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Manzana Narrows Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: San Rafeal Mountain
  • Elevation: 2960 feet
  • Wilderness Area: San Rafael
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Lucia Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.8666806
  • Latitude: 34.73803197
  • Water Sources: Always water at Manzana Narrows! Though there may only be pools late in dry years.
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
01-17-2025Paul MuhlFlowing
12-27-2024Shaddus MaximusFlowing
05-29-2024Jeremy KFlowing
04-28-2024Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
04-09-2024Daniel O'SheaFlowing
04-15-2023Bob SFlowing
10-16-2022Anonymous SurveyorStagnant
10-16-2022The Lost PadreTrickle
06-25-2022Tyler SchellingTrickle
06-04-2022John ZFlowing
05-29-2022James WapotichFlowing
05-14-2022Renee BFlowing
04-22-2022Ojai Valley School Lower CampusFlowing
04-17-2022Surly hikerFlowing
06-07-2021Savage GuydFlowing
05-01-2021Davide BisiFlowing
02-11-2021Sean ReidFlowing
01-19-2021Hogg WildFlowing
01-19-2021Antonio CalderonFlowing
01-10-2021Patrick MorganFlowing
12-03-2020John BorstelmannFlowing
11-28-2020Duane WaiteFlowing
11-22-2020David W.Flowing
11-21-2020Stephen SFlowing
10-25-2020James WapotichFlowing
07-29-2020Paul CronshawFlowing
06-24-2020Ryan AndersonFlowing
06-13-2020Jeremy KFlowing
05-24-2020Brad Pitt Flowing
03-28-2020Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
01-18-2020Shaddus Maximus Flowing
11-09-2019Paul CronshawFlowing
11-01-2019Michael FosterFlowing
05-26-2019Scout Troop 42Flowing
05-11-2019Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
04-04-2019Bill FournellFlowing
03-17-2019Louis TremblayFlowing
12-29-2018Anthony VasquezFlowing
12-24-2018Bryant ForesmanFlowing
11-17-2018Paul CronshawTrickle
11-04-2018Tony GTrickle
08-25-2018Skip BoylandStagnant
03-29-2018Sara LafiaFlowing
12-31-2017Shaddus MaximusFlowing
12-10-2017Shaddus Maximus Flowing
11-10-2017Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
09-16-2017Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
05-22-2017Ryan CheneyFlowing
04-22-2017Benjamin YoungbloodFlowing
01-01-2017Shaddus MaximusFlowing
11-15-2016Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
10-17-2016Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
07-13-2016Nick DincelliStagnant
06-15-2016Amanda GrandfieldFlowing
04-01-2016Sonia ConnorsFlowing
02-12-2016Bryan GordonFlowing
01-01-2016Shaddus Maximus Trickle
10-04-2015Jasonn BeckstrandTrickle
07-19-2015James WapotichTrickle
05-03-2015Paul CronshawFlowing
12-07-2014Aaron and Tom SongerTrickle
11-25-2014Paul "The Beeman" CronshawFlowing
11-25-2014Paul "The Beeman" CronshawFlowing
10-27-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
09-27-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
05-24-2014Matty CalFlowing
03-29-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
Photo: Addison Jerlow (above), Bryan Conant (below)
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Survey This Camp


Manzana Narrows is a compact but very popular trail camp located 7 miles upstream from NIRA via the Manzana Trail in the San Rafael Wilderness. It is a popular location for both a quick overnighter and a first night on your way to deeper and more remote destinations.  The camp is situated on a large flat next to Manzana Creek beneath numerous large oak and bay trees. There are 3 picnic tables with fire rings and though there is ample room for tents, each site is visible from one another.

NOTE: The pit toilet is located above the camp on the right as you leave the camp headed up-canyon towards South Fork.

Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014
    The Manzana Narrows waterfall and swimming pool

  • Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw - 11-25-2014
    The Manzana Narrows Camp

  • Paul Cronshaw - 05-03-2015
    Upper campsite

  • Paul Cronshaw - 05-03-2015

  • Jasonn Beckstrand - 10-04-2015
    Main pool

  • Jasonn Beckstrand - 10-04-2015
    main pool close up

  • Jasonn Beckstrand - 10-04-2015
    flowing downstream, this is just at the end of camp

  • Jasonn Beckstrand - 10-04-2015
    more downstream flow

  • Sonia Connors - 04-01-2016

  • Amanda Grandfield - 06-15-2016

  • Cahikerchick - 10-07-2017
    Home Sweet Home

  • Cahikerchick - 10-07-2017
    Nice deep pool with trout!

