Date | Surveyor | Water Report |
03-01-2025 | Paul Costales | Trickle |
03-09-2024 | Jonathan Rocque | Flowing |
04-30-2023 | Addison Jerlow | Trickle |
02-05-2022 | Stephen S | Dry |
02-25-2021 | Los Padres Forest Association | Dry |
05-25-2020 | Bingo Wathen | Dry |
05-05-2020 | Tony G. | Trickle |
04-04-2020 | SKIPP | Flowing |
09-29-2019 | MSchless | Dry |
02-25-2018 | Bastien | Dry |
12-30-2017 | Shaddus Maximus | Dry |
04-16-2016 | Los Padres Forest Association | Stagnant |
05-02-2015 | Hike Los Padres | Dry |
03-28-2015 | Paul Cronshaw | Dry |
03-01-2015 | Los Padres Forest Association | Trickle |
02-15-2015 | Los Padres Forest Association | Trickle |
09-27-2014 | Los Padres Forest Association |
Mission Pine Basin is a lovely large flat geographic feature atop the San Rafael Mountains set at the junction of the Fall Canyon, Santa Cruz and Mission Pine Trails. The camp is a little hard to find as it is off the trail on the far north west side of the basin. Water is very unreliable at camp with most years having 9months of no water at the camp. That being said, there is water that can be found down Fall Canyon at some of the reliable springs. Local lore explains that this area was named Mission Pine after the pine trees from this area being used in the Santa Barbara Mission. The story goes that the enslaved Chumash were forced to carry pine trees from Mission Pine the 30miles to the Santa Barbara Mission.
Mission Pine is quite spectacular with pine trees, large views and plenty of room to explore. It is also wild with bear sitings being pretty regular. Most of the Basin was burned in the 2007 Zaca Fire but there are still some large trees remaining and many young saplings working at replacing the old burned ones.