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Pothole Trail - Los Padres National Forest
Trail Distance 5.31 Miles

From Highway 126, turn north on Piru Canyon Road. Drive 6 miles to the Lake Piru gatehouse and inform staff that you are parking at the Pothole Trailhead. Drive approximately 5 miles on Piru Canyon Road to the trailhead parking lot. The trail switchbacks up the ridgeline for 2.7 miles, enters the Sespe Wilderness, and descends into the Potholes for another 2 miles. A loop hike may be taken by connecting with the Agua Blanca Trail (19W10).

This trail branches from the Agua Blanca Trail just upstream from the Devils Gateway and before you reach Log Cabin Camp. It climbs up a small south side canyon with a small stream in its bottom. Reaching the head of the canyon you come to Pothole Spring; with an old cabin and farming tools that all had to be packed to the cabin area on mule back by William Whitaker. Following the trail south for a short distance, you come to a trail junction. The right hand fork is little used and leads to The Pothole. After leaving the junction, Trail 18W04 climbs steeply to reach the top of a north south ridge. Here there are excellent views of the Devils Gateway far down below you and then on up Piru Creek to the Big Narrows. Finally, it steeply descends to the road between Lake Piru and Blue Point.

The Pothole is caused by a gigantic slide that descended across the canyon forming a large dam. Over the years, the area back of the dam has filled in with sand and silt until it has now formed a floor. This area sometimes floods for a very short period after very heavy rain. A grove of cottonwood trees covers part of the flat area.

Where the trail enters The Pothole the entrance is partially covered by sand, silt and weeds and the remains of an old horse drawn hay rake. The hay rake was used by William Whitaker when he cut the mature grass for hay.

Water seeping into the aquifer at The Pothole seeps out down the canyon to form a small marsh at the spring. William Whitaker filed on 80 acres and by Cash Entry, in 1891 for which he received a Patent. He built a small cabin and packed numerous farm tools up by mule back to farm at the spring as well as The Pothole.

Trail Details

  • Trail #: 18W04
  • Wilderness Area: Sespe
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Trail-head Latitude: 34.51236
  • Trail-head Longitude: -118.76057
  • Water Sources: Pothole Spring and Log Cabin Camp
  • Trail Condition: Bad - Trail may require some bushwhacking and/or searching for markers due to potential sub standard trail conditions
  • Topo Maps:
  • Activities & Features:
    • Backpacking
    • Camping
    • Creek
    • Day Hiking
    • Panoramic Views
    • Spring
    • Wildlife Viewing
    • Wilderness Camping

Trail Stats

  • Total Elevation Gain: + 2550 feet.
  • Total Elevation Loss: - 2126 feet.
  • Overall Average Slope Gain: + 16 %.
  • Overall Average Slope Loss: - 14 %.
  • Kilometers: (km)
  • Meters: (m)
  • Miles: (mi)
  • Feet: (ft)
  • Average Slope: (%)

Trail Camps

Log Cabin (1510 feet)

Photo By: Christopher P Lord - Website Link
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Survey Photos:

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 03-15-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 03-15-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 03-15-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 11-20-2014

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-12-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-12-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-12-2015

  • Daniel Meinzer - 04-16-2016

  • Daniel Meinzer - 04-16-2016

  • Eric - 01-28-2017

  • Eric - 01-28-2017

  • Eric - 01-28-2017

  • Eric - 01-28-2017

  • Mike Maki - 03-10-2017

  • Mike Maki - 03-10-2017

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-02-2018

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-02-2018

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-02-2018

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-02-2018

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-02-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-14-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-14-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-14-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-14-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-18-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-18-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-18-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-18-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-18-2019

  • Antonio Calderon - 03-27-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 03-27-2020

  • Alan Coles - 03-27-2021

  • Alan Coles - 03-27-2021

  • Alan Coles - 03-27-2021

  • Mike Maki - 12-04-2022

  • Mike Maki - 12-04-2022

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-19-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-19-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-19-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-19-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-19-2023

Submitted Trail Reports

Pothole Trail Survey - 03-15-2025 - by Laura Clay
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 03-15-2025
Surveyor Name:Laura Clay
Trail description:3/15-3/16
Pothole trail to Log Cabin Camp, back to parking via Agua Blanca Trail