  • Cahikerchick - 10-07-2017
    Spacious accommodations!

  • Cahikerchick - 10-07-2017
    You made it!

  • Anthony Vasquez - 12-29-2018

  • Anthony Vasquez - 12-29-2018

  • Bill Fournell - 04-04-2019
    Heading up the canyon

  • Bill Fournell - 04-04-2019
    Almost to the Narrows

  • Bill Fournell - 04-04-2019

  • Bill Fournell - 04-04-2019
    Heading out

  • Bill Fournell - 04-04-2019
    Top of Alcove Falls

  • Scout Troop 42 - 05-26-2019

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-28-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-28-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-28-2020

  • Brad Pitt - 05-24-2020
    Trail along the creek.

  • Ryan Anderson - 06-24-2020
    Falls at Manzana Narrows

  • John Borstelmann - 12-03-2020
    Campsite by the creek

  • John Borstelmann - 12-03-2020
    Nice clear pool with flowing water

  • John Borstelmann - 12-03-2020
    Perfect branch for a bear bag

  • Litehikerguy - 12-15-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 01-19-2021

  • Savage Guyd - 06-07-2021

  • Renee B - 05-14-2022

  • kellyohill - 05-03-2022
    pool with waterfall

  • kellyohill - 05-03-2022

  • Tyler Schelling - 06-25-2022
    Dry creek bed along the trail hiking up to the camp.

  • Tyler Schelling - 06-25-2022
    Campsite - stagnant pool where waterfall used to be.

  • The Lost Padre - 10-16-2022

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-09-2024

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-09-2024

  • Daniel O'Shea - 04-09-2024

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 04-28-2024

Submitted Camp Reports

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-17-2025 - by Paul Muhl
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-17-2025
Surveyor Name:Paul Muhl
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Cool and breezy in the canyon
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-27-2024 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-27-2024
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-29-2024 - by Jeremy K
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-29-2024
Surveyor Name:Jeremy K
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-28-2024 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-28-2024
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Camp and toilet are in good condition. Nice and quiet with only one other group. Plenty of water to swim in on a hot day 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-09-2024 - by Daniel O'Shea
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-09-2024
Surveyor Name:Daniel O'Shea
Camp Description:I decided to trust alltrails after a long day and camped just short of the campsite as there was a small flat and a tiny stone campfire ring built up. Was very tired so stayed the night here with no fire and had good enough sleep. The next morning I walked 5 minutes up the trail and low and behold found Manzana Narrows! Moral of the story is to not always trust a downloaded map from AllTrails and make sure to look around a little more :P 

Beautiful campsite though with plenty of room and water!

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Even the waterfall is flowing with all the rain! Plenty of water
Weather Conditions:70 and sunny

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-15-2023 - by Bob S
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-15-2023
Surveyor Name:Bob S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:We wanted to go to White Ledge but the trail past Manzana Narrows was in bad shape. Tree fall, erosion, poison oak etc.
Weather Conditions:Perfect weather
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-16-2022 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-16-2022
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Up to 8-10” deep, no flow, good water quality
Weather Conditions:85 F and sunny
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-16-2022 - by The Lost Padre
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-16-2022
Surveyor Name:The Lost Padre
Camp Description:There is water just before Narrows. At least 3 of the crossings are flowing with clean water!

Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Pool stagnant, 3 crossings before camp are running
Weather Conditions:Sunny 80°

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-25-2022 - by Tyler Schelling
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-25-2022
Surveyor Name:Tyler Schelling
Camp Description:Very nice, large, and clean campsite. 
Majority of the creek is dried up as you hike up. 
As we got closer to the Manzano Narrows camp, there was small areas of water, but most was stagnant. At the camp there is no small waterfall like some pictures show and it is now a stagnant pool. However, below this pool, there is a slight trickle of water, but I'm honestly not sure if it will last through summer. 

We were the only group at the camp on a Saturday night and didn't see anyone else on the entire trail.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Likely soon to be stagnant.
Weather Conditions:Sunny - High 80's/Low 90's

Dry creek bed along the trail hiking up to the camp.

