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Agua Blanca Trail - Los Padres National Forest
Trail Distance 12.44 Miles

In the 1930's the U. S. Forest Service, using C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corps) labor, improved an old chumash trail that followed Agua Blanca Creek up the canyon. It was a popular trail because of the good hunting and fishing in the canyon. The trail begins at Festers Camp at the junction of the canyon with Piru Creek. Following up the canyon it comes to the Devils Gateway which is a narrow cliff cut through a conglomerate rock ridge. There is a trail over the ridge but it is rocky and steep. It is best to go up through the pools in the bottom of Devils Gate. Just beyond the narrows is a junction with the Pot Hole Trail that crosses the creek and climbs to reach the old Whitaker cabin and Pot Hole. Just beyond the trail junction is Log Cabin Camp. The cabin is long gone but a trail camp is located at the site. Continuing on up the Agua Blanca Creek the trail will pass a historic campsite called Hollister Camp. It was named for an early day U. S. Forest Ranger who had a camp beside the creek. Next comes Cove Camp on the left hand side of the creek.

A short distance beyond this camp is Big Narrows. Here the creek cuts through a ridge of cobblestone to form a "U" like narrows. The walls of the cliff are very tall and numerous pools form as the creek descends through the narrows. There is a trail that climbs over the ridge on the west side of the narrows but it is more enjoyable to go through the narrow part of the canyon.

Further up the creek the trail reaches Ant Camp where a trail comes in from Dough Flats and Fillmore. The Agua Blanca trail used to continue up the creek passing two old hunting camps to finally climb to the top of Cobblestone Mountain but the trail beyond Ant Camp has not received any maintenance and is now a wall of dense brush and washouts from floods.

From Highway 126 turn north on Piru Canyon Road. Drive 6 miles to Lake Piru Gatehouse pay the entrance fee and drive 2.3 miles to the launch ramp where parking is available.

From the launch ramp hike 4.2 miles north on Piru Canyon Road to the old Blue Point Campground which is closed. Walk through the gate on left before the stream crossing. Follow the dirt road up Piru Creek for 1.2 miles and at the junction turn left (west) to the Agua Blanca Trail where the Sespe Wilderness begins.

Log Cabin Camp above Devil's Gateway is 4.3 miles from the trailhead. The Pothole Trail (18W04) intersects the trail near Log Cabin Camp. Continuing on the Agua Blanca Trail is barely passable for hiking and is definitely not recommended for horseback riders. Poison oak along the trail is unavoidable. The Agua Blanca Trail is one of the most scenic trails on the Ojai Ranger District.

Story Map Link:

Trail Details

  • Trail #: 19W10
  • Wilderness Area: Sespe
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Trail-head Latitude: 34.531085037346486
  • Trail-head Longitude: -118.75692844390869
  • Water Sources: Agua Blanca Creek
  • Trail Condition: Bad - Trail may require some bushwhacking and/or searching for markers due to potential sub standard trail conditions
  • Topo Maps:
  • Activities & Features:
    • Backpacking
    • Day Hiking
    • Wilderness Camping

Trail Stats

  • Total Elevation Gain: + 3264 feet.
  • Total Elevation Loss: - -1282 feet.
  • Overall Average Slope Gain: + 5 %.
  • Overall Average Slope Loss: - 5 %.
  • Kilometers: (km)
  • Meters: (m)
  • Miles: (mi)
  • Feet: (ft)
  • Average Slope: (%)

Trail Camps

Photo: B. Conant
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Survey Photos:

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-11-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-11-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 05-10-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 05-10-2015

  • Mark Subbotin - 11-15-2015

  • Daniel Meinzer - 04-17-2016

  • Mike Maki - 03-10-2017

  • Mike Maki - 03-10-2017

  • Alan Coles - 03-18-2017

  • Alan Coles - 03-18-2017

  • Alan Coles - 03-18-2017

  • Alan Coles - 03-18-2017

  • Alan Coles - 03-18-2017

  • Kevin K - 06-14-2017

  • MSubbotin - 01-15-2018

  • MSubbotin - 01-15-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-15-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-15-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-15-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 04-15-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 01-20-2019

