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Pine Mountain Lodge Camp South Los Padres National Forest

  • Camp Type:
  • Topo Map Link: Lion Canyon
  • Elevation: 6,000 feet
  • Wilderness Area: Sespe
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Longitude: -119.1770078
  • Latitude: 34.6162591
  • Water Sources: Reliable year round water found at the spring just above the main camp
  • Length of Stay: 14 Days

Recent Water Reports:

Date Surveyor Water Report
03-07-2025Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
06-02-2024Jimmy CooperTrickle
05-19-2024Sandy SFlowing
10-07-2023Marcus ITrickle
06-18-2022Rino BDry
06-13-2022Paul CronshawTrickle
04-09-2022Scott WilliamsFlowing
10-26-2021Matt CTrickle
10-09-2021Adam DonaldStagnant
06-19-2021Braulio AguileraTrickle
05-31-2021Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
05-03-2021Anonymous SurveyorFlowing
04-19-2021Tom FritzFlowing
11-26-2020Jesse RodriguezTrickle
11-26-2020Antonio Calderon Flowing
11-21-2020Shaddus MaximusTrickle
07-31-2020John Doe Trickle
06-27-2020Erin Swenson-HealeyTrickle
05-04-2020Addison JerlowFlowing
04-19-2020Jonathan RocqueFlowing
02-28-2020Michael FosterFlowing
10-19-2019Everett AmburnTrickle
07-02-2019Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
05-12-2019Christopher P. LordFlowing
05-08-2019David CairngormFlowing
04-20-2019Tom MarshFlowing
10-14-2018Christopher P. LordTrickle
09-29-2018Jurij SolovijFlowing
11-24-2017Jason SamuelsTrickle
11-21-2017Chris PechousTrickle
11-11-2017Anonymous SurveyorTrickle
09-16-2017Chris PechousTrickle
06-29-2017larry frassoldatiFlowing
06-26-2017Craig R. CareyTrickle
04-22-2017S. SampsonFlowing
02-13-2017Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
11-06-2016James WapotichTrickle
10-30-2016Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
10-17-2016Eldon WalkerTrickle
09-10-2016M SubbotinTrickle
08-22-2016Ken WickershamFlowing
06-16-2016Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
05-28-2016Philip E. AnkromTrickle
05-02-2016Yellow MantisTrickle
04-23-2016Scott WilliamsFlowing
03-28-2016Shaddus Maximus Flowing
01-30-2016Howard Cohen Flowing
01-02-2016Michael STrickle
11-09-2015P. SchouTrickle
05-22-2015Philip AnkromTrickle
05-16-2015Jeremiah SwiderTrickle
05-09-2015Arnold LevinTrickle
02-14-2015Aaron and Tom SongerFlowing
01-22-2015Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
11-16-2014John SpiegelTrickle
10-29-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
10-01-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
08-04-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
05-24-2014Los Padres Forest AssociationFlowing
01-10-2014M. JonesFlowing
04-15-2010Bryan ConantFlowing
01-01-2010Los Padres Forest AssociationTrickle
10-8-2021Adam DonaldStagnant


Pine Mountain Lodge (PML) is located in the Sespe Wilderness along the Piedra Blanca - Gene Marshall National Recreation Trail.  It is most commonly accessed from the Sespe River side using the Piedra Blanca Trailhead.  That being said, many people pass through PML doing a shuttle trip from Reyes Creek or dropping in from Reyes Peak to Piedra Blanca along the Gene Marshall Trail.  Other options include coming from Grade Valley via the Cedar Creek or Fishbowls Trail.  PML is located at the junction of the Gene Marshall and Cedar Creek (aka Pine Mountain Lodge Trail), which makes it a hub for numerous spectacular multi-day loop and shuttle trips. 

Pine Mountain Lodge is situated in a thick cedar and pine forest along Pine Mountain Ridge.  There are two camps to choose from with the upper camp having multiple fire rings and the lower camp having a table and old ice can stove.  Most people prefer the lower camp.  Much of the surrounding area is dotted with sandstone outcrops and the open flat areas between the trees and rocks can make for an epic Frisbee session.  There is a reliable spring located just above the upper camp.

