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Piedra Blanca Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: Lion Canyon
  • Elevation: 3500 feet
  • Wilderness Area: Sespe
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.1655683517456
  • Latitude: 34.584979604826216
  • Water Sources: Water is year round from the Piedra Blanca Creek
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
03-08-2025Jose FuentesFlowing
03-01-2025Jon BainFlowing
10-26-2022Norman SFlowing
10-15-2022Amy FindlayFlowing
06-20-2022Rino BFlowing
04-23-2022Jenn FranklFlowing
12-07-2021Kurt BretzFlowing
10-16-2021Siva ParamanandamFlowing
10-08-2021Adam DonaldFlowing
07-10-2021Anonymous SurveyorStagnant
03-26-2021Braulio AguileraFlowing
03-14-2021Claira CastilloFlowing
02-14-2021Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
01-31-2021Chris NovakFlowing
01-13-2021Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
01-04-2021Beth ConnellyFlowing
11-26-2020Jesse RodriguezFlowing
11-26-2020Antonio CalderonFlowing
09-05-2020Antonio CalderonFlowing
08-01-2020Nate WongFlowing
05-17-2020Hugh WarrenFlowing
05-27-2019Louis TremblayFlowing
10-14-2018Christopher P. LordFlowing
09-30-2018Mike SchleyFlowing
09-28-2018Jurij SolovijFlowing
02-12-2017Mike makiFlowing
11-06-2016James WapotichFlowing
09-26-2016Stan KruslickyDry
06-16-2016Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
05-03-2016Anonymous Flowing
02-21-2016Troop 26Flowing
01-12-2016Yellow MantisFlowing
01-02-2016Michael SFlowing
09-05-2015Hike Los PadresFlowing
05-16-2015Jeremiah SwiderFlowing
05-16-2015Jeremiah SwiderFlowing
05-02-2015Christian HammonFlowing
09-22-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
06-21-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing


The Piedra Blanca Camp is located on the Gene Marshall-Piedra Blanca Trail in the Sespe Wilderness about 2.1 miles from the Piedra Blanca trail head. This is a small trail camp with a few fire rings, a great place for a quick overnight trip. The Piedra Blanca Creek flows year round.


Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 06-21-2014

  • Christian Hammon - 05-02-2015

  • Christian Hammon - 05-02-2015

  • Christian Hammon - 05-02-2015

  • Christian Hammon - 05-02-2015

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015
    very small campsite with room for one tent above the normal campsite

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015
    small campsite above the normal one

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Troop 26 - 02-21-2016
    Running water at piedra blanca campground

  • Anonymous - 05-03-2016

  • Anonymous - 05-03-2016

  • Anonymous - 05-03-2016

  • Mike maki - 02-12-2017
    Main Camp

  • Mike maki - 02-12-2017
    Creek just above camp before Twin Forks

  • Mike maki - 02-12-2017
    Camp just below main camp

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Nate Wong - 08-01-2020
    Closest water access

  • Nate Wong - 08-01-2020

  • Nate Wong - 08-01-2020

  • Nate Wong - 08-01-2020

  • Nate Wong - 08-01-2020

  • Nate Wong - 08-01-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 09-05-2020

  • Beth Connelly - 01-04-2021
    Mouse hole

  • Beth Connelly - 01-04-2021

  • Chris Novak - 01-31-2021

  • Amy Findlay - 10-15-2022

  • Amy Findlay - 10-15-2022

  • Jon Bain - 03-01-2025

  • Jose Fuentes - 03-08-2025

  • Jose Fuentes - 03-08-2025

Submitted Camp Reports

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 03-08-2025 - by Jose Fuentes
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 03-08-2025
Surveyor Name:Jose Fuentes
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 03-01-2025 - by Jon Bain
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 03-01-2025
Surveyor Name:Jon Bain
Camp Description:Main camp was clean and in good condition.  Two shovels at main camp, along with a rusty folded saw and a hatchet.  (The hatchet head was loose -- we did a temporary repair but if someone can bring a proper wedge it could be more permanent).  The main camp is big -- we had 8 tents with probably room for 5-6 more.  There is a mini area for 2 tents just below the main camp.  There is another camp 100-200ft below on the trail.  There were a few spots in the other side of the trail that someone could prob fit a tent.