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Christopher P. Lord - 04-09-2021

  • Mike Maki - 02-05-2022

  • Mike Maki - 02-05-2022

  • Mike Maki - 02-05-2022

  • Mike Maki - 02-05-2022

  • Mike Maki - 12-04-2022

  • Mike Maki - 12-04-2022

  • Mike Maki - 12-04-2022

  • Mike Maki - 12-04-2022

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-21-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-21-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-21-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-21-2023

  • Alex Siapkas - 06-21-2023

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 11-12-2023

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 11-12-2023

  • Alan Coles - 10-26-2024


Submitted Trail Reports

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 03-16-2025 - by Laura Clay
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 03-16-2025
Surveyor Name:Laura Clay
Trail description:3/15-3/16
Pothole trail to Log Cabin Camp, back to parking via Agua Blanca Trail

Pothole trail: fairly steep with no shade, but in good condition. Last portion uphill has lots of bushes to push through but trail is mostly defined. Some spots where "trail" splits from visual/gps trail, but all meets up in the end.
Log Cabin camp: lots of flat ground and wood for fires (when permitted). Water is NOT close to camp at all, at least closest we could find was walking down to Agua Blanca creek probably .3 miles and uphill on the way back to camp was annoying. Plenty of water right now. Lots of critters in the metal cabin skittering throughout the night, noisy frogs, and lack of any seating for the campfire ring made this a very average but not great campsite.
Agua Blanca trail: We made our way downhill back to the parking area, almost immediately had to get our feet wet which made the decision to walk through the pools in Devil's Gateway (where the canyon walls are high on both sides) easy. Got wet up to about knees. Rest of trail back fairly simple to follow with orange flagging at creek crossings, obvious recent maintenance helped. Some poison oak, but didn't seem too crazy (yet). HOWEVER, our dog was with us and we brushed off 5 ticks plus pulled 6+ more that had bitten. So beware! Last ~2-2.5 miles on dirt then paved road with no shade, a little demoralizing.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 10-26-2024 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 10-26-2024
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:We cleared the trail to Devil's Gateway.  It is easily passable with a few rough spots that we hope to fix in the near future.  Trail can sometimes be hard to find at stream crossings so look for orange flags.  Stream is flowing well but still easy to cross.  You need to wade through the Gateway in 12" water for about 30' to reach Log Cabin Camp.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Passable to Devil's Gateway

Devil's Gateway showing water level
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 11-12-2023 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 11-12-2023
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:LPFA Trail project led by Alan Coles surveyed and cleared the first two miles of the trail up from the Lake Piru side. Lots of trail obstructions, downed trees, slides, steep creek ramps and washouts. We fixed what we could but more work is certainly needed. 

Great water flowing throughout the creek.

Led by Alan, we will be back out there throughout the winter as the weather allows. If you'd like to come along and help out, please email us at VOLUNTEER@LPForest.org - thanks!
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Group photo next to the Sespe Wilderness sign ~ those bears sure love those wilderness signs!

Volunteers re-benching one of the higher sections of the Agua Blanca Trail below the Devil's Gateway.
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 11-04-2023 - by Jaime Santana
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 11-04-2023
Surveyor Name:Jaime Santana
Trail description:This report is for the section of Agua Blanca from Ant camp to Log Cabin. I also did bucksnort and pothole trail - go check those trails for my report on those section.

Regarding the section from Ant Camp to Cove camp: The trail portions of the trail are pretty much non-existent, most times you are better off just going straight through the creek, sometimes if you do follow a trail it ends up being a bear trail that ends and you have to backtrack. You will be forced to go around the creek often however due to downed trees and there are a few very difficult sections, one nearly impassable due to a large downed tree and washout from an intersecting canyon. you can complete it without gear but will need to look around for creative routes around obstacles. Needless to say it is pretty rough going given the storm conditions but it possible to do if you have the determination and the physical strength to scramble over logs and rocks. The big narrows itself is totally fine, there is no debris or blockage and it is amazing. When I went November 2023 the big narrows would sometimes force you in water about 3 or so feet deep, just pull your pack up and you will be fine. I would rate this section as very rough because of the amount of storm debris navigation and downed trees.