Legend has it that there was once a cabin at PML but it was destroyed when a Ranger accidentally fell a tree into the cabin while trying to clear hazard trees - whoops! 

Snow is common at PML during the winter months and in the summer the temps can be 10-20˚ cooler than down along the Sespe.  While the steep trail coming up from Piedra Blanca does thin out some of the crowds, PML sees its fair share of visitors.  There is plenty of room to spread out and more than likely you'll have it all to yourself.  Not uncommon to see bears wandering around the area.

Construction of the lodge was begun in April and completed in June, 1895. L. A. Patton guilt the structure and Essington Gibson, and his son James, built the chimney. A group of twenty campers and hunters funded the project. The log cabin was 16' x 20' in size with bunks and a fireplace. In 1898 the location of the cabin became a part of the Pine Mountain Zaca Lake Forest Reserve. The cabin was used as a Patrol Station by the Forest Service and in I917 it was rehabilitated. In 1958, the Forest Service made an attempt to remove a dead pine tree learning over the cabin but the rope which was tied to a block and tackle broke letting the tree fall across the cabin, crushing it. Nothing remains of the old cabin but a few rocks off the chimney.

The Forest Service established a trail camp at the site. Seasonal water can be obtained by hiking a short distance up the creek bed. A better camp was established by horse packers. It is reached by going south on the Gene Marshall Piedra Bianca Trail the branching off on a side trail to the right, or west, for a short distance to the better, newer camp which is under some pine trees.

Recent Uploads:

Survey Photos:

  • M. Jones - 01-10-2014

  • M. Jones - 01-10-2014

  • M. Jones - 01-10-2014

  • Bryan Conant - 04-15-2010

  • Aaron and Tom Songer - 02-14-2015
    Pine Mountain Lodge Campground (see stove, and sitting area made from old bench)

  • Arnold Levin - 05-09-2015
    Trail Sign you see coming from the West leading into camp

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015
    fire ring

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Jeremiah Swider - 05-16-2015

  • Yellow Mantis - 05-02-2016

  • Yellow Mantis - 05-02-2016

  • M Subbotin - 09-10-2016
    trickle flow about 100 yds above camp

  • Eldon Walker - 10-17-2016
    Water at PIne Mountain Lodge Camp, 10-17-2016.

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-13-2017
    PML, photo Bardley of Ojai

  • S. Sampson - 04-22-2017

  • Craig R. Carey - 06-26-2017

  • Craig R. Carey - 06-26-2017

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Christopher P. Lord - 10-14-2018

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 01-01-2010

  • Tom Marsh - 04-20-2019

  • David Cairngorm - 05-08-2019
    Real PML

  • David Cairngorm - 05-08-2019
    Fake PML

  • David Cairngorm - 05-08-2019
    This is it!

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-12-2019
    New sign at the Junction with Gene Marshall and Cedar Creek Trail

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-12-2019
    Original Lower site

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-12-2019
    Main upper site

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-12-2019
    Picnic table at PML

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-12-2019
    Ice Can stove at PML

  • Christopher P. Lord - 05-12-2019
    Lower original site

  • Erin Swenson-Healey - 06-27-2020

  • Erin Swenson-Healey - 06-27-2020

  • Erin Swenson-Healey - 06-27-2020

  • Erin Swenson-Healey - 06-27-2020

  • John Doe - 07-31-2020

  • John Doe - 07-31-2020

  • John Doe - 07-31-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 11-26-2020

  • Scott Williams - 04-09-2022
    Lower camp 34.61498, -119.17980

  • Scott Williams - 04-09-2022

  • Paul Cronshaw - 06-13-2022
    Upper campsite near new sign

  • Paul Cronshaw - 06-13-2022
    Water source is above camp via a social trail into alder grove