Campsite - stagnant pool where waterfall used to be.
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-04-2022 - by John Z
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-04-2022
Surveyor Name:John Z
Camp Description:Nice campsite. Only one other group (4 people total) on a Saturday. Barely any water on the way up to this campsite, and where there is water it is mostly stagnant.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Getting closer to the trickle category
Weather Conditions:80 and sunny
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-29-2022 - by James Wapotich
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-29-2022
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:Good water at the Narrows
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-14-2022 - by Renee B
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-14-2022
Surveyor Name:Renee B
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-06-2022 - by Jackydoo
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-06-2022
Surveyor Name:Jackydoo
Camp Description:The campsite is great. There are about 6 or so individual campsites in it allowing a couple tents in each one. There’s also a toilet up the hill at the far end end of the campsite. Right by the entrance to camp from the Nira side, there is a big pool with a little waterfall, and I saw some steelhead trout swimming in it. It’s also a great campsite for a hot day because it is shaded by the hills on either side and there are a lot of trees.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Lots of water in pools, and quite a few locations to pump water
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-03-2022 - by kellyohill
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-03-2022
Surveyor Name:kellyohill
Camp Description:8-12 little Steelhead in main pool along with at least one Western Pond Turtle. Lots of damselflies mating along the shoreline. Nice shade throughout camp area.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing with one waterfall
Weather Conditions:Highs in the mid 70s, lows in the low 50s.

pool with waterfall

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-01-2022 - by Kelly
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-01-2022
Surveyor Name:Kelly
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-22-2022 - by Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-22-2022
Surveyor Name:Ojai Valley School Lower Campus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Relatively large camp with reliable water, toilet on the hill. Little bit of PO on trail.
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-17-2022 - by Surly hiker
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-17-2022
Surveyor Name:Surly hiker
Camp Description:Beautiful camp next to Manzana creek and under the  shade of the oaks.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Lows in the 40s, highs around 70.waste
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-09-2022 - by wsizoo
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-09-2022
Surveyor Name:wsizoo
Camp Description:The camp is in good condition, but had a fair amount of trash. I did my best to pack out the wet wipes and stuff I found. There were ~10 trout in the main pool, and one that looked to be about 10in, definitely the largest I've ever seen there. The pit toilet is about to be maxed out, the levels didn't drop significantly during the closure. One will need to be dug soon, otherwise people will continue using it causing a giant mess.

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Plenty of water flowing and the large pools are still clear
Weather Conditions:Windy 67-90
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-29-2021 - by Brent
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-29-2021
Surveyor Name:Brent
Camp Description:HOT this time of year, but this is such a great camp. Love making the trek out there. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Waterfall is not running, but good flow above and below for pumping.
Weather Conditions:high 90s-low 100s
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-07-2021 - by Savage Guyd
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-07-2021
Surveyor Name:Savage Guyd
Camp Description:Glad to see all the wildlife, including the turtle is still surviving.

Campground was essentially empty on Saturday night. 5 people (2 groups) total.

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:More than a trickle, a couple of inches deep, clear and good water, pools still full and flowing
Weather Conditions:

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-01-2021 - by Davide Bisi
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-01-2021
Surveyor Name:Davide Bisi
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-26-2021 - by Curtis
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-26-2021
Surveyor Name:Curtis
Camp Description:Great campground as always. Love this spot.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The water was flowing although it was a little less then 3 weeks prior. Going again in a month and will update again then.
Weather Conditions:It rained a bit on April 25, other then that it was clear sky’s and 75 degrees. Campground is heavily shaded so it was comfortable.
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 02-20-2021 - by kiddaddio
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 02-20-2021
Surveyor Name:kiddaddio
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:very windy, mild days, and cold overnight but not freezing.
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 02-11-2021 - by Sean Reid
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 02-11-2021
Surveyor Name:Sean Reid
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Excellent water flow :)
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-19-2021 - by Hogg Wild
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-19-2021
Surveyor Name:Hogg Wild
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water great at the Narrows
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-19-2021 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-19-2021
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow
Weather Conditions:Cloudy windy 55F

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-10-2021 - by Patrick Morgan
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-10-2021
Surveyor Name:Patrick Morgan
Camp Description:Great flow, deep pool with trout. Wonderful place to camp
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:strong flow
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-15-2020 - by Litehikerguy
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-15-2020
Surveyor Name:Litehikerguy
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water was clear and flowing good
Weather Conditions:Windy & Cold

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-03-2020 - by John Borstelmann
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-03-2020
Surveyor Name:John Borstelmann
Camp Description:3 nice picnic tables and fire rings right next to the creek, and a pit toilet nearby.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow, nice-tasting clear water
Weather Conditions:I think it dropped down to around 40 degrees overnight, but there was no wind or humidity, so it was still very pleasant.