Regarding cove camp to log cabin: This section is easier than the Ant camp to Cove camp section. There is still debris and the occassional downed tree, but the canyon is wider and so it usually easy to navigate around things. This section could be enjoyable to your average hiker and is very doable. You can occassionally cut a river bend by following a flagged trail, but sometimes those end in dead ends due to impassable erosion. River is usually your best bet when in doubt
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Hard to follow
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 06-21-2023 - by Alex Siapkas
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 06-21-2023
Surveyor Name:Alex Siapkas
Trail description:Trail needs work its very overgrown and in some places nonexistent from landslides and downed trees. Still extremely beautiful. Easiest to bring rain boots and go straight up the creek.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 12-04-2022 - by Mike Maki
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 12-04-2022
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:This report is for the section from the end of the dirt road from Piru Creek to Log Cabin Camp. First trail maintenance trip with Alan Coles of the fall. Very little work was needed. No significant trees down and did some tread work. Trail is in great shapw with good water in the creek. Lots of cherry pit loaded bear scat. Beautiful fall colors. Log cabin camp in good shape.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Agua Blanca Creek at Pothole Trail crossing

View Up Agua Blanca Creek

View Up Agua Blanca Creek

Devil's Gateway
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 05-06-2022 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 05-06-2022
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:
We backpacked up Agua Blanca all the way to Dough Flat May 5-7, 2022. The best part was the Devil's Gateway. As described by others, it's "OK" up to Hollister, but very hard to follow in places (thanks for the flagging tape!). The routes shown on the default Gaia GPS map are reasonably accurate, but after Hollister, the old trail marking tape in places goes through such steep, impassable sections it almost seemed like a cruel joke,and there is more than 50% chance that walking up the creek is easier than many of the old trails. The quantity of poison oak is daunting but we managed with minimal infection.

Cove Camp stoves are so rusted and damaged as to be unusable and others have made regular stone fire rings. Oh yes, the trail sign at Pothole says 4 miles to Cove Camp. It's really only 2.6, but it feels like 4!

Above Cove camp, the canyon is so narrow that GPS is not very accurate and we mostly didn't use it, as the creek was "easier" than many of the land sections, but by no means easy. It didn't really get better until 0.7 miles below Ant Camp, but still vastly overgrown and tough to find.

The sign at Ant Camp is also wrong: it says 2 miles to the next trail junction and 4 miles to Dough Flat, but it's really 2+4=6!

After Ant Camp, the Bucksnort trail is existent but also hard to follow in a few places, some people clearly have shortcut bad sections. We are 4 experienced off-trail bushwhacking backpackers and canyoneers and this was the hardest backpack we have ever been on. Expected a pretty relaxed but hard 2.5 day backpack, but took 3 long days, perhaps an extra 6-8 hours and wish we had brought an extra meal.
There were no places that required any gear or technical skill, just grit and determination. Hand sanitizer and soap or Tecnu are really a must for poison oak. Loppers can help but often easier to wack it with a stick or your pole.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Hard to follow
Condition details:flagging tape helpful, creek is often best choice
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 01-29-2022 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 01-29-2022
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:

Agua Blanca Trail Repair, Saturday, 1/29/22

Alan Coles

Our crew of 8 included 7 seasoned crew members.  We met 8 am at Temescal and drove to the Piru Canyon Ranch.  After our safety orientation, we set off with the usual tread and sawyer tools.

About 0.5 miles from the cars, we cleared a fallen oak tree and made the trail more visible in an area damaged by floods (above).  We also moved some rocks to make the ascent down to the area safer.

We also improved the trail in an area where route was not clearly defined due to a deep rut.  We also worked on other areas of the trail that needed slough cleared off the trail, vegetation cut back and better identification of the route.