The main camp has basically 3 fire rings set up -- one with an actual metal stove, the other two rocks only.  I didn't look at lower camp, but it has at least one ring, and another group stayed there with at least 4 tents.

There were THOUSANDS of Pacific Coast Ticks on the dead tall grasses next to the trail between miles 1-3.  They didn't seem interested in us, but be sure to do frequent tick checks.

There were at least two Northern Pygmy Owls calling at dawn a little way back towards trailhead.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Creek was flowing well at camp
Weather Conditions:Clear, mid 60s daytime, 40F night.

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-13-2024 - by Forest
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-13-2024
Surveyor Name:Forest
Camp Description:Camp is large and well maintained. LOTS of gnats as long as the sun is out, I'd definitely bring a head net next time. Plenty of water in the stream. There are a few fire rings, as well as a folding saw and a shovel at the campsite. Trail from Rose Valley Road is easy to follow, although there is some poison oak along the way. The trail north of the camp is pretty overgrown, we followed it for a mile before turning around.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water flowing well, pools at least 2-3 feet deep
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-22-2024 - by James
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-22-2024
Surveyor Name:James
Camp Description:Lots of flies at camp during the daytime. Bug nets highly recommended.
Did not notice any mosquitos.

Mice come out at night.
Lots of poison oak on trails and near the creek.

Folding saw and shovel at the upper campsite.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Cool, clean, flowing water, ~2ft deep near camp. pools 3-4 ft deep in the nearby area.
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 11-26-2022 - by Marcus
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 11-26-2022
Surveyor Name:Marcus
Camp Description:Good, clean water flowing nicely.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow. Clean, cold water
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-26-2022 - by Norman S
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-26-2022
Surveyor Name:Norman S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-15-2022 - by Amy Findlay
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-15-2022
Surveyor Name:Amy Findlay
Camp Description:Trail to campsite was clearly marked and in good condition.  Water flowing nicely in creek.  Lots of campers in all sites.  Very busy.  Also, lots of toilet paper near sites.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 06-20-2022 - by Rino B
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 06-20-2022
Surveyor Name:Rino B
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Lots of water
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 04-23-2022 - by Jenn Frankl
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 04-23-2022
Surveyor Name:Jenn Frankl
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 04-05-2022 - by Tim
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 04-05-2022
Surveyor Name:Tim
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 12-07-2021 - by Kurt Bretz
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 12-07-2021
Surveyor Name:Kurt Bretz
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-16-2021 - by Siva Paramanandam
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-16-2021
Surveyor Name:Siva Paramanandam
Camp Description:Water is clear and flowing at enough of a rate that you can hear it over the rocks.   Good for filtering
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water is clear and flowing at enough of a rate that you can hear it over the rocks. Good for filtering.
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-08-2021 - by Adam Donald
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-08-2021
Surveyor Name:Adam Donald
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 07-10-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 07-10-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Stopped here on the way to Pine Lodge. Was very hot. Good shade for a break on the trail. 
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Some pools in the creek bed, but not flowing. Went upstream for more reliable water.
Weather Conditions:Sunny and very hot. Probably shouldn’t have been hiking.
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 04-28-2021 - by bardley
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 04-28-2021
Surveyor Name:bardley
Camp Description:camp currently being used as base camp by california conservation corp. doing an excellent job widening the traail and tread.

camp otherwise in great shape.  be mindful of MICE that come out to play when you go to bed.  hang your food or use a bear vault. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:great flow
Weather Conditions:night of april 27 into 28, winds at 25 mph. inside of tent dust coated.
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 03-26-2021 - by Braulio Aguilera
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 03-26-2021
Surveyor Name:Braulio Aguilera
Camp Description:Camp is in good shape. Someone moved one of the grills to the large fire pit near the oak tree. Did not see or hear signs of the usual horde of mice, but still stored food in a safe place. Spotted brook trout near the camp. The place could use a shovel or rake if anyone has one lying around they would like to donate, may do that myself. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow, great taste, cold and refreshing
Weather Conditions:Cold at night, low 40s. Warmed up in the afternoon. Spring weather is kicking in
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 03-14-2021 - by Claira Castillo
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 03-14-2021
Surveyor Name:Claira Castillo
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Creek located right behind campsite, flow was very strong
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 02-14-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 02-14-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 01-31-2021 - by Chris Novak
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 01-31-2021
Surveyor Name:Chris Novak
Camp Description:Nice sunny, cool day and the creek is looking great. Stopped here on my way up toward Pine Mountain Lodge. This looks like a nice big camp good for families and larger groups, but lacks the wilderness feel a bit for me.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Sunny, 60

