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Ant Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type: Wilderness Trail Camp
  • Topo Map Link: Devils Heart Peak
  • Elevation: 2700 feet
  • Wilderness Area: Sespe
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Longitude: -118.8858527777778
  • Latitude: 34.57606388888889
  • Water Sources: Water is available seasonally in creek
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days
  • Reservations: Wilderness Trail Camp

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
02-15-2025Shaddus MaximusFlowing
04-09-2021Addison JerlowFlowing
04-09-2021Christopher P. LordFlowing
03-19-2021Jim KenneyFlowing
06-29-2019Antonio CalderonFlowing
06-22-2019Christopher P. LordFlowing
02-04-2018Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
11-12-2017Anonymous SurveyorDry
11-10-2017M. JonesDry
06-09-2017Kevin KleinFlowing
05-14-2017Kara HooperFlowing
05-12-2017Aria ZonerFlowing
05-11-2017Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
02-26-2016Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
01-18-2015Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
04-22-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
02-08-2014Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
09-15-2012Los Padres Forest AssociationDry


Ant camp is a small trail camp located on the trail junction of Bucksnort Trail and the Aqua Blanca Trail in the Sespe Wilderness, the camp is at 2700 feet elevation. The camp is well named because the site is alive with ants. It is at the end of Buck Snort Trail 19W18 and the start of Aqua Blanca Trail 19W10 which continues down Agua Blanca Creek to the Piru Creek.

Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-22-2014

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 02-26-2016
    Camp site & table

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 02-26-2016
    Trash in tree

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 02-26-2016
    empty drinking bottle trash

  • Kevin Klein - 06-09-2017

  • Kevin Klein - 06-09-2017
    Big Narrows

  • M. Jones - 11-10-2017
    Camp after clean-up

  • M. Jones - 11-10-2017
    Water bottles cached in tree under this

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-04-2018
    Ant Sunrise

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-04-2018
    Ant Camp

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-04-2018
    New improved fire ring, all trash removed.

  • Christopher P. Lord - 06-22-2019
    Ant Camp

  • Christopher P. Lord - 06-22-2019
    Table is in bad shape

  • Christopher P. Lord - 06-22-2019
    Rock Fire Ring

  • Christopher P. Lord - 06-22-2019
    Camp tools

  • Christopher P. Lord - 06-22-2019
    Camp overview

  • Christopher P. Lord - 06-22-2019
    Fire ring 325 feet northeast of Ant closer to the Agua Blanca

  • Antonio Calderon - 06-29-2019

  • Antonio Calderon - 06-29-2019

  • Antonio Calderon - 06-29-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

Submitted Camp Reports

Ant Camp Survey - 02-15-2025 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 02-15-2025
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Tons of water in Agua Blanca Creek right now. Will be flowing for many months to come.
Weather Conditions:
Ant Camp Survey - 05-07-2022 - by Mark
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 05-07-2022
Surveyor Name:Mark
Camp Description:Camp is usable, but run down. Half a table. Odd style of stove I have never encountered before. The signage is incorrect. It says 2 miles to the trail junction and 4 miles to Dough Flat, but it's really 2+4=6! Below that the trail gets worse and worse until about 0.7 miles downstream, and all the way past Cove Camp, it's basically nonexistent.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Ant Camp Survey - 04-09-2021 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 04-09-2021
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:Nice camp but already full when I arrived.  Explored for another spot further upstream and came across tons of trash (probably left over from an illegal grow)in what would have been a nice spot about 1/4 mi up the trail towards Saddle Skirt, between the trail and creek just over the first hill.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:good flow in creek, clean camp.
Weather Conditions:sunny with small gusts. mid 70s, low 50s
Ant Camp Survey - 04-09-2021 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 04-09-2021
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Camp Description:https://christopherplord.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-agua-blanca-trail-dough-flat-to.html
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Ant Camp Survey - 03-19-2021 - by Jim Kenney
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 03-19-2021
Surveyor Name:Jim Kenney
Camp Description:Camp is in good shape.  Water is flowing well nearby.  See my trail survey for the buck snort trail for further
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Cool
Ant Camp Survey - 02-20-2021 - by Dylan
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 02-20-2021
Surveyor Name:Dylan
Camp Description:
Camp in decent condition, but lots of trash around. I packed out a garbage bag full of plastic water bottles, but I couldn't take it all.