Campsite by the creek

Nice clear pool with flowing water

Perfect branch for a bear bag
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-28-2020 - by Duane Waite
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-28-2020
Surveyor Name:Duane Waite
Camp Description:Day hiked to Manzana Narrows to see "what's the haps." The camp is dark and cold this time of year, so I recommend bagging as much water as you can and continuing up the hill to the Alcove or somewhere you can get some Sun exposure. I arrived at 12:30 PM and it felt like sunset was imminent.
Chilly, as well, but then again the temp at Nira was in the low 20's.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Cold and clear. Creek runs continuously to Ray's Camp.
Weather Conditions:23 F at Nira, not much warmer later in the day at the Narrows.
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-22-2020 - by David W.
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-22-2020
Surveyor Name:David W.
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:68-70F clear
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-21-2020 - by Stephen S
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-21-2020
Surveyor Name:Stephen S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-29-2020 - by Dogger
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-29-2020
Surveyor Name:Dogger
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Clear skies, slight breeze, 80ish degrees F, dry
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-25-2020 - by James Wapotich
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-25-2020
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good clear, flowing water
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 07-29-2020 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 07-29-2020
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:All 4 campsites are in good condition. I had the whole campsite to myself on this day.  Very hot conditions.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow in the main pool with the dual falls. Water flowing at first crossing above camp.
Weather Conditions:90s and Sunny
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-24-2020 - by Ryan Anderson
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-24-2020
Surveyor Name:Ryan Anderson
Camp Description:Plenty of water flowing through the camp. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Falls at Manzana Narrows
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-13-2020 - by Jeremy K
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-13-2020
Surveyor Name:Jeremy K
Camp Description:Flowing
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-24-2020 - by Brad Pitt

Trail along the creek.
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-24-2020
Surveyor Name:Brad Pitt
Camp Description:About 6 campsites along a great section of the creek. About 6.8 miles in from the trailhead. Lots of snakes around, careful. Great shade here, there is also a vault toilet. The next real camp is white ledge about 4 miles out, left at the next junction. The trail to the right to spruce camp is really over grown.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Awesome camp with a great swimming hole
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 03-28-2020 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 03-28-2020
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Camp was full. Camp and toilet is in good condition 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-18-2020 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-18-2020
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Lots of water and big pools next to the campsite!
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-09-2019 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-09-2019
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Campsites were empty.  3 tables and two shovels. one stubby Mcloud.  New toilet is working well.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow with pools
Weather Conditions:70s and Sunny
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-01-2019 - by Michael Foster
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-01-2019
Surveyor Name:Michael Foster
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 09-30-2019 - by MSchless
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 09-30-2019
Surveyor Name:MSchless
Camp Description:Good water between Narrows and Rays. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow off waterfall. Waist deep in the pool
Weather Conditions:Low 70s
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-26-2019 - by Scout Troop 42
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-26-2019
Surveyor Name:Scout Troop 42
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water flowing strong and fast.
Weather Conditions:Cool, sun and some rain.

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-11-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-11-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing well
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-04-2019 - by Bill Fournell
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-04-2019
Surveyor Name:Bill Fournell
Camp Description:Campground was fantastic and in good shape.  The area is super green and soil is moist and not dusty at all in the campground.  Pit toilet is in good shape a real treat to have.  Hillsides are lush with a mini super bloom everywhere.  Almost no one around for most of the 3 days except 3-4 groups coming up lower on the trail on our Sat hike out.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Fast, clear, and cold. Made the 10-12 creek crossings each way tough to stay dry.
Weather Conditions:47-65 degrees, dry & cool - perfect!

Heading up the canyon

Almost to the Narrows

Heading out
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 03-17-2019 - by Louis Tremblay
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 03-17-2019
Surveyor Name:Louis Tremblay
Camp Description:Tons of water obviously. 

One of the fire rings has a downed tree covering it, the other 3 are in good shape and well keep. 