Pothole trail: fairly steep with no shade, but in good condition. Last portion uphill has lots of bushes to push through but trail is mostly defined. Some spots where "trail" splits from visual/gps trail, but all meets up in the end.
Log Cabin camp: lots of flat ground and wood for fires (when permitted). Water is NOT close to camp at all, at least closest we could find was walking down to Agua Blanca creek probably .3 miles and uphill on the way back to camp was annoying. Plenty of water right now. Lots of critters in the metal cabin skittering throughout the night, noisy frogs, and lack of any seating for the campfire ring made this a very average but not great campsite.
Agua Blanca trail: We made our way downhill back to the parking area, almost immediately had to get our feet wet which made the decision to walk through the pools in Devil's Gateway (where the canyon walls are high on both sides) easy. Got wet up to about knees. Rest of trail back fairly simple to follow with orange flagging at creek crossings, obvious recent maintenance helped. Some poison oak, but didn't seem too crazy (yet). HOWEVER, our dog was with us and we brushed off 5 ticks plus pulled 6+ more that had bitten. So beware! Last ~2-2.5 miles on dirt then paved road with no shade, a little demoralizing.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 11-30-2024 - by Alan Coles
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 11-30-2024
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:Crew of 7 worked the trail from upper stream crossing to Devils Potrero. Cleared brush, fallen trees and improved the tread.  Restored original tread near cabin.  There are still 4 logs to clear but easy to get over/around.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Trail crew
Pothole Trail Survey - 11-10-2024 - by Alan Coles
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 11-10-2024
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:Our crew of 10 went in on the AB and cleared the Pothole Trail up to the high crossing of Pothole Spring.  There are still several trees and fallen branches to clear but the section from AB up to the cabin is in much better shape and easy to follow.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Trail crew
Pothole Trail Survey - 11-05-2023 - by Jaime Santana
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 11-05-2023
Surveyor Name:Jaime Santana
Trail description:I completed the full trail, from log cabin up and then down to pothole trailhead. I also dough flat down to ant camp and ant camp to login cabin - go check those trails for my report on those. 

The trail from log cabin to pothole spring: is destroyed in a few section - downed trees and storm damage have made a few sections nearly impassable. There are a few parts where you will be right on the cliff edge and have to walk on a narrow, footstep wide, section of loose dirt to get around some landslide damage. Additionally, there is one section where a large tree has fallen, and the only way around it is scrambling up very loose dirt on a steep clifside. Doable, with some determination and strength, but somewhat dangerous.

The trail from pothole spring (has water in Nov 2023) to the peak of the mountain: Somewhat overgrown but not too bad - that isn't the problem, however, there are a few landslides that are a problem. You need to cross a few landslides on steep cliffs that require you step carefully and quickly on somewhat loose dirt. Not for the faint of heart and somewhat dangerous but certainly passable.

peak of the mountain down to pothole trailhead: no damage, no problems. not too overgrown and fairly easy to follow.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Pothole Trail Survey - 06-19-2023 - by Alex Siapkas
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 06-19-2023
Surveyor Name:Alex Siapkas
Trail description:First half of the trail heading up hill is in good shape, back half heading down hill is overgrown in some sections but nothing major. the section from Tin cabin to Log cabin though is all messed up and non existent in some areas from storm damage, landslides and downed trees
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Pothole Trail Survey - 12-04-2022 - by Mike Maki
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 12-04-2022
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:This report is for the section from Pothole Spring (flowing) to Agua Blanca Creek. Hiked up to the spring and old tin cabin from Agua Blanca Creek. Trial in good shape but slippery due to recent rain. No significant obstacles in this section.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Old Tin Cabin near the spring

Freshly fallen cottonwood leaves on the trail.
Pothole Trail Survey - 02-06-2022 - by Mike Maki
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 02-06-2022
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:I listed the trail as in good shape and easy to follow, but it could use minor brushing. I worked the previous day on the Agua Blanca then did some brushing on the Pot Hole  Trail on my way back the Pot Hole Trailhead. For the most part it is in good shape and easy to follow.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 04-15-2021 - by Dave Burnett
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 04-15-2021
Surveyor Name:Dave Burnett
Trail description:     This was a hike with four friends on this new trail for all of us.  We went as far as the high point on the trail plus a short distance on a use trail continuing upward on the ridge with the objective to look down at The Pothole this trip.  A distance of about three miles and about 2,500 feet elevation gain.
     The trail was easy to follow, though near the trailhead there seem to be several alternates paths that have developed.  The switchbacks are non existent other a few vestiges that can be noticed.  The easiest path to follow proceeds directly up the ridge.
     The new parking area is excellent.  however the Trailhead sign is misleading.  The path behind the sign shortly passes a Posted sign and it is obvious this is the wrong way.  The actual trailhead is on the other side of the parking lot and just off  the road.
No water at all on the part of the trail we covered.  Great views and some flowers were to be found.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 03-27-2021 - by Alan Coles
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 03-27-2021
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:
Surveyed the trail today and did some light tread work and brushing all the way to Log Cabin Camp then returned on AB.  Motorcycle trespass has become a major problem causing deep ruts that need to be repaired.