WARNING: about a 1/4 mile north of Ant Camp along the creek
(Agua Blanca trail, heading towards Saddle Skirt camp),
I found an abandoned camp that was definitely used as part of a grow
operation. Lots of trash, clothes and gear abandoned.
The tell-tale signs were literally hundreds of seed planting pods,
several pairs of scissors (for trimming), as well as a few watering cans
further up the stream, and a few bits of irrigation piping.
Honestly the operation seemed pretty amateur compared to others
I've come across before, and it had definitely been abandoned
for weeks if not months.

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Agua Blanca creek flowing well
Weather Conditions:Very windy, dropped close to freezing at night
Ant Camp Survey - 06-29-2019 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 06-29-2019
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:Went prepared for an overnight stay at ant camp. We got to camp at around 12 pm but decided not to stay. We hung out at camp for about two hours. Everything about this camp is awesome.  Very peaceful and quiet place. The hike is ok but very exposed and hot. The trail is very brushy in some spots but easily followable all the way to camp. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Nice cold and refreshing. Good tasting water.
Weather Conditions:Sunny and Hot in the low 90s

Ant Camp Survey - 06-22-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 06-22-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Camp Description:Stopped at Ant on my way to Saddle Skirt. The camp was a complete disaster, trash everywhere. After completing the Camp Survey we gathered up all the crap others left behind and eventually lugged it back up Bucksnort and to the car at Dough Flat. Please don't leave your trash here folks, have some class. Water was available from the Agua Blanca. Getting in from Bucksnort is not too bad, though the trail definitely needs some work. Most of the overgrowth is found along the descent to Ant. The tread is there just needs people to keep walking on it. Also the picnic table appears to be on its last leg. There is another fire ring closer to the Agua Blanca approximately 325 feet northeast of Camp. More details can be found at the link below.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:HOT

Ant Camp

Table is in bad shape

Rock Fire Ring

Camp tools

Camp overview
Ant Camp Survey - 02-04-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 02-04-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Usual trash left behind that we picked up.  Rebuilt the fire ring.  Morning views at Ant are hard to beat.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The main Agua Blanca was flowing, which is a 4min walk from Ant Camp proper.
Weather Conditions:

Ant Sunrise

Ant Camp

New improved fire ring, all trash removed.
Ant Camp Survey - 11-12-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 11-12-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:There is some trash strewn about.  Beer cans, plastic water bottles, toilet paper, etc.  There is no water in the creek immediately beside the camp.
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Ant Camp Survey - 11-10-2017 - by M. Jones
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 11-10-2017
Surveyor Name:M. Jones
Camp Description:

Cleaned up camp site, we hiked out 30 lbs. of trash between us. Old shredded tent, sleeping bags, plastic and aluminum waste were removed from camp and hollow tree due east. Left the 6 full water bottles in tree under skull and crossbones.

Table needs to be replaced; logs are being used for bench seating.  There’s a small pot, skillet and two shovels, two steel grills at camp site. 

Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:64 and sunny

Camp after clean-up

Water bottles cached in tree under this
Ant Camp Survey - 06-09-2017 - by Kevin Klein
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 06-09-2017
Surveyor Name:Kevin Klein
Camp Description:Camp still has some sleeping bags that somebody left, as well as some some trash they left.  Trail from Dough Flat is overgrown but easily identifiable and no trail searching required.  From Ant to Big Narrows there is a decent trail the first mile or so with lots of markers, then an easy bush wack along the Agua Blanca creek bed to the narrows.  Somebody cut some of the brush recently which made things easier.  Aside from one short section, water was flowing well in Agua Blanca from Ant Camp to Big Narrows.  There is a bee hive in the tree at Ant Camp but the bees didn't bother us and were not aggressive even when standing right under it.  
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing nicely
Weather Conditions:Low 80s during the day and sunny.

