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McKinley Spings Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: San Rafeal Mountain
  • Elevation: 5575 feet
  • Wilderness Area: San Rafael
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Lucia Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.8453169
  • Latitude: 34.7068523
  • Water Sources: spring
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
02-28-2025Paul CostalesTrickle
02-23-2025Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
09-21-2024Steve CypherTrickle
06-09-2024Linus BlomqvistTrickle
04-10-2024Daniel O'SheaFlowing
03-08-2024Jonathan RocqueFlowing
03-02-2024Michael McGurkFlowing
10-01-2023Dave BillybobTrickle
07-09-2023Danny Trudeau Trickle
07-02-2023Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
05-15-2023kirsten zecherFlowing
11-27-2022M BrosTrickle
09-17-2022Scott WolfeTrickle
05-15-2022Dmitry B.Trickle
12-10-2021Will S.Trickle
11-26-2021Heather RoseFlowing
11-24-2021Brooke ReasnerFlowing
11-12-2021Smokey JoeFlowing
10-30-2021Erin CFlowing
07-31-2021Carly HTrickle
04-20-2021Terry JarrettFlowing
04-05-2021Oak TitmouseTrickle
02-26-2021Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
12-26-2020Brad AndersonTrickle
10-15-2020Nate BatesFlowing
08-22-2020Kevin VargaTrickle
08-02-2020Randy and AriTrickle
06-02-2020Casey MilneTrickle
05-14-2020rich schollFlowing
01-20-2018Will Trickle
12-30-2017Shaddus Maximus Trickle
04-15-2017Terry JarrettFlowing
12-17-2016Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
12-17-2016Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
10-19-2016Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
04-17-2016Steve LynesFlowing
11-21-2015Paul CronshawTrickle
11-26-2014Shaddus Maximus Trickle
09-29-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
09-26-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing


A small trail camp located on Mission Pine Trail (28W01) in the San Rafael Wilderness

Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • LPFA - 04-12-2014

  • Shaddus Maximus - 11-26-2014

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015

  • Paul Cronshaw - 11-21-2015
    Newly painted tables

  • Steve Lynes - 04-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 12-17-2016

  • Yar - 03-17-2018
    Campsite when we left

  • Yar - 03-17-2018
    Second water tank

  • Yar - 03-17-2018
    Primary water container

  • Yar - 03-17-2018
    Rake and shovel

  • Brad Anderson - 12-26-2020
    McKinley Springs Tank

  • Brad Anderson - 12-26-2020
    McKinley Springs Stock Water Trough

  • Brad Anderson - 12-26-2020
    McKinley Springs Pit Toilet walls need repair

  • Brad Anderson - 12-26-2020
    McKinley Spring Camp

  • Neo - 08-08-2021
    Repaired outhouse inside

  • Neo - 08-08-2021
    Repaired outhouse outside

  • Neo - 08-08-2021
    Spring tank with water trickle

  • Neo - 08-08-2021
    Horse trough full

  • Neo - 08-08-2021
    Camp overview

  • Neo - 08-08-2021
    Hammock on trees at camp

  • Erin C - 10-30-2021

  • Smokey Joe - 11-12-2021

  • Brooke Reasner - 11-24-2021
    Spring flowing

  • Brooke Reasner - 11-24-2021
    Abandoned trash at camp

  • Brooke Reasner - 11-24-2021
    Found on top of the spring holding tank lid

  • Brooke Reasner - 11-24-2021
    Seen on trail 3 miles before

  • Neo - 07-24-2022
    Steady trickle from pipe into metal tank

  • Neo - 07-24-2022
    Deer drinking at full horse trough

  • Neo - 07-24-2022
    Outhouse in good shape after last year's repair

  • Neo - 07-24-2022
    Horse Trough Full

  • Neo - 07-24-2022
    Campsite is in good shape.

  • Neo - 07-24-2022
    Back of outhouse in good shape

  • M Bros - 11-27-2022
    Partial view of camp

  • Sherman - 10-27-2023

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-10-2024

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-10-2024

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-10-2024

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-10-2024
    Bear tracks going down from McKinley Springs

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-10-2024
    Bear print on the way down from McKinley Springs

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 02-23-2025

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 02-23-2025

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 02-23-2025

Submitted Camp Reports

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 02-28-2025 - by Paul Costales
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 02-28-2025
Surveyor Name:Paul Costales
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Flowing into the trough
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 02-23-2025 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 02-23-2025
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Stayed in the first campsite.  Clean and well-maintained.  Ground was dry despite last week’s storm.  Water source was great.  
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Trickle, both tanks full; filtered and tasted great.
Weather Conditions:Daytime was nice, hot windy and very cold overnight and the following morning.