  • Paul Cronshaw - 06-13-2022
    Lower Campsite with table and shovel

  • Paul Cronshaw - 06-13-2022
    Dry creek at lower campsite

  • Sandy S - 05-19-2024

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-07-2025

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-07-2025

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-07-2025

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-07-2025

Submitted Camp Reports

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 03-07-2025 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 03-07-2025
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:The trail up to PML is in very good shape.  They have cleared almost all the brush except a small section that was easily pushed through.  They have worked on the tread in the sketchy traverse near the top that was blown out.  There is water in the small creeks at PML.  There is room for 8 tents at PNL lower camping area.  I did not make it to the upper camping. There is room for 8 tents scattered around Twin Forks, and of course at Piedra Blanca. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-02-2024 - by Jimmy Cooper
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-02-2024
Surveyor Name:Jimmy Cooper
Camp Description:Upper Camp is non existent, completely grown over. The bottom camp is beautiful as always. The table is in very poor shape and is no longer functional.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Quality was fine
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-19-2024 - by Sandy S
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-19-2024
Surveyor Name:Sandy S
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-07-2023 - by Marcus I
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-07-2023
Surveyor Name:Marcus I
Camp Description:
Hiked up here suspecting there would still be water and luckily it didnt disappoint! Nice cold, clean water is flowing in the main stream near the East camp with the 4 fire pits. Follow it upstream and there is one large, clear pool with a tiny waterfall feeding it. If you collect the water straight from the fall its super clean tasting. If you are lazy it may be more Tanic from the leaves in the pools.
The stream near the West camp has water, but is skanky. Its worth the 1/3 mile walk to the clean pool IMO.
Flow is good. Stronger than a trickle. probably 1-2GPM. My guess is this flows all year till the rains. Note for future people - last winter had crazy rains and lots of snow. On consecutive drought years the stream has been dry by mid-summer.

Low was 40, High of 70.

Went from Cedar Creek to PML. This is one of the most beatiful routes in the eastern los padres if you like the ridge-top landscape of huge rocks with mature pines and scrub brush. From the ridge at west PML camp, you can see down to Piedra Blanca and out to the ocean on a clear day. If you know where to look, there is a petroglyph up here too.
Trail is in good condition, but the last descent into PML is very steep. About 8 miles and 1700 vertical from Cedar Creek parking lot to PML.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Nice cold, clean water flowing right next to the trail camp.
Weather Conditions:Mostly sunny. 40 low, 70 shade high, 80 sun high
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-18-2022 - by Rino B
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-18-2022
Surveyor Name:Rino B
Camp Description:
Water Source:Dry
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-13-2022 - by Paul Cronshaw
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-13-2022
Surveyor Name:Paul Cronshaw
Camp Description:

Visited the two campsites (upper and lower) at this camp for a relaxing break

The upper campsite was across the creek from a new sign. Only one of the 4 fire rings is being used. Water was accessed by a social trail that goes upstream to an alder grove.

The lower campsite has better tent sites. A spur trail starts at an old sign with camps and mileages on both sides and goes 0.1 mile west. There is a table and a fire shovel. It has a rare fully functional ice can stove. There was no water in the creek.

Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Trickle with pools above the upper camp in alder grove.
Weather Conditions:Lower 80s and Sunny with some wind

Upper campsite near new sign

Water source is above camp via a social trail into alder grove

Lower Campsite with table and shovel

Dry creek at lower campsite
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-14-2022 - by wsizoo
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-14-2022
Surveyor Name:wsizoo
Camp Description:Ladybugs were flying around everywhere.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing by the spring above the upper camp
Weather Conditions:90+
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-09-2022 - by Scott Williams
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-09-2022
Surveyor Name:Scott Williams
Camp Description:Lower camp is so much nicer than the upper camp. 34.61498, -119.17980
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good flow at upper camp. Stagnant at lower camp. Above and below lower camp is flowing water. Good quality
Weather Conditions:70 and windy!

