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Mission Pine Springs Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: San Rafeal Mountain
  • Elevation: 5863 feet
  • Wilderness Area: San Rafael
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Barbara Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.78998
  • Latitude: 34.70729
  • Water Sources: Very reliable spring is located just outside of camp, there is also reliable water less than 1/4mile east along the trail
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
03-01-2025Paul CostalesFlowing
01-02-2025Brian D'AmourFlowing
09-22-2024Steve CypherFlowing
06-09-2024Linus BlomqvistFlowing
03-08-2024Jonathan RocqueFlowing
03-02-2024Michael McGurkFlowing
10-01-2023Dave BillybobFlowing
08-10-2023Paul CronshawFlowing
05-27-2023Nathan SeafordFlowing
05-22-2023kirsten zecherFlowing
06-24-2022Steve CypherFlowing
02-11-2022Paul CronshawFlowing
11-12-2021Smokey JoeFlowing
08-01-2021Carly HFlowing
04-21-2021Terry JarrettFlowing
02-26-2021Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
12-26-2020Brad AndersonTrickle
12-22-2020Michael MTrickle
10-16-2020Nate BatesFlowing
08-03-2020Randy and AriTrickle
05-29-2020Addison JerlowFlowing
05-16-2020 Denbe DenbeFlowing
05-12-2020Rich SchollFlowing
05-05-2020Tony G.Flowing
05-02-2020Jarrett SmithFlowing
10-12-2019Michael FosterFlowing
04-22-2018Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
12-30-2017Shaddus Maximus Trickle
09-24-2017Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
04-15-2017Terry JarrettFlowing
06-20-2016Curt CraggFlowing
05-29-2016Duane WaiteFlowing
05-21-2016Terry JarrettFlowing
11-21-2015Paul CronshawTrickle
05-25-2015Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
05-02-2015Hike Los PadresFlowing
03-28-2015Paul CronshawFlowing
11-25-2014Shaddus Maximus Flowing
09-26-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
09-26-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing


Mission Pine Spring Camp is a beautiful little camp located in a pine/oak grove, next to a small meadow, surrounded by rock outcrops, overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Channel Islands from nearly 6,000 ft.  Nuff said, right?  One of the nicest camps in the forest, MPS (as it it frequently written) is a long hike from the nearest trailhead at Cachuma Saddle but is well worth the effort for those heading out on a multi-day packing trip.  The camp has year-round water at the nearby spring, a table, one fire ring and views that go on for days and days.  Truly one of the best places to watch the sunrise in the forest.

Survey Photos:

  • Shaddus Maximus - 11-25-2014

  • Paul Cronshaw - 03-28-2015
    Spike camp for Mission Pine Trail Project

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 05-25-2015

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015
    Hazard tree leaning over spring

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015
    Stock trough

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015
    Pool located 1/4 mile below camp

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015
    Water can be filtered from this small pool near camp

  • Curt Cragg - 06-20-2016
    Large tree--had to re-route the trail at this point.

  • Curt Cragg - 06-20-2016
    Larger tree cut and cleared

  • Curt Cragg - 06-20-2016
    Had to leave this one until next time

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-24-2017
    Sign at MPS Camp.

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-24-2017
    Camp looking good!

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-24-2017
    Water flowing good!

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-22-2018

  • Jarrett Smith - 05-02-2020
    Campfire and benches in the evening

  • Jarrett Smith - 05-02-2020
    Spring is putting out superb water!

  • Jarrett Smith - 05-02-2020
    New sign at camp

  • Jarrett Smith - 05-02-2020
    Fantastic view to the southwest near camp

  • Tony G. - 05-05-2020
    Bear sighting in the camp just as I walked into the camp.

  • Tony G. - 05-05-2020

  • Denbe Denbe - 05-16-2020
    snake on a sidehill of the Cachuma Road

  • Denbe Denbe - 05-16-2020
    Lupine between McKinely Saddle and the top of San Rafael Mountain

  • Denbe Denbe - 05-16-2020
    Sarcodes sanguinea between the top of San Rafael Mountain and Mission Pine Springs Camp

  • Denbe Denbe - 05-16-2020
    walking toward Mission Pine Springs Camp

  • Denbe Denbe - 05-16-2020
    Mission Pine Springs Camp

  • Brad Anderson - 12-26-2020

  • Carly H - 08-01-2021

  • Smokey Joe - 11-12-2021

  • Smokey Joe - 11-12-2021
    views for days

  • Paul Cronshaw - 02-11-2022
    Main campsite

  • Paul Cronshaw - 02-11-2022
    Mission Pine Springs.