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 01-13-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 01-13-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:As others have mentioned, the mice can be very active at night. Bear can or hanging your food is for the best. Don’t keep anything inside tents or packs etc. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow, good taste
Weather Conditions:Mild Temperature, much warmer than at the trailhead
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 01-04-2021 - by Beth Connelly
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 01-04-2021
Surveyor Name:Beth Connelly
Camp Description:Be sure to put any food, no matter how small, I to a bear can is yet or other mouse proof item AWAY from the tent. We had a few snacks in our back pack and the mice scaled the tent, under the rain fly, and chewed a hole in the vent mesh at the top and dropped in. There were three in there by the time we noticed and had to clean mouse droppings out of the tent, in addition these guys are fearless and were running across me as we tried to herd them out. The first two hours of us falling asleep we catapulting mice off the top of the tent - not sure if they would have tried to get in even if we hadn’t left one snack (in plastic!!!) in our bags by accident - but it took me launching about 5 mice off the tent before they gave up after we removed the snack. So just be aware of that! Other than the deer mice - awesome camp! 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Lots of water from snow melt.
Weather Conditions:Dry, clear sky. High 60, Low 50

Mouse hole

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 11-26-2020 - by Jesse Rodriguez
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 11-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Jesse Rodriguez
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 11-26-2020 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 11-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Windy 55F
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-30-2020 - by TM
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-30-2020
Surveyor Name:TM
Camp Description:Wide open camp spot right near the creek. Great spot to get to before the hiking gets more challenging. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing great, plenty of water.
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-29-2020 - by Bates
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-29-2020
Surveyor Name:Bates
Camp Description:Great trail condition from the trailhead. Water along the way. Nice shaded babbling brook near a camp with massive oak trees. Just beautiful. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-05-2020 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-05-2020
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Sunny 95 F

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 08-01-2020 - by Nate Wong
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 08-01-2020
Surveyor Name:Nate Wong
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Clear, steady flow of water, about 2-3ft depth in closest pool, 5ft in deepest pool at campsite
Weather Conditions:Sunny, clear skies, 85-100°F

Closest water access

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-30-2020 - by Anonymous
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-30-2020
Surveyor Name:Anonymous
Camp Description:
Spent a few hours cleaning up the overgrown camp to the south, found one tick on my clothing for my efforts. Plenty of firewood left for whoever gets there next.

At least one gopher seems to have made its home in the middle of that site. Spotted a few small trout in the stream. Not a mosquito in sight!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Clear water, up to 3' deep in spots.
Weather Conditions:Not terribly cold at night.
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-17-2020 - by Hugh Warren
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-17-2020
Surveyor Name:Hugh Warren
Camp Description:Piedra Blanca Camp has been recently cleared. Dead wood is cut up and piled. There are several well built fire rings and lots of space.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:abundent clear flowing water
Weather Conditions:perfect weekend weather
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 06-22-2019 - by SespeJesse
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 06-22-2019
Surveyor Name:SespeJesse
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-27-2019 - by Louis Tremblay
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-27-2019
Surveyor Name:Louis Tremblay
Camp Description:Camp and water in great condition. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:high flow
Weather Conditions:rain rain rain
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 10-14-2018 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 10-14-2018
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Camp Description:Passed through on Sunday Camp was nice and in good shape. Was crowded seemed like a full house. There was a couple girls walking around picking up trash A big thank you to them. Water was flowing. Watch out for poison oak along the creek where water is accessed. Register Box is off the post and lying on the ground. Gene Marshal-Piedra Blanca trail was in good shape and easy to follow all the way to Camp. Sespe River crossing was dry.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Sunny skies and in the 70's

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-30-2018 - by Mike Schley
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-30-2018
Surveyor Name:Mike Schley
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-28-2018 - by Jurij Solovij
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-28-2018
Surveyor Name:Jurij Solovij
Camp Description:surface water mostly disappears below Piedra Blanca campsite, but available at all crossing above until the turn to climb to Pine Mtn Lodge.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:good flow rate, clean pools adjacent to campsite
Weather Conditions:sunny and High 80's F
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 07-24-2017 - by Erico
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 07-24-2017
Surveyor Name:Erico
Camp Description:Monday, camp was empty, clean.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Great flow, clear.
Weather Conditions:Very warm, no air flow.
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 02-12-2017 - by Mike maki
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 02-12-2017
Surveyor Name:Mike maki
Camp Description:Group of about 6 just leaving camp. Clean.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Heavy flow from plentiful winter rains
Weather Conditions:Cool, clear, calm.