Switchbacks on the trail going up from the trailhead are hard to find and overgrown.  Most users are going straight up the ridge.

Some light brushing is needed but major issue is tread repair.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Survey and trail work

Near the trailhead, motorcycles are coming in from the left, likely from the inholdings.

Rutting from motorcycle

Looking east at the trail from the high point.
Pothole Trail Survey - 03-23-2021 - by Oak Titmouse
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 03-23-2021
Surveyor Name:Oak Titmouse
Trail description:The road is now open to the trailhead.  The trail is in good shape, easy to follow.  Excellent views.  Disappointingly, a group of dirt bikers road the trail all the way to Agua Blanca creek, leaving behind deep ruts in places.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 01-25-2020 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 01-25-2020
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Article by James Wapotich of Songs of the Wilderness who visited and wrote about the Pothole Trail - great resource as always, enjoy:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Pothole Trail Survey - 03-27-2020 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 03-27-2020
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Trail description:Was surprised to see the great work done on the trailhead parking area. First two miles is very steep and grassy but easily followable. From wilderness boundary sign to log cabin trail is in great shape with only a few brushy areas. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

New signage at trailhead

Whitaker cabin
Pothole Trail Survey - 02-29-2020 - by Alan Coles
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 02-29-2020
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:Worked from AB to the cabin removing the logs and cutting back the PO and blackberry.  Overall, looks very good along the spring. Trail going up from road to high point needs some brushing near the top and restoration of tread where the trail switchbacks around steep sections.  Possible reroute is planned but unknown when it will happen.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Trail crew work
Pothole Trail Survey - 12-21-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 12-21-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Trail description:Today 12/21/19 a crew of hardy volunteers brushed and flagged the first 2.5 miles of Potholes trail from Piru Canyon Road up to the Wilderness boundary Sign.This section is now in good and shape and easy to follow. Watch out for game trails and deviations which can falsely lead you off the main trail. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 05-18-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 05-18-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Trail description:First mile and a Half is in desperate need of brushing. The knee and waist high grass has completely taken over the trail making it difficult to follow. (Where's Alan Coles when you need him). After the first couple miles as you begin to gain the ridge and enter the Sespe Wilderness the grass section opens up and the trail becomes much more navigable. If tall grass and ticks are your thing the potholes is where you want to be right now.  (Pictures included with the report)
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Just after the trailhead

The higher up the trail you go the better it gets

Wilderness Boundary Sign

Pothole Trail Survey - 01-20-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 01-20-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Trail description:From Piru Canyon Road The pothole trail is in pretty good shape and easy to follow all the way to it's northern terminus at the Agua Blanca. I noted only 1 large downed tree N34° 32' 38.9" W118° 48' 15.1" just below Whitaker Cabin. Pothole Spring had a good amount of water as did the nearby creek. Unofficial Pothole Spring Camp has 2 fire pits and is well shaded by oaks. There was a large variety of mushrooms along the trail and not a single tick was found. Poison Oak was prevalent along side the trail from the Spring and beyond. Water at Agua Blanca was roaring. Perfect weather made for a fabulous day. You can read the full write up below.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Potholes Trailhead Sign

Pothole Sespe Wilderness Sign

Whitaker Cabin Site

Devil's Potrero

The Pothole
Pothole Trail Survey - 08-23-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 08-23-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Funny article about getting lost in the woods with a reference to the Pothole Trail and Agua Blanca.  Enjoy!

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Pothole Trail Survey - 04-14-2018 - by Craig R. Carey
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 04-14-2018
Surveyor Name:Craig R. Carey
Trail description:Troop 111 (Ventura) struck out on the Pothole trail for a sign install project at the wilderness boundary. Grassy along the lower section and as steep as ever, but tread in good shape. Tons of PO below the cabin en route to Agua Blanca junction. Various images courtesy TLJ/NDH/JJ/BBJ.