  • Paul Cronshaw - 02-11-2022
    Evening view from southern rock formation

  • Nathan Seaford - 05-27-2023

  • Nathan Seaford - 05-27-2023

  • Paul Cronshaw - 08-10-2023
    MPS Camp

  • Paul Cronshaw - 08-10-2023
    Trail is covered with prolific fern growth

  • Paul Cronshaw - 08-10-2023
    Lower water trough

  • Sherman - 10-27-2023

  • Sherman - 10-27-2023

  • Sherman - 10-27-2023

Submitted Camp Reports

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 03-01-2025 - by Paul Costales
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 03-01-2025
Surveyor Name:Paul Costales
Camp Description:Campsite is in great shape and has a few tools. A few tips I l discovered this time:

1) there is actually a better place to get water from the spring then the trough that is near the camp. If you walk up 20 or so yards there is water coming out of a rock that does into a pipe. If you clear up some of the debris to the inlet of the pipe, water is much easier to fill here than down near the trough.

2) The pit toilet is in great shape but can be hard to find. If you are at the fire pit looking west at the picnic table, it is off to your 10:30. There is some flagging on a tree, after that head to the left. If you get to an improvised fire pit you have gone too far. Best toilet view you have ever had.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Helps to clear debris from the pipe
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 01-02-2025 - by Brian D'Amour
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 01-02-2025
Surveyor Name:Brian D'Amour
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Still flowing strong
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 09-22-2024 - by Steve Cypher
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 09-22-2024
Surveyor Name:Steve Cypher
Camp Description:Camp clean, comfy, and beautiful as usual! Picnic table and crapper in good shape.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Fills a bottle in a few seconds.
Weather Conditions:Ideal
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 06-09-2024 - by Linus Blomqvist
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 06-09-2024
Surveyor Name:Linus Blomqvist
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 03-08-2024 - by Jonathan Rocque
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 03-08-2024
Surveyor Name:Jonathan Rocque
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 03-02-2024 - by Michael McGurk
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 03-02-2024
Surveyor Name:Michael McGurk
Camp Description:The camp is in good condition. I rehung tools and straitened up.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:good condition
Weather Conditions:58 during the day low 30s at night
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 10-27-2023 - by Sherman
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 10-27-2023
Surveyor Name:Sherman
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Strong Flow
Weather Conditions:

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 10-01-2023 - by Dave Billybob
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 10-01-2023
Surveyor Name:Dave Billybob
Camp Description:Looks like some previous campers decided it would be a good idea to burn all of their trash. Melted plastic all over the fire pit area. Camp in great shape otherwise. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Springs were flowing great!
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 08-10-2023 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 08-10-2023
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Stayed for two nights. Camp is in good condition. Cleaned the spring and animal water troughs.  Tool cache has loppers, 2 shovels, and pick. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow of water from spring pipe into basin
Weather Conditions:Cloudy and sunny with intermittent showers.Temps in mid 70s

MPS Camp

Trail is covered with prolific fern growth

Lower water trough
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-27-2023 - by Nathan Seaford
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-27-2023
Surveyor Name:Nathan Seaford
Camp Description:Camp in good shape. Folks have moved one of the fireside bench boards up to the spring.

On the tail to camp down from Table Rock there is at least one massive tree fall over the winter that would be best cut. Picture attached. 

Some big cat prints around and lots of deer prints but no sign of bear. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Higher flow rate than past couple years. The creek downslope from camp, towards the Pacific and Santa Ynez range is flowing with several small pools. Creeks between San Raf/Table Rock and MPS are flowing with pools.
Weather Conditions:50 at night, 70 at day

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-22-2023 - by kirsten zecher
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-22-2023
Surveyor Name:kirsten zecher
Camp Description:beautiful site, took some trash out.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:healthy flow, delicious water
Weather Conditions:sunny and 60s
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 10-09-2022 - by patrick
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 10-09-2022
Surveyor Name:patrick
Camp Description:camp was pretty dirty, a lot of toilet paper strewn about
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:about one drop per second. flowing stream 1/2mi east on the trail
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 08-21-2022 - by James
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 08-21-2022
Surveyor Name:James
Camp Description:camp was in great shape and the new privy and location is excellent, trail from McKinley saddle was in pretty good shape. trail and camp crews coming through earlier in the year shows and if any of them see this, thank you!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Definitely less flow that I have seen but still flowing from the pipe and the catch basins are nice and full.
Weather Conditions:Clear sky and 85 degrees, fantasic stars
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 06-24-2022 - by Steve Cypher
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 06-24-2022
Surveyor Name:Steve Cypher
Camp Description:Camp in great shape. Good water flowing from spring. Trail from McKinley Saddle easy to follow.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow clear water.
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 02-11-2022 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 02-11-2022
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Stayed one night to do some camp maintenance.  Reformatted the fire ring and redug the toilet pit.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow at the spring
Weather Conditions:Sunny with nice temps.