Lower camp 34.61498, -119.17980

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 03-11-2022 - by wsizoo
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 03-11-2022
Surveyor Name:wsizoo
Camp Description:Camp is in good condition, but there are a few dead trees close by. Temperatures dropped down to 22f during the night, and the wind picked up, but the camp is very protected. It was almost dead quiet at night, but in the morning we started to hear birds and some howls. Perfect time to go. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Spring was flowing up the trail, nice scoop points in the rocky sections
Weather Conditions:20s-70s
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-26-2021 - by Matt C
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-26-2021
Surveyor Name:Matt C
Camp Description:We were there briefly right after the rain. Found the upper site fire rings I believe but didn't find the picnic table in the photos. We will have to go back and search again some time. Very windy on the hike up but the camp area was very sheltered. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Some flow, tastes like dirt so we filtered and boiled and had no issues
Weather Conditions:Ground froze over night. Sunny but cold in the morning.
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-09-2021 - by Adam Donald
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-09-2021
Surveyor Name:Adam Donald
Camp Description:Lots of yellow jackets in the camp
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Very little water
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-19-2021 - by Braulio Aguilera
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-19-2021
Surveyor Name:Braulio Aguilera
Camp Description:From Twin Forks Camp to Pine Mountain Lodge Camp is about 3 miles and somewhere around 2500 to 3000 feet of elevation gain. Trail is very exposed in parts and completely uphill on the way there. On warm days it’s better and safer to do the hike in the evening so you get more shade. There’s water from Piedra Blanca camp and further upstream along the canyon but not for very far. You’ll have to carry water or wait until you reach the spring at Pine Mountain. Be bear aware, I spotted some bear prints and droppings. Trail is in typical Los Padres conditions, not terribly overgrown and manageable. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Only a small trickle. Stagnant in places, but there are small waterfalls where it flows nicely. Tasted great
Weather Conditions:Much cooler than piedra blanca
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-31-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-31-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Stagnant pools in the meadow and at the camp crossing. Take small trail up the creek, and you can find a rock face to capture the water on. Water was cold and tasted great.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-03-2021 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-03-2021
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-19-2021 - by Tom Fritz
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-19-2021
Surveyor Name:Tom Fritz
Camp Description:Passed through camp on way down to Piedra Blanca on 4/16 (where there was a CCC trail crew), and on the way back to Reyes Creek TH on my Sespe Loop. The camp itself is clean and orderly. The water is flowing very slowly at the camp where the cabin site was. If you go to the "other" camp (the one with the picnic table and ice can stove), go downstream a little and you'll find it flowing a little better. Although I didn't spend the night in either, both campsites are in good shape.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flowing, but slow and low
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 02-14-2021 - by Simas
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 02-14-2021
Surveyor Name:Simas
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:There was also patchy snow all around.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-26-2020 - by Jesse Rodriguez
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Jesse Rodriguez
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-26-2020 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-26-2020
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Windy 55F

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-21-2020 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-21-2020
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Clear pools just below camp
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-30-2020 - by TM
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-30-2020
Surveyor Name:TM
Camp Description:Lots of great camp sites, stayed just down the trail from actual Pine Mtn. Lodge. Lots of great spots, and no people. Challenging overgrown trail to reach here. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Water in the creek right next to Pine MTN Lodge was maybe ankle deep, very slow/no flow but looked clear and clean.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 07-31-2020 - by John Doe
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 07-31-2020
Surveyor Name:John Doe
Camp Description:Several sites are in good shape, trail from rose valley is much less overgrown than it was a few months ago. 
Near the shady guerrilla site uphill from the spot with the table, I encountered a big mess of balloons about 20ft up in a tree, I got the majority down but a few remain that were no match for my big stick. N 34.61426 W 119.17797 If you hate trash, enjoy a challenge, and need an excuse to come up here, this is it.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Small, stagnant, scummy puddles by the lower sites. Use trail just before official site leads to clear pools below the spring
Weather Conditions:Clear, 70s/80s in the pm and 40s w/ dew in the am

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-27-2020 - by Erin Swenson-Healey
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-27-2020
Surveyor Name:Erin Swenson-Healey
Camp Description:
The hike up from Piedra Blanca was brutal (exposed in most places, overgrown with thorns in others), but the views from the top and the breeze was quite nice. You should be in good physical condition if you're going to hike up that hill. We camped at the guerilla site immediately to the south of the trail as it crests and makes its way onto the flats. The other, official site (below, near the spring) was open and in good condition.