Big Narrows
Ant Camp Survey - 05-14-2017 - by Kara Hooper
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 05-14-2017
Surveyor Name:Kara Hooper
Camp Description:There is a strange cashe of a sleeping bag hanging from the big oak tree in the camp site area, and an old full tent cast aside about 100 yards away.  However, this really does not detract too much from the experience of Ant Camp.  It is a beautiful spot and the picnic table is excellent as well.  You feel quite far away from civilization here.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:the creek known as Agua Blanca creek was flowing quite well
Weather Conditions:
Ant Camp Survey - 05-12-2017 - by Aria Zoner
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 05-12-2017
Surveyor Name:Aria Zoner
Camp Description:Currently, there is a stash of bulky gear that's tied-up in the tree at Ant Camp. It has been there since at least New Year's and appears to be abandoned. Also of interest, the Ant Camp Mascot rock is gone, possibly lifted by the gear-leavers. Do not be discouraged to stay at this camp due to this gear stash. Ants were minimal at this visitation; the scenery, maximum!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Excellent water quality and a great temp for rinsing off in.
Weather Conditions:Partly cloudy and cool in the morning for the climb out.
Ant Camp Survey - 05-11-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 05-11-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Ant Camp Survey - 02-26-2016 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 02-26-2016
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Rickety wooden picnic table and rock fire ring set under several large Live Oaks.  Unfortunately 50 plus empty plastic bottles and assorted trash left behind by prior users.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Agua Blanca Creek approx 100 yes away had water flowing at a brisk rate
Weather Conditions:70 & clear

Camp site & table

Trash in tree

empty drinking bottle trash
Ant Camp Survey - 01-18-2015 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 01-18-2015
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:Walked in from Dough Flat on a perfect day. Ant Camp was beautiful, but some large group of Yahoos had left several bags of trash, a sleeping bag and a large tent behind. We especially appreciated the '45 round that went off midway through our campfire. In my 40 years in the SB & Ventura county backcountry, i've never seen anything like it. We hauled out what we could, but there are still dozens of small water bottles and plastic crap. Next guy who packs in on horseback, please help! We walked out through Lake Piru. The trail to Cove is almost nonexistent. We averaged less than 1 mile/hour with lots of rock hopping, creek crossing and branch breaking time. We found Cove only by estimating distance and looking for "logical" camp locations. The fire pit hadn't been used for months. Nice spot overall, but the trail was "very strenuous".
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The Agua Blanca was flowing nicely
Weather Conditions:Perfect; clear and high 60's; green grass & lots of water
Ant Camp Survey - 04-22-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 04-22-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Nice water flowing
Weather Conditions:

Ant Camp Survey - 02-08-2014 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 02-08-2014
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Better than we were expecting.
Weather Conditions:
Ant Camp Survey - 09-15-2012 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Ant Camp
Date: 09-15-2012
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Great story / article from The Los Padres Expatriate Hiker chronicling an especially hot hike in to Ant Camp.  Well worth recording in LP history:


Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:Nearest water was about a mile downstream, read post for more information.
Weather Conditions:HOT

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Survey / Report Form

Last Updated: Tuesday, March 1, 2016

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  • Mt. Pinos District
    Phone: (661) 245-3731
  • Ojai Ranger District
    Phone: (805) 646-4348
  • Santa Barbara District
    Phone: (805) 967-3481
  • Santa Lucia District
    Phone: (805) 925-9538
  • Monterey District
    Phone: (831) 385-5434