Main Camp

Creek just above camp before Twin Forks

Camp just below main camp
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 11-06-2016 - by James Wapotich
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 11-06-2016
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:Good water at both Piedra Blanca and Twin Forks
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-26-2016 - by Stan Kruslicky
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-26-2016
Surveyor Name:Stan Kruslicky
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:there was minimal water in a few spots, but all of it is stagnant and the river beds are dried up
Weather Conditions:100 during the day, 40 at night
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-18-2016 - by erico
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-18-2016
Surveyor Name:erico
Camp Description:Just stopped by on our way to spend the night at Twin Forks. Turned in to the campground, saw a 150 pound black bear at 11:00 AM. He saw me, started to walk away, then our dog started after him. Bear ran away fast, could hear him crunching through the brush.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Cool and clear
Weather Conditions:Hot in the sun, nice in the shade.
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 06-16-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 06-16-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-03-2016 - by Anonymous
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-03-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous
Camp Description:I did not stay at this camp, but did fill up water here.  also if you look around you can see some indian paintings on one of the rocks
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:flowing delicious clean water
Weather Conditions:

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 02-21-2016 - by Troop 26
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 02-21-2016
Surveyor Name:Troop 26
Camp Description:Nice camp with plenty of room for our large boy scout troop. It is well maintained and has an established cook area. There is a barbecue which is rusted and lying on the ground but makes for an ideal cooking surface. The creek is just 20 feet away and has a small pool and running water. We picked up just a small amount of trash on the way out so the camp should be nice and clean. There are many trees which provide shade for the camp and rocks to sit on. There is also a lower area just 50 feet away from the main camp which can be used for tents. Also it is situated just a 45 minute walk from the rocks so you can hike over for a day trip. Overall I would definitely recommend this camp if you're planning on coming to the area.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Constant flow rate, suitable for drinking
Weather Conditions:sunny and comfortable at 75 degrees fahrenheit

Running water at piedra blanca campground
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 01-12-2016 - by Yellow Mantis
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 01-12-2016
Surveyor Name:Yellow Mantis
Camp Description:clean camp, lots of water flowing, you can hear it from the camp
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:clear clean flowing water
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 01-02-2016 - by Michael S
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 01-02-2016
Surveyor Name:Michael S
Camp Description:Water level was not super high, but the creek was flowing up and down the canyon between Piedra Blanca Camp and Twin Forks Camp. Water at the camp was flowing and there is plenty to rely upon.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 11-26-2015 - by LL
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 11-26-2015
Surveyor Name:LL
Camp Description:Beautiful campsite, had a lovely evening listening to the flowing water and watching the (almost) full moon. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Clear skies, chilly nights (just above freezing?)
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-05-2015 - by Hike Los Padres
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-05-2015
Surveyor Name:Hike Los Padres
Camp Description:Moderate amounts of water, low for PB standards.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-16-2015 - by Jeremiah Swider
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-16-2015
Surveyor Name:Jeremiah Swider
Camp Description:Lots of space.  Three or four fire rings.  Some poison oak along the trail but nothing you can't deal with.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water but at the lower campsite it was not very close.
Weather Conditions:warm

very small campsite with room for one tent above the normal campsite

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-16-2015 - by Jeremiah Swider
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-16-2015
Surveyor Name:Jeremiah Swider
Camp Description:Lots of space with three or four fire rings.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water but at the lower campsite it was not very close.
Weather Conditions:warm

small campsite above the normal one

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-02-2015 - by Christian Hammon
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-02-2015
Surveyor Name:Christian Hammon
Camp Description:Camp was clean.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 09-22-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 09-22-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 06-21-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 06-21-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Piedra Blanca Camp Survey - 05-01-2014 - by LPFA
Link: Piedra Blanca Camp
Date: 05-01-2014
Surveyor Name:LPFA
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Leave A Camp Report

Survey / Report Form

Last Updated: Tuesday, December 22, 2015

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    Phone: (661) 245-3731
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