Main campsite

Mission Pine Springs.

Evening view from southern rock formation
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 11-12-2021 - by Smokey Joe
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 11-12-2021
Surveyor Name:Smokey Joe
Camp Description:Beautiful place with amazing views
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:clean, decent flow rate, basin full and overflowing
Weather Conditions:Clear skies, low 80's

views for days
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 08-01-2021 - by Carly H
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 08-01-2021
Surveyor Name:Carly H
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:water flowing steadily from the spring, basin was full
Weather Conditions:

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 04-21-2021 - by Terry Jarrett
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 04-21-2021
Surveyor Name:Terry Jarrett
Camp Description:Campsite in good condition. A second fire pit with grill is located uphill SW from the main site. Multiple downed trees across the trail between McKinley Saddle and the campsite are minor to moderate impediments.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:3 liters per minute from the spring pipe.
Weather Conditions:Clear and windy.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 02-26-2021 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 02-26-2021
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Epic camp as always. Clean and in good condition. Just stopped by for a quick late afternoon snack before continuing on. Snow on the ground around camp.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Always good water here....
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 12-26-2020 - by Brad Anderson
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 12-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Brad Anderson
Camp Description:Camp is in excellent shape! No trash or debris to be seen.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Robust trickle with a full, clean catchment basin.
Weather Conditions:Cool and Breezy

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 12-22-2020 - by Michael M
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 12-22-2020
Surveyor Name:Michael M
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Consistent low flow into both basins, water looks clean and clear.
Weather Conditions:60s during the day, partly cloudy.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 10-16-2020 - by Nate Bates
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 10-16-2020
Surveyor Name:Nate Bates
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 08-03-2020 - by Randy and Ari
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 08-03-2020
Surveyor Name:Randy and Ari
Camp Description:Deer, a bear, birds, lots of dragonflies, many bugs
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Dry and hot daytime, cool at night
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 06-03-2020 - by h2oslo
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 06-03-2020
Surveyor Name:h2oslo
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:pipe coming out of the rocks, and the stream below are flowing really well, it took 10 seconds to fill my 1L bottle. Clean cold water direct from the source.
Weather Conditions:Upper 70's-80's during the day, windy (very windy) all night. Streams around camp were flowing and cold. A bit of flies during the day, aggressive mosquitos in the morning, and persistent bees all thr
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-29-2020 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-29-2020
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:just gushing
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-16-2020 - by Denbe Denbe
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-16-2020
Surveyor Name: Denbe Denbe
Camp Description:
The camp and the trail leading to it are in excellent conditions. Thank you to those who did this superb job.

In a day-hike that started from Cachuma Saddle at 6 AM, I arrrived at Mission Pine Springs Camp at 12:07 PM. On my way I made several stops, including at McKinely Spring that was flowing, McKinley Saddle, and at the top of San Rafael Mountain to refill my water supply and enjoy a panoramic and expansive view.

here I briefly describe a faunal and a floral encounter during the hike (see images below).

At about 8:27 AM, I was silently greeted by a snake that was sun basking on a foothill (see image below). Noticing my curiosity and my attempt to approach for a closer look, the snake swiftly disappeared into the underwood. Noting that I am not a herpetologist and I am not native to Americas, based on its coloration, its basking behavior, and its astonishingly quick retreat with head held high off ground, I speculate it was Striped Racer (Masticophis lateralis). Is it?

Between the top of San Rafael Mountain and Mission Pine Springs Camp, I was excited to see several individuals of Sarcodes sanguinea (Snow Plant, Snow flower).Sarcodes sanguinea belong to the myco-heterotroph plants. Sarcodes sanguinea is a parasite (a mycorrhizal "cheater") that draws fixed carbons (carbohydrates, includingglucose) from the hyphae of the fungi that live in symbiosis with the pine trees.

