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Mono Campground South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Car Campground - No Reservations, first-come, first-serve walk-in campground
  • Topo Map Link: Hildreth Peak
  • Elevation: 2080 feet
  • Wilderness Area: Non Wilderness Area
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Barbara Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.6292621
  • Latitude: 34.52919053
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Car Campground - No Reservations, Walk In

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
1-1-2024Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
03-08-2025Braulio AguileraFlowing
07-11-2023The Lost PadreFlowing
04-28-2022Ojai Valley School Lower CampusFlowing
03-31-2022Addison JerlowFlowing
03-17-2022Surly one Flowing
02-12-2022Chris ChirgwinFlowing
01-15-2022Chris ShorbFlowing
01-01-2022Paul CronshawFlowing
11-06-2021Donnie TDry
05-30-2021James WapotichTrickle
02-28-2021Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
02-13-2021Bryant K.Flowing
01-30-2021Antonio Calderon Flowing
01-06-2021John O'ConnellDry
10-26-2018Conor WDry
06-29-2018Jason MorrisTrickle
03-30-2018Shaddus Maximus Flowing
06-26-2017Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
05-13-2017Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
01-16-2017Shaddus MaximusFlowing
08-15-2016Byrdie BoyStagnant
06-17-2015Joshua IsaacDry


The camp long used as a camp site was improved by the CCC,in 1938 and was the site of a spike camp during the construction of the Mono Debris Dam at the north end of the camp area. Below the dam is a large swimming and fishing hole. Silt and sand has filled the one time lake above the dam to the top of the dam. The Mono Forest Station was housed in an old adobe which was built in 1906. It was destroyed by a flood in 1978.

Mono Campground has three campsites which are all "Walk-in" only sites. The walk from the parking lot to the campsites is approximately 300 yards.  The camp sites feature a meadow, shade, many large trees, next to river- water will be low in summer. The campground is usually full on weekends during deer hunting season, mid August through late September. The Mono Debris Dam is close to the campground. The Cold Springs Trailhead is located in the parking area and Little Caliente Hot Springs is 2 miles away. The last mile of Little Caliente Road is closed and a short 5 minute walk provides access to the Little Caliente Hot Springs.

The last 12 miles of driving to Mono Campground is on dirt roads. The last section of steep dirt road before Mono Campground becomes slippery during wet weather. Vehicles may have to wait for up to a week for this section to dry out, so not advisable to use this area of the forest during wet weather.

Access to Big and Little Caliente Hot Springs and the Pendola / Upper Santa Ynez Recreation Area (Forest Road 5N12, 5N15, 5N16)

The road to access the Big and Little Caliente Hot Springs and the Pendola / Upper Santa Ynez Recreation Area consists of more than 8 miles of adobe clay roads. Higher clearance vehicles are recommended. The dirt roads are adobe clay, which becomes dangerously slippery to drive on during wet weather. For this reason, gates within the area get closed prior to wet weather events. Please check the Los Padres Forest Web Page for updated information on these gate closures. There are no services in the Pendola Area. There are no phones, limited cell phone coverage, no potable water, no trash service, no gasoline, and limited tow service for automotive repairs. There is no camping at Big and Little Caliente Hot Springs. The Hot Springs are for Day Use Only (6am – 10pm). Camping is allowed in Campgrounds Only. There are four campgrounds available for camping – Mid Santa Ynez, Rock Camp, P-Bar Flats, and Mono Campgrounds. Mono Campground is a walk-in only campground with 3 sites available. Rock Camp is limited to two vehicles per site with 2 sites available. Mid Santa Ynez and P-Bar Flats have multiple sites and group sites that can all be accessed by vehicle. Fees for camping consist of needing a Forest Adventure Pass. Campground Amenities consist of tables, fire rings, stand-up BBQ’s, and toilets. Adventure Pass is not required for day use at the Hot Springs or Forest Trailheads. Water in the creeks vary from being extremely low to completely dry. It is recommended that visitors plan to haul their own water in for camping. The Hot Springs still has flowing water. Please check the Los Padres Forest web site for updated information of fire restrictions. All regulations are enforced!

Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • edsafaris - 02-25-2017
    road near P-Bar

  • edsafaris - 02-25-2017
    Mono Camp

  • edsafaris - 02-25-2017
    Mono Meadow

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 05-13-2017

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 05-13-2017
    debris dam

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 05-13-2017
    silted table

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 06-26-2017
    We arrived to find the tables looking like this. In some cases the FS had to use metal detectors just to locate the tables.

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 06-26-2017
    Digging out the tables.

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 06-26-2017
    Colorful water flowing over the nearby Mono Debris Dam.

  • Jason Morris - 06-29-2018
    Mono camp

  • Jason Morris - 06-29-2018
    Giant tamarix in the mono drainage

  • Rasa - 06-08-2021
    Water coming over the debris dam on the far side.

  • Rasa - 06-08-2021
    Close-up of current water at debris dam.