Our hike from Pine Mountain Lodge to 3 Mile Camp involved a lot of bushwhacking, but we had a good time.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:water in the creek was at a trickle - did not search out the spring itself
Weather Conditions:75F and a little windy

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-04-2020 - by Addison Jerlow
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-04-2020
Surveyor Name:Addison Jerlow
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:spring north of camp flowing well
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-19-2020 - by Jonathan Rocque
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-19-2020
Surveyor Name:Jonathan Rocque
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water flow on the way to Cedar camp
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 02-28-2020 - by Michael Foster
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 02-28-2020
Surveyor Name:Michael Foster
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-19-2019 - by Everett Amburn
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-19-2019
Surveyor Name:Everett Amburn
Camp Description:We came in from Fishbowls and stayed at the upper site. The upper site is over grown with room for a few tents. The lower site is in great condition.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:A lot of water just not flowing quickly.
Weather Conditions:Sunny, cloudy, 38-60 degrees
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 07-02-2019 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 07-02-2019
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-22-2019 - by SespeJesse
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-22-2019
Surveyor Name:SespeJesse
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-12-2019 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-12-2019
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Camp Description:Stopped at the Main upper Camp: N34° 36' 58.3" W119° 10' 37.6" and the original Lower Camp:  N34° 36' 53.7" W119° 10' 47.0" on my way through to descending the West Fork Piedra Blanca Creek. Both sites in fine condition and water flowing from the spring. I love the fact that the original site still has the rarely seen in wilderness areas picnic table. Unfortunately the old sign at the main camp has been removed and replaced with a new non mileage having more wilderness policy orientated sign. :( Gene marshall trail from the Sespe is in good shape and easy to follow up to Camp. Ticks are heavy in the grass encroaching on the trail past Twin Forks. If your interested in how the West Fork fared you can check out the link below. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

New sign at the Junction with Gene Marshall and Cedar Creek Trail

Original Lower site

Main upper site

Picnic table at PML

Ice Can stove at PML
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-08-2019 - by David Cairngorm
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-08-2019
Surveyor Name:David Cairngorm
Camp Description:

My first time at PML. I was up here ten days ago, the same day as Tom Marsh’s report. We didn’t meet but I suspect we were within 30 yards for 30 minutes. And I didn’t actually reach PML. I was thrown by the new paper sign (see Christopher P. Lord’s photo) which has the names on its front and back of the campsites in both directions. It doesn’t mention PML at all, and that made me wonder if the campsite was right where I was standing. WRONG. My topo map told me to look further north, so I continued up the trail, crossing a slow-flowing creek. The side trail to PML wasn’t where maps show it. So I went back to the paper sign, took a few steps uphill, found a couple of fire rings, and stopped for lunch. After lunch, as I set off for home I noticed a tent and a bench among the trees below the trail. That looks like the place Tom visited, and it's probably the “better camp established by horse packers” mentioned on this page. TODAY: I should have hiked just a few yards further north. The side trail is around the bend from where it’s mapped. There’s a sign there (see photo) which is trying to tell you the Three Mile campsite is behind you and PML is in front of you. This takes you back over the low, slow creek, which is the only water I found around here. The “reliable spring” might be upstream from here, I dunno. On the east side of the campsite is a bone dry creekbed. You can hike up that creek, and you’re on the little-used Cedar Creek Trail. It soon leaves the creek and crosses the North Fork creek, which is mostly dry with some stagnant pools, and then you make a 600’ climb to its highest point, where it crosses the ridge. The rock formations up there are worth the effort.