Exhausted but deeply satiesfied and longing more future hikes, I returned to my car at 5:59 PM
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The camp and the trail leading to it are in excellent conditions. Water is overflowing
Weather Conditions:dry and noon temperatures ~80-85 F

snake on a sidehill of the Cachuma Road

Lupine between McKinely Saddle and the top of San Rafael Mountain

Sarcodes sanguinea between the top of San Rafael Mountain and Mission Pine Springs Camp

walking toward Mission Pine Springs Camp

Mission Pine Springs Camp
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-12-2020 - by Rich Scholl
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-12-2020
Surveyor Name:Rich Scholl
Camp Description:trail from mckinley saddle and camp are in good shape. did some trail brushing just past camp.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:water along trail down from san rafael peak and after mps camp
Weather Conditions:daytime 60's to low 70's. night above freezing.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-05-2020 - by Tony G.
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-05-2020
Surveyor Name:Tony G.
Camp Description:Bear sighting in the camp just as I walked into the camp. Watched him for a minute or so before he smelled me and casually wandered off. Photo is attached.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow at spring and water flowing in a creek above the camp below San Rafael mountain and below the camp as well.
Weather Conditions:high 85-90, low upper 40's and windy

Bear sighting in the camp just as I walked into the camp.

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-02-2020 - by Jarrett Smith
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-02-2020
Surveyor Name:Jarrett Smith
Camp Description:Camp is in great shape. Nice flat areas to sleep. Camp fire ring is sturdy and grill is available to cook on. Benches around the campfire are nice as well. There are some tools at camp as well.

Also a new sign is installed near camp as part of an LPFA volunteer project. The new sign displays the locale name and mileage to other places such as Mission Pine Basin, Santa Cruz Trail, and Cachuma Saddle.

And the views are quite fantastic! Some big rock piles near camp and above camp give excellent panoramic views of the backcountry.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The spring is flowing very well with excellent tasting water.
Weather Conditions:Hogh 60s to low 70s day, mid to upper 30's night

Campfire and benches in the evening

Spring is putting out superb water!

New sign at camp

Fantastic view to the southwest near camp
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 04-05-2020 - by SKIPP
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 04-05-2020
Surveyor Name:SKIPP
Camp Description:There was some snow nearby the camp and much more up towards San Rafael Mountain
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The creek next to the spring was flowing.
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 10-12-2019 - by Michael Foster
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 10-12-2019
Surveyor Name:Michael Foster
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 09-28-2019 - by MSchless
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 09-28-2019
Surveyor Name:MSchless
Camp Description:Did a partial loop from Cachuma Saddle to Nira via Fall Canyon/Sisquoc/Manzana trail. Wilderness register on the west side of San Rafael is out of pages.

Camp is in great shape and water is flowing steady out of the actual spring up the hill from the catch basin. Beautiful views from the rocks on the ridge just outside of camp.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Trickle at lower pipe/catch basin but good and steady flow from the actual spring coming out of the rock
Weather Conditions:Day: 60s/70s. Night: 40s. Windy overnight and during the day.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 04-22-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 04-22-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:LPFA volunteers surveyed Mission Pine Spring.  Water is flowing great at camp, lots of horse turds around camp, we cleared one tree from the trail, the rest of the trail is really nice! 

YES, the awesome views area still there!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Great flowing water!
Weather Conditions:

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 12-30-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 12-30-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Good water in the spring!
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 09-24-2017 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 09-24-2017
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Checked in at Mission Pine Spring to see the shape of the water and camp.  Water is flowing really nicely, camp has been well-used by recent hunters.  There were some deer remains left around camp that will hopefully disappear soon.  Other than that, camp remains well loved and one of the better high-backcountry camps in the Los Padres.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Really nice water and lots of it coming from the spring.
Weather Conditions:mid-70's, picture perfect. Evening temps into the 40's.

Sign at MPS Camp.

Camp looking good!