Amazing spot in our backcountry! 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Roaring
Weather Conditions:Warm!
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-29-2018 - by Anthony Vasquez
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-29-2018
Surveyor Name:Anthony Vasquez
Camp Description:Some deeps pools and good flow rate. One other group camping overnight like us. Not as cold as we were expecting at night. Look for the trail to the bathroom on the east side of the campground marked by pink ribbons on the trees. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good fast flow fresh water
Weather Conditions:50's during the day. 30's at night

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-24-2018 - by Bryant Foresman
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-24-2018
Surveyor Name:Bryant Foresman
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-17-2018 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-17-2018
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:Camp in good condition. Toilet needs to be located to a new area.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:The waterfall pool is stagnant. Water flow is a trickle in section that flows around the bend below the camp.
Weather Conditions:70s and Sunny
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-04-2018 - by Tony G
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-04-2018
Surveyor Name:Tony G
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Water in camp, 2 foot deep pool, not flowing ok quality. Better sources from camp down creek up to 1/4 mi from camp.
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 09-02-2018 - by sbhikergirl
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 09-02-2018
Surveyor Name:sbhikergirl
Camp Description:Saw trout in the pools and one water snake. As usual, it was a little buggy, with bothersome flies
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Low flow. Some pools are stagnant. Several have good filterable water. Water depth of 1-2' in 5 or 6 places
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 08-25-2018 - by Skip Boyland
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 08-25-2018
Surveyor Name:Skip Boyland
Camp Description:
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Better water down stream that is filterable.
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-19-2018 - by Litehikerguy
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-19-2018
Surveyor Name:Litehikerguy
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water was flowing good
Weather Conditions:75-80
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 03-29-2018 - by Sara Lafia
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 03-29-2018
Surveyor Name:Sara Lafia
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Deep enough to wade in and swim
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 03-17-2018 - by Steve
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 03-17-2018
Surveyor Name:Steve
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:great flow from the little waterfall into the pool
Weather Conditions:some rain and hail!
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-28-2018 - by Andrew
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-28-2018
Surveyor Name:Andrew
Camp Description:Would recommend Manzana Camp when the weather is cooler and Manzana Narrows when the weather is warmer. Very windy and cool in the shade. Not much sun in the winter
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-31-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-31-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-10-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-10-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-07-2017 - by Cahikerchick
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-07-2017
Surveyor Name:Cahikerchick
Camp Description:Spent night 2 at Manzana Narrows.  Really nice camp, well spread out with 3 tables.  Nice toilet.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:nice clear water, flowing nicely.
Weather Conditions:

Home Sweet Home

Nice deep pool with trout!

Spacious accommodations!

You made it!
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 09-16-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 09-16-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:flowing steadily, but slowly. Pool was about waist deep, good enough to cool off in
Weather Conditions:80 degrees
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-22-2017 - by Ryan Cheney
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-22-2017
Surveyor Name:Ryan Cheney
Camp Description:Camp in good condition. Toilet is full, ticks on the lid and bees living inside. Creek had a strong flow.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Strong Flow
Weather Conditions:90 and sunny
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-22-2017 - by Benjamin Youngblood
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-22-2017
Surveyor Name:Benjamin Youngblood
Camp Description:Always a great camp site after a nice hike up there. The water is some of the most refreshing water I've visited. The camp was clean and had about one of the five spots left. this camp is popular so it is highly recommended you get there earlier rather than later.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water head a steady stream with more than enough to either wash up or resupply.
Weather Conditions:78 with clear skys
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-01-2017 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-01-2017
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-15-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-15-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Manzana Creek is slightly flowing from Manzana Narrows down 3-4 crossing from there, best water at Manzana Narrows.  There is also a trickle of water at the springs above the switchbacks near the Alcove.

Report by LGomes
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-17-2016 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-17-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Not much flow but adequate supply for drinking.
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 07-13-2016 - by Nick Dincelli
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 07-13-2016
Surveyor Name:Nick Dincelli
Camp Description:There's no visible water trickling into the pool and it's now starting to fill with forest debris and algae. There's a tiny trickle below the pool but I'd guess this will be gone in 2-3 weeks. 

Someone painted a fake petroglyph on one of the big rocks in the middle of camp. It's better than graffiti but still lame. They actually took some time on it. 

Insanely hot back there right now and didn't see a soul. 

Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Pool Stagnant / tiny trickle just below
Weather Conditions:INSANELY HOT
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 06-15-2016 - by Amanda Grandfield
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 06-15-2016
Surveyor Name:Amanda Grandfield
Camp Description:Only one of the two small waterfalls above the pool is still flowing.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 04-01-2016 - by Sonia Connors
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 04-01-2016
Surveyor Name:Sonia Connors
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 03-13-2016 - by CJ
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 03-13-2016
Surveyor Name:CJ
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Brisk flow and nice double waterfall, with 5' deep wading pool.
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 02-12-2016 - by Bryan Gordon
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 02-12-2016
Surveyor Name:Bryan Gordon
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-16-2016 - by flynn
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-16-2016
Surveyor Name:flynn
Camp Description:relly nice trail and campsites! thanx for all who maintain these trails and camps!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:good water flow all the way up the canyon
Weather Conditions:perfect weather. not too cold at night.
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 01-01-2016 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 01-01-2016
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-04-2015 - by Jasonn Beckstrand
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-04-2015
Surveyor Name:Jasonn Beckstrand
Camp Description:Above the main pool not water is found.  All underground.