Some crew members went through the Devil’s Gateway to Log Cabin Camp to check for fallen trees but they reported the route mostly clear.  They did report recent motorcycle tracks in the wilderness coming in from the Potholes Trail, a recurring problem.  

We have made significant improvements to the trail this season that should keep hikers safe and on the correct route. TRAIL IS GOOD TO LOG CABIN, ABOVE THAT REMAINS ROUGH.

Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 02-05-2022 - by Mike Maki
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 02-05-2022
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:Three days two nights at Log Cabin Camp working the Agua Blanca Trail upstream from Log Cabin. Trail is in pretty good shape up the the bench mark on the rock before Holister (site). After that it is difficult to find and follow. I did some brushing and flagging of creek crossing and trail up to the sandy and rocky section of the trail near "PB 37" on the Forest Serivce map. I would recommend hiking the creek at this time. It is mostly free and clear.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Hard to follow
Condition details:Section Above Log Cabin Camp

Flagging at stream crossing up from Log Cabin

More flagging at stream crossing

Trail flagging further up

Down Oak 34.549953, -118.824272
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 10-30-2021 - by Mike Maki
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 10-30-2021
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:Spent the day working the Agua Blanca Trail with the legend Alan Coles. Trail is in great shape to Log Cabin Camp and up to the tin shed at Pot Hole. No water down low but surprisingly good flow above 1400ft contour in Agua Blanca and the creek up to Pot Hole.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 04-09-2021 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 04-09-2021
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Trail description:I wont reiterate the details as this blog post most pretty much sums it up. https://christopherplord.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-agua-blanca-trail-dough-flat-to.html

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 04-10-2021 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 04-10-2021
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Trail description:
Hiked from Dough Flat to Ant Camp, then followed Agua Blanca Creek/Trail downstream to Cove, then all the way out at Kesters Cabin and road walked out to the Potholes trailhead (4/09 - 4/11). There was some sort of trail for pretty much all of Agua Blanca. Trail was hardest to follow from around Tin Can Cabin Flat until the mouth of the narrows and we walked the creek for most of that section. Trail from eastern end of the narrows to Log Cabin was easy enough to follow but gps definitely helped finding when the trail cut away from the creek. Lots of flags and cairns from Cove onward, most helpful but some misleading.  A little tricky picking the right route right before Log Cabin. Trail from Log Cabin to Kesters in excellent shape.

Shocked to say the first time I have ever had to continue on from a target camp in the LP because it was full was at Cove Camp. A group of 6 or so had done our same route about an hour ahead of us all day. Also, good flow in all of Agua Blanca Creek, but getting pretty slow and algae-filled already in parts for how early it is.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:In very good shape for a trail that isn't actually a trail
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 03-27-2021 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 03-27-2021
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:
Came in on Potholes, exit through AB.  Fixed a few fallen trees and made crossings easier to find.  Some hikers are losing the trail and going up the canyon bottom.  Needs additional brushing and tread work in places.

Unattended fire at Log Cabin.  Backpackers, please use common sense.  We had 3 major fires at this location in the last 10 years.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Survey and trail work
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 11-14-2020 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 11-14-2020
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:We cleared fallen trees, did some brushing and tread work from end of road to Devil's Gateway.  Also worked on Potholes Trail from Agua Blanca to Potholes Spring.  Trail is in pretty good shape with the usual rough spots at the stream crossings.  Water level was low but mostly flowing in the canyon.  I would caution anyone camping at Log Cabin to stay away from oak trees which are dropping major limbs everywhere.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Trail Crew Report
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 01-11-2020 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 01-11-2020
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:
We worked the trail from Kesters to the Devil's Gateway removing several logs and clearing brush.  We flagged the stream crossings and made the trail easier to find.

Trail is much better but needs more brushing and tread work.  One 16" step-over oak about 100 yards past the wilderness sign.