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 09-21-2024 - by Steve Cypher
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 09-21-2024
Surveyor Name:Steve Cypher
Camp Description:Camp in good shape with tanks full from the typical trickle of water. A bulldozer drove all the way to the camp and turned around during the Lake Fire. Crapper useable but pit is full. An apocalyptic plague of face flies is occurring along the whole northern flank of McKinley Mountain. I grabbed water and got out as fast as I could. Plan to camp somewhere else for a while.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Tanks full.
Weather Conditions:Ideal!
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 06-09-2024 - by Linus Blomqvist
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 06-09-2024
Surveyor Name:Linus Blomqvist
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Water trickling into tank, but tank is full so there's plenty of water to stock up on.
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-10-2024 - by Daniel O'Shea
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-10-2024
Surveyor Name:Daniel O'Shea
Camp Description:Crazy showing up after a long hike in 75 degree weather to a layer of snow 4 inches deep! A beautiful little site right off the trail and close to McKinley Peak. Saw some bear tracks around the campsite too.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water at the springs due to the snowmelt.
Weather Conditions:70 and sunny but cold and snowy at night!

Bear tracks going down from McKinley Springs

Bear print on the way down from McKinley Springs
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 03-08-2024 - by Jonathan Rocque
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 03-08-2024
Surveyor Name:Jonathan Rocque
Camp Description:Water flowing at camp springs
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water was flowing at the spring
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 03-02-2024 - by Michael McGurk
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 03-02-2024
Surveyor Name:Michael McGurk
Camp Description:the camp is in good shape the spring and trough could use a good scrubbing. The camp is snowed in and the ground is wet from melt.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:snow and melting run off
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-27-2023 - by Sherman
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-27-2023
Surveyor Name:Sherman
Camp Description:Both reservoirs were full/overflowing 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Plenty of water steady trickle.
Weather Conditions:

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-01-2023 - by Dave Billybob
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-01-2023
Surveyor Name:Dave Billybob
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Both springs at camp were flowing slowly but both troughs were full and clean.
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 07-09-2023 - by Danny Trudeau
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 07-09-2023
Surveyor Name:Danny Trudeau
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Both tubs are overflowing.
Weather Conditions:Hot and buggy!
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 07-02-2023 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 07-02-2023
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:no water in creek; trickle flowing into horse trough; can carefully hold up a water bag to the inlet pipe
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 05-15-2023 - by kirsten zecher
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 05-15-2023
Surveyor Name:kirsten zecher
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:healthy flow, delicious water
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 11-27-2022 - by M Bros
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 11-27-2022
Surveyor Name:M Bros
Camp Description:Camp in awesome shape. Latrine walls look good although the seat was displaced when we were there.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:small consistent trickle, water looks good
Weather Conditions:Overnight mid to low 30s, seems like it didn't freeze!

Partial view of camp
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-08-2022 - by patrick
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-08-2022
Surveyor Name:patrick
Camp Description:camp in nice shape
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:light but steady flow
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 09-17-2022 - by Scott Wolfe
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 09-17-2022
Surveyor Name:Scott Wolfe
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Steady trickle. Both Primary water container and stock trough were full to capacity.
Weather Conditions:Clear - About 75 degrees
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 07-24-2022 - by Neo
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 07-24-2022
Surveyor Name:Neo
Camp Description:Camp was in really good shape and clean other than some loose toilet paper around the out house.  Outhouse we repaired last year is still standing and in good shape!  Spring was running with a continuous small stream trickle. Metal tank and horse trough were full.  Wildlife were visiting the horse trough regularly including one pretty tame deer.  Quite a few tiny flies in the area though.  Sprayed on eucalyptus oil to keep the stable flies out of my face but otherwise shady and pleasant at the camp. Refilled water after my hike up San Rafael Mountain.  The small tree downstream from the metal tank is perfect for hanging my gravity filter water purification bags.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Steady trickle or small stream out of pipe inside metal tank. Full tank and horse trough.
Weather Conditions:Sunny high 70's F with cool breezes but hotter out on trails with rocks