  • Paul Cronshaw - 01-01-2022
    Campsite closest to debris dam

  • Paul Cronshaw - 01-01-2022
    Mono Parking Lot

  • Paul Cronshaw - 01-01-2022
    Mono Signs

  • Paul Cronshaw - 01-01-2022
    Functional toilet

  • Paul Cronshaw - 01-01-2022
    Buried toilet

  • The Lost Padre - 07-11-2023

  • The Lost Padre - 07-11-2023

  • The Lost Padre - 07-11-2023

Submitted Camp Reports

Mono Campground Survey - 1-1-2024 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 1-1-2024
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Historic video showing the construction of the Mono Debris Dam from 1936, enjoy!

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 03-08-2025 - by Braulio Aguilera
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 03-08-2025
Surveyor Name:Braulio Aguilera
Camp Description:The camp is gone. Completely overgrown and buried. The tables were crushed by a tree, the pit toilets have sunken so that only the roof shows. There are some flat spots at the entrance and near the creek along the sand.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Great flow from the debris dam
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 07-11-2023 - by The Lost Padre
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 07-11-2023
Surveyor Name:The Lost Padre
Camp Description:Not much left of the camp, But the creeks flowing well!
Smells a little fishy around the dam.. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Mono is flowing well
Weather Conditions:97°

Mono Campground Survey - 07-02-2023 - by mwb
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 07-02-2023
Surveyor Name:mwb
Camp Description:I didn't personally make it to Mono Camp, but I met a group on Cold Springs Trail that made the trek and said the campground is still completely washed out and covered with debris after this year's storms. They said you can find a little water still but did not recommend trying to camp there. Anyone looking to camp at Mono may want to look for other options until the site can be repaired.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 04-28-2022 - by Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 04-28-2022
Surveyor Name:Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Just a camp off the side of the Camuesa Road.
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 04-23-2022 - by Duke
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 04-23-2022
Surveyor Name:Duke
Camp Description:Water flowing. toilets flooded. Lots of downed trees and widow makers. Careful where you sleep.

Decent camp if you need it.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 03-31-2022 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 03-31-2022
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:Good water at creek by camp. Two nice, open and shaded spots with tables. One other okay spot that flooded with a able that is really low but useable.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:strong flow a few inches deep
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 03-17-2022 - by Surly one
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 03-17-2022
Surveyor Name:Surly one
Camp Description:Great work has been done by LPFA and Sage improving surrounding trails. Access via Gibraltar and Cold springs  made possible by their work!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Mono creek is flowing several inches deep.
Weather Conditions:Highs in low 70s lows in the 30s
Mono Campground Survey - 02-12-2022 - by Chris Chirgwin
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 02-12-2022
Surveyor Name:Chris Chirgwin
Camp Description:We day hiked into Mono Camp from Forbush Trailhead.  The route was clear and the trail was easy to follow.  We could tell a significant amount of work and trail clearing had recently been done.  The path through the upper Santa Ynez River basin was easy to follow.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:A bit of water was flowing over the Mono dam and Mono Creek was flowing at a slow rate.
Weather Conditions:80 and sunny
Mono Campground Survey - 01-23-2022 - by JLB
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 01-23-2022
Surveyor Name:JLB
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Indian Crk is flowing at a depth of ~3". Plenty as of 1/23/22, but unless we get more rain, it'll be gone soon.
Weather Conditions:Clear/sunny/76deg F.
Mono Campground Survey - 01-15-2022 - by Chris Shorb
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 01-15-2022
Surveyor Name:Chris Shorb
Camp Description:One table and one pit toilet still buried, but other pit and other campsites fully operational. Really nice site - shady and close to water. Lulled to sleep by sound of frogs
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing well
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 01-01-2022 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 01-01-2022
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:There are two functional campsites at Mono. We stayed at campsite #2 nearest to the dam.
There is only one functional toilet; the water level is at the base of the toilet. Nature is taking back this camp.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Nice flow after recent rains. Dirty water
Weather Conditions:Sunny with day temps in 50s and night temps in 30s

Campsite closest to debris dam

Mono Parking Lot

Mono Signs

Functional toilet

Buried toilet
Mono Campground Survey - 11-06-2021 - by Donnie T
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 11-06-2021
Surveyor Name:Donnie T
Camp Description:Two latreens. One with door that's stuck in the ground and can't be closed and is also missing toilet lid. The other in good condition.

Two good spots to camp with tables and fire rings.

Closest water at Little Caliente Hot Spring
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:Bone dry
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 06-08-2021 - by Rasa
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 06-08-2021
Surveyor Name:Rasa
Camp Description:
Both pit toilets look like they are now in usable condition since one of them was dug out enough to squeeze through the doorway. Trail to camp is mostly overgrown but it's still visible.

(Little Caliente Hot Springs are full and look like they've been really cleaned out recently compared to November.)
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Trickle coming over the debris dam; Fast enough to fill a 2L Sawyer flat water bottle in about a minute.
Weather Conditions:high 70's, low 80's with a breeze

Water coming over the debris dam on the far side.

