The Madulce Peak Trail is a 2.00 mile trail in the Dick Smith Wilderness in Santa Barbara County. The trail connects the Madulce Trail (28W09) and Madulce Peak. On the 1905 topographic map, the peak is called Strawberry Peak because of the wild strawberries that grow on Pine Creek at its north base. The name Madulce was substituted because the U. S. Geological map makers were told to use local names. A fire tower was constructed on top of the peak at the end of Trail. A storm severely damaged the tower so that Forest Service burned it to the ground. The Madulce Trail was and still is an important link between the Sisquoc River area and the Santa Barbara Canyon Trail to the Cuyama or down the Alamar and Mono Canyons to the coast. Please let us know if you have explored this trail recently.