Water flowing good!
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 08-24-2017 - by Nate
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 08-24-2017
Surveyor Name:Nate
Camp Description:This is a beautiful camp only hampered by the amount of flies. I had the camp to myself for a night, but it was obvious that hunters had been there recently by the blood left on the rocks and table. But kudos to everyone for leaving little trash, making it a pretty clean camp. What I did not expect to see in the area was redwood trees that dot the area around the camp. The views were better on the trail coming into camp than at the camp itself, but it was secluded and beautiful. There are also a ton of great rock formations and giant pines that really make this area different than most other parts of the Los Padres. One of a kind. It is a long hike with a place to water at Mckinly Springs if you hike from the Cachuma Saddle, but it is worth it. Just make sure you bring enough water storage per person in the dry months.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:The water was a decent trickle, clean, clear and cool. There was water at camp and about 1/4 mile further up the trail
Weather Conditions:Hot, windy and dry. About 95
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 04-15-2017 - by Terry Jarrett
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 04-15-2017
Surveyor Name:Terry Jarrett
Camp Description:Trail and campsite in good condition. One downed tree across the trail between San Rafael Mountain and the campsite is easily bypassed.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:6 liters per minute from the spring. Good quality. Nearby creeks also are flowing.
Weather Conditions:Clear and temperate.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 10-02-2016 - by Sebastian
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 10-02-2016
Surveyor Name:Sebastian
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water flow, basin refilled much faster than we could filter
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 07-10-2016 - by James
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 07-10-2016
Surveyor Name:James
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water
Weather Conditions:hot & sunny
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 06-20-2016 - by Curt Cragg
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 06-20-2016
Surveyor Name:Curt Cragg
Camp Description:Mission Pine Spring Crosscut Project
Hiked from McKinley Saddle to Mission Pine Spring to clear downed trees as reported in previous surveys.  There were 5 trees down from McKinley saddle to the MP Spring camp.  Four were cleared, two required re-routes including one that was cut to allow for a larger opening for the re-route.  We were unable to cut the large tree that is down about 1/4 mile east of the camp.  We did clean up the trail around it.
Camp was in great condition.  Ferns have re-grown making it a little hard to find the trail out of the camp toward MP Basin, but tread can be found.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Spring is flowing and good water in the basin.
Weather Conditions:Weather was clear and temps in the mid 70's

Large tree--had to re-route the trail at this point.

Larger tree cut and cleared

Had to leave this one until next time
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-29-2016 - by Duane Waite
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-29-2016
Surveyor Name:Duane Waite
Camp Description:Rate of flow is 1-2 liters per minute. However the pipe has either fallen out or has been pulled out 

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing Well But Pipe Missing
Weather Conditions:Windy and cool
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-21-2016 - by Terry Jarrett
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-21-2016
Surveyor Name:Terry Jarrett
Camp Description:Several downed trees across the trail between McKinley Saddle and the San Rafael Mountain ridge are minor impediments. Trail and campsite in good condition.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:2 liters per minute from the spring. Good quality. Creeks are dry except a few pools of standing water.
Weather Conditions:Windy, cloudy & cool.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 11-21-2015 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 11-21-2015
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Campsite was in good condition. Water present. Two shovels and loppers are leaning against the tree.  Fire pit in good condition. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Original source is dry. There is a small sandy basin with clean water and a stock trough. Best source is creek 1/4 mile below camp.
Weather Conditions:Clear, sunny, 70s', no wind

Hazard tree leaning over spring


Stock trough

Pool located 1/4 mile below camp

Water can be filtered from this small pool near camp
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-25-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-25-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:The Zaca Fire continues to cause issues within the burn perimeter.  LPFA project to remove a hazard leaner tree at Mission Pine Spring Camp.  The tree was felled safely.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Good water flowing from the spring and through the pipe
Weather Conditions:

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 05-02-2015 - by Hike Los Padres
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 05-02-2015
Surveyor Name:Hike Los Padres
Camp Description:Good water at Mission Pine Spring.  None at Mission Pine Basin.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 03-28-2015 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 03-28-2015
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Staying in this campsite is a similar experience to being in the Sierras.  There is a table, large fire pit and tools for keeping the camp clean. A primitive toilet is located 25 yards up the hill. Lots of places to explore off trail.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water is flowing from pipe that collects it from the spring.
Weather Conditions:Sunny; Temps is 70s during the day

Spike camp for Mission Pine Trail Project
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 11-25-2014 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 11-25-2014
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:Fantastic campsite!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water flow in the spring a hundred yards or so below the campsite.
Weather Conditions:Warm but windy overnight.

Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 09-29-2014 - by bardley
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 09-29-2014
Surveyor Name:bardley
Camp Description:Work party felled a number of hazard trees.  Be mindful of existing hazard tree over spring. FIre ring and picnic table present.  A great destination spot.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:fills liter bottle in < 15 seconds.
Weather Conditions:70s daytime, low to mid 50s at night.
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 09-26-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 09-26-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Toejam Report
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The spring pipe filled a quart bottle in 27 seconds and there was a small pool of water in the grassy area below.
Weather Conditions:
Mission Pine Springs Camp Survey - 09-26-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Mission Pine Springs Camp
Date: 09-26-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Mission Pine Spring is a monster: I filled my two liter Platypus bottle in 45 seconds. I actually dumped it and timed it a second time to make sure I wasn't just imagining things.
Weather Conditions:

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Last Updated: Monday, January 4, 2016

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    Phone: (661) 245-3731
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    Phone: (805) 925-9538
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    Phone: (831) 385-5434