Close-up of current water at debris dam.
Mono Campground Survey - 05-30-2021 - by James Wapotich
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 05-30-2021
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:A usable flow, better than when I was here in February of this year
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 02-28-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 02-28-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Just a little water coming over the damn
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 02-13-2021 - by Bryant K.
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 02-13-2021
Surveyor Name:Bryant K.
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing pretty well and clean at the dam.
Weather Conditions:Upper 60's day, mid 40's night.
Mono Campground Survey - 01-30-2021 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 01-30-2021
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:Although overgrown there’s a couple of good tables as well as a usable fire ring and two outhouses. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water flow
Weather Conditions:45F sunny
Mono Campground Survey - 01-06-2021 - by John O'Connell
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 01-06-2021
Surveyor Name:John O'Connell
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 10-26-2018 - by Conor W
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 10-26-2018
Surveyor Name:Conor W
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:Emerald Pools has standing water 1.6 mi from Mono toward Forbush Camp
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 06-29-2018 - by Jason Morris
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 06-29-2018
Surveyor Name:Jason Morris
Camp Description:The cold springs trail is in pretty good shape for los padres standards. Poison oak is encroaching the majority of the trail past forbush flats. Once you reach the Santa Ynez River and enter the Jungle whatever way you took before is gone and things start to really close off, it's dry so not really any mud or water, but the drainages are becoming. Completely choked out by invasive tamarix.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:I carried water from the grotto its flowing clean there, the Santa Ynez/Mono are dry but water is tickling over the debris dam again. Make a pool above the dam it's slow but it's there for now.
Weather Conditions:90° days 50°

Mono camp

Giant tamarix in the mono drainage
Mono Campground Survey - 03-30-2018 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 03-30-2018
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 06-26-2017 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 06-26-2017
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:LPFA volunteer project to assist the Forest Service in reclaiming the buried tables / firerings and digging out the silted in oak trees.

 In all we un-earthed two tables and two fire rings.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Hot but could have been hotter!

We arrived to find the tables looking like this. In some cases the FS had to use metal detectors just to locate the tables.

Digging out the tables.

Colorful water flowing over the nearby Mono Debris Dam.
Mono Campground Survey - 05-13-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 05-13-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Camp is completely silted out, tables buried to top with mud. One fire pit dug out. Out houses standing in water. Meadow looks great. Creek is flowing well but is disorganized and braided through the mono jungle. No single channel heavily silted.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water flowing over entire length of debris dam
Weather Conditions:


debris dam

silted table
Mono Campground Survey - 02-25-2017 - by edsafaris
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 02-25-2017
Surveyor Name:edsafaris
Camp Description:Mono Creek completely left it's banks and flowed across the campsite, leaving 3-4' of silt and mud/ash all through the camp. Tables, firepits gone. (Mud all the way to the outhouses, which survived nicely.)

Road section from P-Bar to Mono has large washout hole where it leaves the river bank and begins up the hills. 

And, Little Caliente is filled-in with stones and mud, and is running cold!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing is an understatement.
Weather Conditions:Sun to rain.

road near P-Bar

Mono Camp

Mono Meadow
Mono Campground Survey - 01-16-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 01-16-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Lots of water flowing in Mono Creek with the recent rains
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 08-15-2016 - by Byrdie Boy
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 08-15-2016
Surveyor Name:Byrdie Boy
Camp Description:Creek bed dry camp seems to be in good condition caution a few ticks sill hanging around. Trail to the dam is clear few pools at the base of the dam all of which are stagnant. Mountain lion tracks and scat all around the campground. Thick layer of oak leaves covering the ground extreme caution with fires.
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:No flow left just small pools of water at the base of Mono Debris Dam
Weather Conditions:Hot Dry 80°+
Mono Campground Survey - 05-10-2016 - by Dan
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 05-10-2016
Surveyor Name:Dan
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Large pools near the dam. Very slow flow but mostly stagnant.
Weather Conditions:
Mono Campground Survey - 06-17-2015 - by Joshua Isaac
Link: Mono Campground
Date: 06-17-2015
Surveyor Name:Joshua Isaac
Camp Description:Large campsite, with ample room for big groups. 3 fire pits. About 1.5 miles from the hot springs. Trail from Forbush camp was a little overgrown for the last mile or so, but there are blue trail markers to guide your path.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:There was stagnant water ~2 miles back the trail towards Forbush, but the hot springs were flowing at Little Caliente
Weather Conditions:

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Survey / Report Form

Last Updated: Monday, January 4, 2016

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  • Forest Headquarters
    Phone: (805) 968-6640
  • Mt. Pinos District
    Phone: (661) 245-3731
  • Ojai Ranger District
    Phone: (805) 646-4348
  • Santa Barbara District
    Phone: (805) 967-3481
  • Santa Lucia District
    Phone: (805) 925-9538
  • Monterey District
    Phone: (831) 385-5434