Please be aware of water releases from Pyramid Dam may make crossing Piru Creek dangerous.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Trail crew work
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 01-20-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 01-20-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Trail description:Followed the Agua Blanca Trail from Potholes junction down to Kester's Cabin. Trail was in good shape aside from 2 downed trees below the Gateway. The trail disappears at some of the creek crossings however flagging helps tremendously and with some keen observation it's very easy to pick back up again. Water was flowing nicely in the creek. The lower road crossings were a raging river with waist high depths and fast currents. Use caution in these spots. All in all a great day "Lost In The Los Padres" You can read the full write up at the link below.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Devils Gateway

Lower road crossing

Agua Blanca Sespe Wilderness sign

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 04-15-2018 - by Craig R. Carey
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 04-15-2018
Surveyor Name:Craig R. Carey
Trail description:Troop 111 (Ventura) traveled the lower section of the Agua Blanca this past weekend. Rough in many places but we spent some time to clear numerous trees and do some lopping. Flagged well enough to be followable if you're deliberate. Great water! Various images courtesy TLJ/NDH/JJ/BBJ.

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 02-02-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 02-02-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:We scouted and flagged the Agua Blanca Trail from Log Cabin to Ant Camp in order to support a Condor Trail grant program.  We spent a ton of time trying to follow and flag the trail as much as possible.  We were able to follow the trail approximately 80% of the time and laid flags at each crossing or significant point along that trail.  While the trail was not easy to follow, it was easier than expected.

Much of the traffic along the Agua Blanca follows the creek and there is a layer of cairns along the creek to follow but there are also good sections of trails to follow as well.  Look for blazes on trees to assist following the trail.  We were able to find trail that led to all the known campsites along the Agua Blanca other than Tin Can Cabin, couldn't find that one.

Where we lost the trail was really bad and frustrating creek hopping.  We also investigated the high route that bypasses the Big Narrows but opted to go through the Big Narrows, which goes for a long way!

If you are going to attempt the Agua Blanca, give yourself at least two days to get from Ant to Piru and take it slow, enjoy the scenery, choose the path you like best and be safe.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Hard to follow
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 01-15-2018 - by MSubbotin
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 01-15-2018
Surveyor Name:MSubbotin
Trail description:

Volunteers mounted existing wilderness sign on new post and cleared downed trees including one 14" oak.  Water flowing in creek.  Ankle deep water through Devil's Gateway.  The trail is brushy and overgrown along most of its length, and the tread is narrow with considerable slough; but hard to follow in only a few locations, usually when in creek bottom.  Those unfamiliar with the trail would find locations of opposing sides of creek crossings challenging to locate.

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Volunteer maintenance project from Piru Creek to Log Cabin Camp

New post for existing Sespe Wilderness sign

final cut on oak tree 1/4 mile below Devils Gateway
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 06-14-2017 - by Kevin K
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 06-14-2017
Surveyor Name:Kevin K
Trail description:Creek was easy to walk and relatively open from Ant Camp to big Narrows.  Had to do some searching but there are some small saw cuts and rock stacks to mark the route.  Maybe a mile or so from Ant Camp there is an actual trail down Agua Blanca but it disappears and you are rock hopping.  Water was flowing good along the entire Agua Blanca from Ant to Big Narrows except for one or two very short sections of creek bed.  Overall I'd  it is a moderate difficulty hike.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 05-11-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 05-11-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:I day-hiked the Agua Blanca trail from Ant Camp to Pothole Spring and back, making it from Pothole Spring back to Ant Camp in 4 hours. Along the way there were a lot of broken branches, saw-cuts, rock stacks, and footprints in the sand and grass; plus a few sun-bleached ribbons scattered between them which I have a good eye for spotting (because they're micro-trash). I never felt like I was lost or bushwhacking. The junctions to Pothole Spring and Dough Flat trails were obvious to find and well-marked too. This trail has amazing scenery and was a great wilderness experience!
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 03-18-2017 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 03-18-2017
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:Pictures for previous survey.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Typical trail condition.

Another example of trail.

Devils Gateway. Wading required but not difficult.

