
Surveyor Name:Kara Hooper
Camp Description:The trail to West Fork Lion is a rugged camp that includes A LOT of poison oak on the final stretch to the water fall, as well as a lot of downed trees/logs.  Troop 504 day hiked to the water fall, so we did not see the camp site area of West Fork Lion.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:water fall running quite strongly. Beautiful pool below.
Weather Conditions:about 70 degrees, completely sunny.
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 01-16-2021 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 01-16-2021
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:The West Fork is dry at the junction, but as you hike towards the camp, there is flow in the creek, including at the camp.
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 04-19-2020 - by claira c
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 04-19-2020
Surveyor Name:claira c
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 02-16-2020 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 02-16-2020
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Camp Description:No dead bears at the Camp and no bushwacking a great day as far as I'm concerned. 22W06 leading into camp is probably in better shape then it's been in a long time. One downed 11 inch diameter tree sits across the trail just before Camp. Other then that not much to complain about. Water was flowing nicely over the falls and along the creek. Much more details of the days events at the link below.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 01-01-2020 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 01-01-2020
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:Trail to camp is overgrown with poison oak and poodle dog bush but the tread is all there. Campsite is a nice spot but needs some sprucing up. West fork falls was flowing magnificently. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Cold, knee deep with medium flow
Weather Conditions:Sunny in the low 50s

West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 09-09-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 09-09-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Easy to access right next to camp and it avoids the Poodle Dog brush.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:not that deep but flowing
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 06-22-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 06-22-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:creek was flowing
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 05-28-2018 - by James Wapotich
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 05-28-2018
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:
The camp is mostly undamaged from the Thomas Fire, although sparse vegetation and little shade. The site across the creek is now visible and as before barely has room for one person. Downstream, the ice can stove is still there, although not sure how someone would camp there. Just upstream from camp, on essentially an island between two channels of the creek, I spotted another grated stove that was previously obscured by brush before the fire

The off-trail route up to West Fork Lion Falls is much easier now that there's no brush in the way. The falls have a decent flow.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

West Fork Lion Falls
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 05-20-2017 - by Craig R. Carey
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 05-20-2017
Surveyor Name:Craig R. Carey
Camp Description:As part of their 16-mile trek from Piedra Blanca TH to Thacher School, the intrepid mountain men of Troop 111 (Ventura) surveyed West Fork on Saturday 5/20. There is a large dead bear at the camp, and the smell is horrible. Advise not camping there until either the scavengers haul the rest off or he's removed/buried/other.

Blackberry bramble just west of the kitchen is extremely thick; difficult to reach the old overflow site across the creek now.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Hot and dry.

West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 02-25-2017 - by James Wapotich
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 02-25-2017
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:The falls are looking really good, even water flowing in the side creek to the left of the falls.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Great water
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 09-24-2016 - by Craig R. Carey
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 09-24-2016
Surveyor Name:Craig R. Carey
Camp Description:Had the Boy Scouts at West Fork as part of the NPLD project on 9/24/2016. Low but moving water just about and adjacent to camp. West Fork Falls though are bone-dry.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Enough to filter a few quarts quickly
Weather Conditions:

West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 07-09-2016 - by Mark J.
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 07-09-2016
Surveyor Name:Mark J.
Camp Description:Nice 2.5 mile hike from Middle Lion Campground.  The trail is overgrown in a few spots which almost makes it look like the trail disappears or ends.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:There is water in the creek several inches deep in spots but no noticeable movement
Weather Conditions:Sunny. Mid 80s
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 05-15-2016 - by James Wapotich
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 05-15-2016
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:Decent water at the camp, barely a trickle in the falls.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 04-09-2016 - by Ken Arnold
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 04-09-2016
Surveyor Name:Ken Arnold
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Rain
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 03-31-2016 - by Shaddus Maximus/Los Padres Forest Association
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 03-31-2016
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus/Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:This is a single-site camp, so first come, first serve. Lovely creek with pools and good water flow right now. Perfect for rock-hopping and exploring up or down stream from the designated camp site. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 11-07-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 11-07-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 11/11/2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 11/11/2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 10-07-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 10-07-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:As reported by Troop 33: West Fork also has water but very damp.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
West Fork Lion Camp Survey - 08-17-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: West Fork Lion Camp
Date: 08-17-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Information gathered from David Stillman:

Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:No water in the falls but some flowing water below the camp
Weather Conditions:

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Survey / Report Form

Last Updated: Wednesday, July 29, 2015

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