Romero Trail North - Los Padres National Forest
Trail Distance 1.78 Miles
The trail heads down from the top of the Romero Trail into Blue Canyon and eventually connects with the Blue Canyon Trail (26W12).
Trail Details
- Trail #: 26W14
- Wilderness Area: Non Wilderness Area
- County: Santa Barbara County
- Ranger District: Santa Barbara Ranger District
- Trail-head Latitude: 34.47536
- Trail-head Longitude: -119.5888
- Trail Condition: Kind of Good - Little to no bushwacking and easily followable
- Topo Maps:
Activities & Features: - Backpacking
- Camping
- Day Hiking
- Mountain Biking
Trail Stats
- Total Elevation Gain: + 1531 feet.
- Total Elevation Loss: - 261 feet.
- Overall Average Slope Gain: + 20 %.
- Overall Average Slope Loss: - 12 %.
- Kilometers: (km)
- Meters: (m)
- Miles: (mi)
- Feet: (ft)
- Average Slope: (%)
Survey Photos:

Jasonn Beckstrand - 02-09-2020
Jasonn Beckstrand - 02-09-2020
Submitted Trail Reports
Romero Trail North Survey - 11-29-2021 - by Paul CronshawLink: | Romero Trail North |
Date: | 11-29-2021 |
Surveyor Name: | Paul Cronshaw |
Trail description: | A nice steep trail good for a cardio workout..
Some future work to maintain this trail could include:
1. Minor brushing 2. Reconstruct nonfunctioning water enhancement features ( ie, waterbars). 3. Eradicate erosion trenches.
Mode of transport: | Hike |
Trail condition: | Good shape and easy to follow |
Romero Trail North Survey - 03-07-2021 - by Anonymous SurveyorLink: | Romero Trail North |
Date: | 03-07-2021 |
Surveyor Name: | Anonymous Surveyor |
Trail description: | The lower half is in good shape |
Mode of transport: | Hike |
Trail condition: | Good shape and easy to follow |
Romero Trail North Survey - 05-19-2020 - by rich schollLink: | Romero Trail North |
Date: | 05-19-2020 |
Surveyor Name: | rich scholl |
Trail description: | brush crowding in on upper half |
Mode of transport: | Hike |
Trail condition: | Needs some work |
Romero Trail North Survey - 02-09-2020 - by Jasonn BeckstrandLink: | Romero Trail North |
Date: | 02-09-2020 |
Surveyor Name: | Jasonn Beckstrand |
Trail description: | Started work on the North Romero Trail. Work about the first 1/4 mile. This was to open up the brush that has caved in the trail. The goal is to work the entire Blue Canyon Trail System.Â
Mode of transport: | Hike |
Trail condition: | Needs some work |
Images: |  Trail 1  Trail 2 |
Romero Trail North Survey - 06-22-2018 - by Camerin PoulsonLink: | Romero Trail North |
Date: | 06-22-2018 |
Surveyor Name: | Camerin Poulson |
Trail description: | A little overgrown at the top but easy to follow. Somewhat steep with loose rocks, easier to hike up than down. |
Mode of transport: | Hike |
Trail condition: | Good shape and easy to follow |
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Last Updated: Tuesday, March 1, 2016