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Pothole Trail Survey - 02-02-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 02-02-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Pothole Trail remains in good shape.  The first 1.3 miles from the road up is a big frustrating through the grass.  The combination of user trails, cattle trails and game trails are more prominent than the true trail.  Most people seem to be taking the direct route straight up the ridge line.  At mile 1.3 the ridge narrows and all routes continue along together.  It's a bit brushy but nothing serious.  The trail down from the wilderness boundary towards Agua Blanca remains in great shape from the CREW working it in 2015.  There was water at the usual springs below the cabin and one downed tree that was easy enough to dance around.  Really nice trail, go check it out! 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

View down from atop the initial grassy ridge section.

The unseasonably hot January must have triggered this early lupine to bloom. TRICKS ON YOU!

In the wilderness, looking down Agua Blanca. Some sort of sling or horse pannier was left over.

Trail junction sign, Pothole and Agua Blanca, just downstream of Log Cabin and upstream of the Devils Gateway.

One downed tree of significance: 34.5439, -118.8042
Pothole Trail Survey - 03-10-2017 - by Mike Maki
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 03-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:Uphill section of trail was easy to follow but very overgrown with the recent winter rains. Just need a dozen or so people to hike it and the trail will be in better shape. Once over the top, downhill section was in excellent shape. A couple of minor wash outs from recent storms but nothing major. One tree down after corrugated shed. Hike pics
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Very overgrown on grassy uphill section

Overgrown section

Down tree below corrugated shed
Pothole Trail Survey - 01-28-2017 - by Eric
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 01-28-2017
Surveyor Name:Eric
Trail description:The trail was a bit overgrown due to the recent rains, but well maintained and easy to follow, especially once you make it up to the ridge. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Beginning of Pothole Trail looking back on Piru Canyon rd

On the ridge looking east from Pothole Trail

Looking west coming down toward the Pothole

Approaching the Pothole
Pothole Trail Survey - 05-02-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 05-02-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:
The Ojai Ranger District hired The CREW (http://www.thecrew.org/) to work for three weeks from the Sespe Wilderness Boundary down to Log Cabin Camp.  That section is now 100% stock passable and in the best shape it's been in for years and years, if not decades.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 04-16-2016 - by Daniel Meinzer
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 04-16-2016
Surveyor Name:Daniel Meinzer
Trail description:Maintenance was in progress during our hike.  Expect it to be in very good shape.  Water was present at pothole spring.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Pothole Trail Survey - 04-24-2016 - by Gordon A Jenkins
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 04-24-2016
Surveyor Name:Gordon A Jenkins
Trail description:Excellent condition...CREW Ojai just completed a 21-day spike, worked trail from ridge to Log Cabin camp and Devil's Gateway
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Pothole Trail Survey - 11-15-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 11-15-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Ojai Ranger District patrol of the Pothole Trail.  There is good water along the bottom of the canyon, including water at the Pothole Cabin.  There will be a few weeks of trail work by the CREW along this trail later this fall.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work
Pothole Trail Survey - 04-12-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 04-12-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Report from the Ojai Ranger District:

The CREW continued work on the Pothole Trail and have now completed 90% of the trail from the wilderness boundary (ridge) down to the Agua Blanca to trail standards.  If you are going to backpack the Pothole Trail, now is a great time.  The CREW will be back in the Fall to wrap up that last 10%.

More information about the CREW:
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Photo Ranger Heidi

Photo Ranger Heidi

Photo Ranger Heidi
Pothole Trail Survey - 11-20-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 11-20-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:LPFA hosted a Working Vacation along the Pothole Trail.  Let the pictures tell the story:

Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Pothole Trail Survey - 03-15-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 03-15-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:The Ojai Ranger District continued work on the Pothole Trail.  They worked from the Wilderness boundary down towards the Agua Blanca.  The Pothole Trail is seeing a lot of work this year with multiple projects hosted by the ORD, LPFA and CREW.

Photos: Ranger Heidi
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Pothole Trail Survey - 09-06-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pothole Trail
Date: 09-06-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:LPFA scouted from Agua Blanca up to the Potrero for a future trail project.  Information here:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

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Last Updated: Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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