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Low flow in the main creek. Creek running through the camp site is dry.
Weather Conditions:

Real PML

Fake PML

This is it!
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-20-2019 - by Tom Marsh
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-20-2019
Surveyor Name:Tom Marsh
Camp Description:Good amount of water in the area. You do need to pick your spots as the conditions go from flowing to stagnant. Not as much water as you would expect from a wet winter. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water is flowing almost at a trickle
Weather Conditions:

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-14-2018 - by Christopher P. Lord
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-14-2018
Surveyor Name:Christopher P. Lord
Camp Description:Water was available near the eastern site off Cedar Creek trail. Camp was nice and in good shape. The sign appears to be on its last leg but was still hanging. The Piedra Blanca Trail from Rose valley is well maintained and easy to follow. With some overgrowth and poison oak at the creek crossings after leaving Twin Forks and Piedra Blanca. Sunday afternoon I had the camp all to myself.

Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Sunny clear sky's temps in the 70's

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 09-29-2018 - by Jurij Solovij
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 09-29-2018
Surveyor Name:Jurij Solovij
Camp Description:approx. 100 yds along trail north of Pine Mtn Lodge camp, is a large clearing on right side, adjacent to 'spring'/creek - water is easily accessible in clean, cool water pools - with water running between pools. Pine Mtn Lodge camp (and directly adjacent camps) is in good condition.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:given the drought conditions, I'll call this 'flowing'
Weather Conditions:sunny and High 80's F
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-26-2018 - by Bardley
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-26-2018
Surveyor Name:Bardley
Camp Description:was surprised to find the signed camp empty of campers on this memorial day weekend between noon and 3:00pm.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:cloudless. cool - low 60s?
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-24-2017 - by Jason Samuels
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-24-2017
Surveyor Name:Jason Samuels
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-21-2017 - by Chris Pechous
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-21-2017
Surveyor Name:Chris Pechous
Camp Description:Passed through, and camp was in good shape. Water was available. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Trickle, but into a larger pool of water.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-11-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-11-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Only slightly skuzzy, slow trickle.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 09-16-2017 - by Chris Pechous
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 09-16-2017
Surveyor Name:Chris Pechous
Camp Description:Stayed here on 9/16 after starting from the Howard Creek Trail Head, taking the Nordhoff Ridge to the Piedra Blanca Trailhead and then hopping on the Piedra Blanca Trail. The creek at PML was pretty full and had a very slow trickle, from rain the past few weeks. Easy to dip and sip (of course with a filter). Temps easily dropped into the low 40s. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 07-24-2017 - by Erico
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 07-24-2017
Surveyor Name:Erico
Camp Description:Pools were still during the day, but the next morning, there were ripples from higher pools to lower. The spring is still producing drinkable water, but must filter due to bugs and bits.

Trail from Rose Valley to Pine Mountain was empty, no other people anywhere. Only 3 cars in the Rose Valley parking lot.

Pine Mountain camp was clean, several good fire rings and stands for setting your stove on.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:A few pools of 100 gallons or so each. Drinkable.
Weather Conditions:Hot, No air flow.
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-29-2017 - by larry frassoldati
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-29-2017
Surveyor Name:larry frassoldati
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-26-2017 - by Craig R. Carey
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-26-2017
Surveyor Name:Craig R. Carey
Camp Description:As part of of their 8-day trek across the Sespe Wilderness, Troop 111 (Ventura) spent their second night at Beartrap on Monday 6/26/2017. Warm and a quite buggy, but camp is in good shape and still enough water ... but noticeably lower than other camps along the trail.

Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Enough water to filter, but getting low
Weather Conditions:Hot. Buggy. Did we mention hot?

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-24-2017 - by bardley
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-24-2017
Surveyor Name:bardley
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:like the man said, more than a trickle ....
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-22-2017 - by S. Sampson
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-22-2017
Surveyor Name:S. Sampson
Camp Description:A quick overnight from the Piedra Blanca Trailhead. There was plenty of water until you reach the last mile or so before camp. Watch out for widowmaker branches at this campsite. Good water right when you get to the campsite (I used my coffee mug to fill up my water filter bags as the water was not deep enough). Farther down at the "real" PML the water is stagnant. 
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:2-3 inches deep, not a strong flow but better than a trickle
Weather Conditions:

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 02-13-2017 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 02-13-2017
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Survey by Bardley of Ojai.

