Passed by on way from Upper Oso to bottom Romero on bikes. Road below (east) of Middle Camuesa is largely destroyed until hill past lower Camuesa (heading to Mono) where the old road is much better. Between middle camuesa and lower camuesa it is passable on foot or bikes with some bushwhacking here and there and portages across the debris fields. Some of the destruction is pretty impressive. The intervening trail between the blown out areas is great, in other words, its 80 percent good bike trail, the other 20 is tough. The camp at middle camuesa is great, lower is really overgrown due to lack of use. Road between Lower Camuesa and Mono is impassable in places for vehicles, but fine for bike or foot. Lots I mean lots of invasive thistles between Indian creek and Mono.
The Romero-Camuesa Rd through Camuesa Canyon was destroyed during the 2016 Rey Fire. A large portion of the road was graded during the Thomas Fire from the junction of Buckhorn Road down to the Lower Camuesa Camp. From there to Indian Creek remains impassable and difficult.
This section of road has seen major damage since the rey fire. Lots of eroded stream crossings. The only sane way to travel this road is by foot or mountain bike. A very expirenced motobike rider might be able to do it too. The wine barrel spring at middle camuesa campground burned in the fire and can no longer hold water. Lots of streams flowing right now though.
Road is in pretty good shape considering it burned. There are a few sections where small rocks have slid down onto the road. The road would be sketchy in a car but fine on a bike or motobike. A big storm could cause more erosion at the steep switchbacks. The tables at the campground burnt. A little water was in the water tanks there.