Log Cabin Camp

Log Cabin Camp
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 03-18-2017 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 03-18-2017
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:We scouted Agua Blanca Trail from Blue Point to Log Cabin Camp.  We cleared the crossings of branches and debris, cleared some minor slides, cut a few small trees out of the trail and flagged the important locations.  Otherwise the trail is in the same shape that it has been in for several years.  It is not difficult to follow if you are able to find it.  The trail is overgrown with deep grass in places.  Going through the Devil's Gateway was not difficult and wading was below the knees.  Beautiful area now with abundant flowers.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Trail scout and repair
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 03-10-2017 - by Mike Maki
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 03-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Mike Maki
Trail description:This is for the section from Log Cabin Camp to Ant Camp. If you were to try and actually follow the "Trail" it would be hard to follow. I had a hard time trying to find any reasonable trace of the trail and ended up walking in the creek for most of the section. Recent flooding has obliterated where the trail would cross  the stream but it also scoured out the stream channel so it was fairly easy to travel up the stream. Some choke points occurred but noting major stopping you. I'd estimate it took me about 8 hours to go from Log Cabin Camp to Ant Camp. Big Narrows was beautiful. Hike pics
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Hard to follow
Condition details:Recent flooding has obliterated visible crossings. Overgrown

Walk up the creek when open like this

One of the easier debris piles to get around
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 05-22-2016 - by Alan Coles
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 05-22-2016
Surveyor Name:Alan Coles
Trail description:Removed trees and better defined trail at stream crossings from Piru Creek to Devil's Gateway.  Trail is passable and easy to follow but lack of use has allowed grass to obscure the path.  I noticed some false trails in the canyon bottom indicating that some hikers cannot find the true trail which is above the canyon bottom alternating on the north and south sides.  This might explain the previous erroneous report.  We have placed flagging to help locate the crossings.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 04-17-2016 - by Daniel Meinzer
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 04-17-2016
Surveyor Name:Daniel Meinzer
Trail description:Trail from Piru Creek to Log Cabin is bush-wacking and rock-hopping most of the way.  Trail has been washed out and is mostly non-existent.  Trail picks up occasionally closer to Piru Creek.  Where there is a trail, there are markers.  Watch out for poison ivy and stinging nettle.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Non existent

Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 12-11-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 12-11-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:VWR's Mark and Mickey removed a large fallen oak from the lower part of the trail before the wilderness boundary.  The AB trail is in fair shape and makes a great weekend loop trip along with the recently worked Pothole Trail.

Information courtesy of the Ojai Ranger District.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 11-15-2015 - by Mark Subbotin
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 11-15-2015
Surveyor Name:Mark Subbotin
Trail description:Ojai Ranger Dist. recon/survey; hiked from Kester Cabin to Log Cabin Camp through the Devils Gateway.  Creek crossings were flagged.  Trail is generally easy to follow, but be extra alert at creek crossings to pick up trail on opposite side and where trail climbs back out of creek bottom onto south slope.  Devils Gateway had knee high water.  Water flowing at Log Cabin Camp and up Potholes Trail to Potholes Cabin.  
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Devils Gateway
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 05-10-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 05-10-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:The Ojai Ranger District VWR's cleared the large rock slide along Agua Blanca Trail.  See before and after photos.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Photo Ranger Heidi

Photo Ranger Heidi
Agua Blanca Trail Survey - 04-11-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Agua Blanca Trail
Date: 04-11-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Report from the Ojai Ranger District

- There are some downed trees, none larger than 15" in diameter.
- Water levels on the AB were good
- Brush quite thick in many areas
- Tread is fair except for a rockslide that is about 2.5miles up the single track

Hoping to schedule a project to clear the slide.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Water at second crossing, photo Ranger Heidi

The new slide, photo Ranger Heidi

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Last Updated: Friday, March 23, 2018

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    Phone: (805) 968-6640
  • Mt. Pinos District
    Phone: (661) 245-3731
  • Ojai Ranger District
    Phone: (805) 646-4348
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    Phone: (805) 967-3481
  • Santa Lucia District
    Phone: (805) 925-9538
  • Monterey District
    Phone: (831) 385-5434