Plenty of water, lots of ladybugs, snow along north slopes and in the shade.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

PML, photo Bardley of Ojai
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-06-2016 - by James Wapotich
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-06-2016
Surveyor Name:James Wapotich
Camp Description:Just barely are trickle at Pine Mountain Lodge, however, by continuing upstream towards the spring there is a flowing water and nice little pool of clear water. Currently at the off trail site with the picnic table and ice can stove, there is just standing pools of water.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-30-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-30-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Recent article by Dan McCaslin:

Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-17-2016 - by Eldon Walker
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-17-2016
Surveyor Name:Eldon Walker
Camp Description:Surprised by the very usable pool of water at Pine Mountain Lodge camp. Hiked from Piedra Blanca trailhead the morning after some much needed rain in mercifully cool conditions.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Very usable pool of water at the entrance to Pine Mountain Lodge camp.
Weather Conditions:

Water at PIne Mountain Lodge Camp, 10-17-2016.
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 09-10-2016 - by M Subbotin
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 09-10-2016
Surveyor Name:M Subbotin
Camp Description:trail crossing into camp is dry, but shallow 3" deep pool just above;  trickle of water and deeper pools upstream 100 yds.
Gene Marshall/Piedra Blanca trail is closed between Pine Mountain Lodge and Upper Reyes due to Pine Fire closure
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:sunny and clear, mid 70's

trickle flow about 100 yds above camp
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 08-22-2016 - by Ken Wickersham
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 08-22-2016
Surveyor Name:Ken Wickersham
Camp Description:I plugged up my filter with this water. Not enough shade here.
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Low flow. Needs filtering.
Weather Conditions:Hot and dry.
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 06-16-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 06-16-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-28-2016 - by Philip E. Ankrom
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-28-2016
Surveyor Name:Philip E. Ankrom
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:I saw no movement. Had to clear the surface to dip out water. The Sawyer filter worked well.
Weather Conditions:Mid-40's in the morning.
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-02-2016 - by Yellow Mantis
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-02-2016
Surveyor Name:Yellow Mantis
Camp Description:water was moving but very shallow, plenty to fill up water bottles with (if you dig out the bottom of the stream bed enough)
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:shallow moving water
Weather Conditions:scattered sprinkles, cold at nigth

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-23-2016 - by Scott Williams
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-23-2016
Surveyor Name:Scott Williams
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:The creek is at a very low flow, almost at a trickle. Pools are full. Some pools are stagnant below the camp.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 03-28-2016 - by Shaddus Maximus
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 03-28-2016
Surveyor Name:Shaddus Maximus
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 01-30-2016 - by Howard Cohen
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 01-30-2016
Surveyor Name:Howard Cohen
Camp Description:Plenty of water for overnight camping or just passing through on an adventure run
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Flow is slow but you can water up near camp or in small puddles on the trail heading back to Piedra Blanca
Weather Conditions:50-60s and windy
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 01-02-2016 - by Michael S
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 01-02-2016
Surveyor Name:Michael S
Camp Description:Stagnant, frozen over pools near camp. Didn't spend a lot of time to check out the rest of the creek in the area. Windy and cold at 2:45 in the afternoon. Decided not to spend the night and dropped back down to Piedra Blanca Camp instead. Much warmer down there and protected from the wind. Lots of bear tracks and a few mountain lion tracks in the snow below camp.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:Chilly and Windy
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-09-2015 - by P. Schou
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-09-2015
Surveyor Name:P. Schou
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Lots of slow moving water
Weather Conditions:Daytime: 58, night:38
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 08-13-2015 - by Yamato
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 08-13-2015
Surveyor Name:Yamato
Camp Description:Kinda of tricky to find it coming from Piedra Blanca. It's appears dry but if you can find the "Pine Mountain Lodge" campground sign you, the water will be right there. We purified the stagnant water when we arrived around 6pm.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:It trickled in the morning/earlyafternoon then becomes stagnant in the evening.
Weather Conditions:Summer hot
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-22-2015 - by Philip Ankrom
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-22-2015
Surveyor Name:Philip Ankrom
Camp Description:I saw no picknick table as seen in pictures just one wood board  across some rocks. 
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Water tasted good after going through a Sawyer filter
Weather Conditions:under 40 deg in the morning with a cold wind on the 23rd. Lots of bear scat and prints after leaving camp heading towards the Fish Bowls.
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-16-2015 - by Jeremiah Swider
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-16-2015
Surveyor Name:Jeremiah Swider
Camp Description:Lot of trash and fallen over trees.  Not much space for camping but a small group would manage fine.  Two fire rings
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:very small stream in the reeds nearby
Weather Conditions:very foggy

