Date | Surveyor | Water Report |
09-17-2019 | Los Padres Forest Association | Stagnant |
03-17-2019 | Oh Three | Flowing |
11-11-2016 | Oh Three | Flowing |
05-23-2015 | Erin C. | Flowing |
Located at the confluence of Lockwood and Piru Creeks, Sunset Camp is an OHV car campground in the Mt Pinos region of the Los Padres National Forest. Sunset is also at the junction of the Miller Jeepway and Piru OHV Trail just across from Lockwood Flat.
The camp is located next to a small Pinyon tree out in Lockwood This Iocation, at the junction of Lockwood Creek and Piru Creek, was the short lived town of Lexington which was started by Colonel Alonzo Winfield Scott Smith. He boasted of rich gold finds in the vicinity and an arrastra was constructed to mill the gold ore but, it contained too little gold to be profitable. Tn a short time the miners drifted away to other locations. The town was founded in January 1887 and by December of that same year it was a ghost town. There is I battered Klamath stove. Seasonal water available from Piru Creek.