Pool is full, not stagnant, but starting to grow more moss.

Below the pool low flowing water can be found.  Better for filtering than at the main pool
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Main pool is full but no visible water flowing in. Down stream low flowing water can be found
Weather Conditions:

Main pool

main pool close up

flowing downstream, this is just at the end of camp

more downstream flow
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 07-19-2015 - by James Wapotich
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 07-19-2015
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Water at the pool not moving, good flow just downstream, as well as in places between Manzana Camp and Manzana Narrows. Standing water at Ray's Camp
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-03-2015 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-03-2015
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:3 tables, 4 fire rings, one shovel and McCleod,  Performed maintenance on toilet (needs to be relocated to new site). 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Pool is clean, small water fall flow.
Weather Conditions:

Upper campsite

Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 12-07-2014 - by Aaron and Tom Songer
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 12-07-2014
Surveyor Name:Aaron and Tom Songer
Camp Description:Day hike from Nira to Manzana Narrows with warm temperatures for December. The ground was wet all around and there were signs of flowing in streams, probably from the last storm. All campsites looked great, but there was some trash left behind.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Trickling throughout small pools at Narrows, no water downstream
Weather Conditions:Sunny in the high 60s
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-25-2014 - by Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-25-2014
Surveyor Name:Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Camp Description:This camp is a great destination for an overnighter from Nira. ?I have seen a boy scout troop with 12 backpackers camped here. There is a new table that was packed in as part of an Eagle Scout Project. The old table remains but it is unsafe for sitting; makes for a great structure to use as a table for sorting gear and preparing a meal standing up. ?There is shovel and one fire ring with grate. Across the trail is another campsite with fire ring and grate.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Dry at campsite but flowing a short walk upstream in creek bed
Weather Conditions:Sunny and unseasonably warm for November
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 11-25-2014 - by Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 11-25-2014
Surveyor Name:Paul "The Beeman" Cronshaw
Camp Description:A favorite destination for an overnight weekend backpacking trip. 7 miles from Nira trailhead. Lots of shade for a summer trip, but can get cold in the wintertime.

Camp has 4 metal grated fire rings that mark the 4 campsites, three tables, one fire shovel and one McCleod. There is a toilet at the far end of the camp, accessible up a steep slope on the right side of the trail.

Favorite day hikes can be taken up the switchbacks to Alcove Camp and Falls, or Big Cone Spruce Camp.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:No waterfall flowing into large pool. Water is flowing near entrance to camp.
Weather Conditions:Sunny and unseasonably warm for November

The Manzana Narrows waterfall and swimming pool

The Manzana Narrows Camp
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 10-27-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 10-27-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Pools at the Narrows, but very very little.  Information from:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 09-27-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 09-27-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing nicely......
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 05-24-2014 - by Matty Cal
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 05-24-2014
Surveyor Name:Matty Cal
Camp Description:May 24-25, 2014 Large campsite was clean and quiet with AMPLE water flowing through. Started at Nira with Lunch at Ray's camp. Incredible array of native plants in bloom with subtle, yet spectacular wildflowers showing.  Very exciting! Fire restrictions are in effect in the back country area.  Fly's were present, but not a problem.  No mosquitos.  Fair amount of Poison Oak. Ticks present, but not overwhelming. I encountered 4 Wilderness Rangers/Volunteers along the way. All were very helpful and I was presented with a Los Padres Ranger business card each time.  "use it or lose it" says "The Beeman" Border Collie was happy with the available water to splash in, as was I.  Waterfall swimming hole was icing on the cake.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Clear water flowing at Manzana Narrow, several deep pools were a welcoming sight. Easy to filter, and ample from Ray's Camp to Manzana Narrows
Weather Conditions:
Manzana Narrows Camp Survey - 03-29-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Manzana Narrows Camp
Date: 03-29-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:No 'falls' at Manzana Narrows, but the deep pool there has water of passable quality.
Weather Conditions:

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Last Updated: Wednesday, March 15, 2023

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    Phone: (661) 245-3731
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    Phone: (805) 646-4348
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    Phone: (805) 925-9538
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    Phone: (831) 385-5434