fire ring

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-09-2015 - by Arnold Levin
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-09-2015
Surveyor Name:Arnold Levin
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:Limited Water- 2 days after rain not as plentiful as Beartrap Creek
Weather Conditions:Sunny and Warm-upper 60's

Trail Sign you see coming from the West leading into camp
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 02-14-2015 - by Aaron and Tom Songer
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 02-14-2015
Surveyor Name:Aaron and Tom Songer
Camp Description:Campground was nice. It had four fire rings and plenty of fire wood that can be gathered from two fallen trees in the camp. We camped here our second night before heading down to Piedra Blanca Trailhead. The spring nearby had water. Nighttime temperatures got down to 28 degrees.

The easternmost tributary to the main Piedra Blanca Creek had a light flow and so did the start of the North Fork Piedra Blanca Creek. 

We were unable to locate the original campsite with the picnic table and stove, which was a bit frustrating; we knew it was along the Cedar Creek Trail, but we must have not gone far enough.

I am curious to know if the original campsite is still there because when we got there, there was a stove sitting next to a tree at the entrance to the main camp like it had been taken from the original site; you can see that there is/was a stove at the original campsite in a survey photo taken by M. Jones. There is also a place to sit next to the first fire ring in the main camp that was made from a piece of an old bench which could be from the bench that is/was at the original site. (see photos). If anyone has information on this, please let me know.

Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:clear water with light flow
Weather Conditions:low 60s (day) and low 30s (night)

Pine Mountain Lodge Campground (see stove, and sitting area made from old bench)
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 01-22-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 01-22-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 11-16-2014 - by John Spiegel
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 11-16-2014
Surveyor Name:John Spiegel
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:The water was flowing, but just barely. It quickly disappeared south of camp.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-29-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-29-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Information per Bardley of the Ojai:

"There was slooow filling, shallow pools at entrance to pml camp.  nothing elsewhere."
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-01-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-01-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Water was available at the Upper Camp.
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 08-04-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 08-04-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:There was water above the upper camp but nothing more than a trickle.
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 05-24-2014 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 05-24-2014
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Two groups were staying at Pine Mtn Lodge.

Information gathered by James Wapotich while on a VWR Patrol.  
You can follow James on his blog: http://songsofthewilderness.wordpress.com/
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Water flowing at both camp locations
Weather Conditions:
Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 01-10-2014 - by M. Jones
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 01-10-2014
Surveyor Name:M. Jones
Camp Description:No water in East Fork Piedra Blanca creek 1/2 mile past Twin Fork Camp
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:Good water in creek near Pine Mountain Lodge camp site
Weather Conditions:75 & Sunny

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 04-15-2010 - by Bryan Conant
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 04-15-2010
Surveyor Name:Bryan Conant
Camp Description:Snowy and cold, but very beautiful!
Water Source:Flowing
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 01-01-2010 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 01-01-2010
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Camp Description:Nice old photo of the cabin at Pine Mtn Lodge, circa a 1910 Ojai tourist brochure.  Enjoy.....
Water Source:Trickle
Water Source Details:
Weather Conditions:

Pine Mountain Lodge Camp Survey - 10-8-2021 - by Adam Donald
Link: Pine Mountain Lodge Camp
Date: 10-8-2021
Surveyor Name:Adam Donald
Camp Description:Lots of yellow jackets in the camp
Water Source:Stagnant
Water Source Details:Very little water
Weather Conditions:

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Last Updated: Tuesday, December 22, 2015

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