Steady trickle from pipe into metal tank

Deer drinking at full horse trough

Outhouse in good shape after last year's repair

Horse Trough Full

Campsite is in good shape.
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 05-15-2022 - by Dmitry B.
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 05-15-2022
Surveyor Name:Dmitry B.
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 12-10-2021 - by Will S.
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 12-10-2021
Surveyor Name:Will S.
Camp Description:The suspicious gear has been moved or removed, no signs of it on trail or at the camp. The pit toilet is full, so plan on digging a hole. The camp is quite cold due to its location, and doesn’t get much sunlight throughout the day. Temperatures from 2pm - 9:30am were 37*f - 29*f. Lots of wildlife drinking water from the trough, including a young buck. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Plenty of water in the tub, but trickle from the pipe.
Weather Conditions:Clear with Low 29 and high 37
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 11-26-2021 - by Heather Rose
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 11-26-2021
Surveyor Name:Heather Rose
Camp Description:Trash (old sleeping bag, empty liquor bottle, etc...) that seems to have been present for some time.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:maybe 2-3 minutes to fill a liter from fresh flow
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 11-24-2021 - by Brooke Reasner
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 11-24-2021
Surveyor Name:Brooke Reasner
Camp Description:Suspicious activity noted along the trail seen 3 mile before camp. An old machete, rolling dolly with black trash bags, and at the camp there was an old sleeping bag, bottle of booze and a small glass jar of white rocks. Not the typical backpacker behavior. We ended up hiking past the camp and stayed some where that we felt safer. Spring was flowing and in good condition. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:High 50s Low 30s

Spring flowing

Abandoned trash at camp

Found on top of the spring holding tank lid

Seen on trail 3 miles before
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 11-12-2021 - by Smokey Joe
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 11-12-2021
Surveyor Name:Smokey Joe
Camp Description:Camp looked in good shape. Pile of trash left behind by someone...
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:very clean, decent flow, tank full, trough full and overflowing
Weather Conditions:Clear skies, low 80's

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-30-2021 - by Erin C
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-30-2021
Surveyor Name:Erin C
Camp Description:Pretty good flow, very clean water
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Pretty good flow, very clean water
Weather Conditions:

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 08-08-2021 - by Neo
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 08-08-2021
Surveyor Name:Neo
Camp Description:We repaired the broken Outhouse at McKinley Springs Camp and it now has 3 walls up and is useable with privacy.  Spring is running at a steady trickle and the water in the tank is clear and clean.  The overflow keeps the horse trough full and its overflow is a drinking spot for birds and other wildlife.  Camp is in pretty good shape with both picnic tables in good repair.  We were able to hang hammocks from the trees around camp.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Clean water in water tank with steady trickle. Horse trough full.
Weather Conditions:Highs in the 80’s at camp. 90’s out on the trail.

Repaired outhouse inside

Repaired outhouse outside

Spring tank with water trickle

Horse trough full

Camp overview
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 07-31-2021 - by Carly H
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 07-31-2021
Surveyor Name:Carly H
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Both tubs were full, solid rate of water for this time of year!
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-20-2021 - by Terry Jarrett
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-20-2021
Surveyor Name:Terry Jarrett
Camp Description:Campsite in good condition. Toilet pit nearly full.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Half liter per minute flow from the spring inlet pipe. Stock trough full of water and algae.
Weather Conditions:Pleasant.
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-05-2021 - by Oak Titmouse
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-05-2021
Surveyor Name:Oak Titmouse
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 02-26-2021 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 02-26-2021
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Cold days and colder nights but the water flows and that's why we camp here. The toilet needs to be moved and repaired.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Great place for water!
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 12-26-2020 - by Brad Anderson
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 12-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Brad Anderson
Camp Description:Camp is in good shape, though the pit toilet walls have fallen over.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Steady trickle into a crystal clear catchment basin
Weather Conditions:Cool and Breezy

McKinley Springs Tank

McKinley Springs Stock Water Trough

McKinley Springs Pit Toilet walls need repair

McKinley Spring Camp
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-15-2020 - by Nate Bates
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-15-2020
Surveyor Name:Nate Bates
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 08-22-2020 - by Kevin Varga
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 08-22-2020
Surveyor Name:Kevin Varga
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Water tanks are full, spring is a strong trickle
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 08-02-2020 - by Randy and Ari
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 08-02-2020
Surveyor Name:Randy and Ari
Camp Description:Deer, a bear, dragonflies, lots of bugs
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Dry and hot daytime, cool at night
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 06-02-2020 - by Casey Milne
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 06-02-2020
Surveyor Name:Casey Milne
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:flow into the upper catch tank is between trickle and flowing. Clean cool water and the catch tank was nice and clean. Stock trough had a constant trickle from the upper catch tank, was full of algae but plenty clean to filter from if needed.
Weather Conditions:Clear and warm, highs in the 80's, probably 60's at night. not much wind, but some flies during the day
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 05-14-2020 - by rich scholl
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 05-14-2020
Surveyor Name:rich scholl
Camp Description:camp in good shape.  outhouse hole getting full needs relocation.  no bear signs.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:day 60-70, windy. night cold above freezing.
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-20-2020 - by Kristen
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-20-2020
Surveyor Name:Kristen
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water, icy cold!
Weather Conditions:4/18- cold and humid, thick clouds. 4/19-4/20 some sun, 60 during the day.
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 09-28-2019 - by MSchless
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 09-28-2019
Surveyor Name:MSchless
Camp Description:Stopped in here for lunch. Took about 5 minutes to fill a 2L bag with just the flow from the upper pipe but plenty of water to filter in the tanks.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Trickle with algae at the lower basin. Trickle with nice clear water in covered upper tank.
Weather Conditions:60s and 70s
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 03-17-2018 - by Yar
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 03-17-2018
Surveyor Name:Yar
Camp Description:Found the camp covered in a clean 3/4 inch layer of snow. Both picnic benches were in good shape and the fire pit was well built up. Found a shovel, rake, tea pot, and skillet available for use. The toilet was getting full but very much still usable and the surround in good condition.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Consistent small flow, both tanks full with a sheet of ice developing on the second tank
Weather Conditions:Hail/Snow, mid 20's at night

Campsite when we left

Second water tank

Primary water container

Rake and shovel
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 01-20-2018 - by Will
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 01-20-2018
Surveyor Name:Will
Camp Description:Camp's in great shape, spring is flowing, tanks are full of water.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Both tanks full
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 12-30-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 12-30-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-15-2017 - by Terry Jarrett
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-15-2017
Surveyor Name:Terry Jarrett
Camp Description:Campsite in good condition. McKinley Road generally is in good condition, with several obstacles to four wheel vehicles.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Spring tank and stock trough both full. Half liter per minute flow from the spring inlet pipe. Good quality.
Weather Conditions:Pleasant.
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 12-17-2016 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 12-17-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:The spring basin was full, the reservoir was full and clean. Faucet flowed when opened...gorgeous spot!
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:5gpm flow rate,
Weather Conditions:40 degrees, foggy

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 12-17-2016 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 12-17-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:The spring basin was full, the reservoir was full and clean. Faucet flowed when opened...gorgeous spot!
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:5gpm flow rate,
Weather Conditions:40 degrees, foggy

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-29-2016 - by Tina
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-29-2016
Surveyor Name:Tina
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 10-19-2016 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 10-19-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 07-09-2016 - by James
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 07-09-2016
Surveyor Name:James
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Both tubs were full
Weather Conditions:Sunny & hot
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 07-09-2016 - by James
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 07-09-2016
Surveyor Name:James
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Both tubs were full
Weather Conditions:hot & sunny
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-17-2016 - by Steve Lynes
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-17-2016
Surveyor Name:Steve Lynes
Camp Description:The water was flowing well and I was able to very easily refill all of my water storage. It was a warm day and the cool water was very refreshing.

On a negative note, there was an abnormally large amount of flies and gnats in the area and along the trail where the pine trees grow. They were so thick as to be akin to a swirling cloud. I wonder if all of the recent rains have something to do with this phenomenon?
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water flowing well. The runoff tank below the spring was also full and overflowing the rim.
Weather Conditions:Hot & sunny in the 80's but much cooler in the shade of the campground, which was refreshing!

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 11-21-2015 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 11-21-2015
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Campsite is in great condition.  We painted the two tables, cleaned the fire pit and dug the toilet deeper. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Stock tub and steel tank are full of clean water. Flow is approximately a liter per 10 mins. Possible decaying mouse so filter water.
Weather Conditions:



Newly painted tables
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 11-26-2014 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 11-26-2014
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Big tub was full of clear, cool water. Small, steady trickle of water entering from faucet.
Weather Conditions:

McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 09-29-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 09-29-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Report from Toejam
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:As expected, McKinley Spring is full and over-flowing.
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 09-26-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 09-26-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Both spring boxes at McKinley are full.
Weather Conditions:
McKinley Spings Camp Survey - 04-12-2014 - by LPFA
Link: McKinley Spings Camp
Date: 04-12-2014
Surveyor Name:LPFA
Camp Description: Tables, grated stove and throne in good condition at McKinley Springs, although the single privacy wall faces the camp, thus exposing the throne to the road above it. Slow water flow into both receptacles in camp.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Cool and clear, flowing but not as strong as it should be in April.
Weather Conditions:

Leave A Camp Report

Survey / Report Form

Last Updated: Friday, March 27, 2015

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