- Camp Type: Trail Camp
- Topo Map Link: Malduce Peak
- Elevation: 2800 feet
- Wilderness Area: Non Wilderness Area
- County: Santa Barbara County
- Ranger District: Santa Barbara Ranger District
- Longitude: -119.5888712
- Latitude: 34.63404823
- Water Sources: Stream (seasonal)
- Length of Stay: 14 Days
- Reservations: Trail Camp
Recent Water Reports:
Date |
Surveyor |
Water Report |
04-01-2022 | Addison Jerlow | Flowing |
05-25-2019 | Los Padres Forest Association | Flowing |
11-18-2018 | Los Padres Forest Association | Stagnant |
03-28-2018 | Shaddus Maximus | Flowing |
12-19-2016 | Menso de Jong | Flowing |
02-29-2016 | Los Padres Forest Association | Flowing |
Submitted Camp Reports
Lower Alamar Camp Survey - 04-01-2022 - by Addison JerlowLink: | Lower Alamar Camp |
Date: | 04-01-2022 |
Surveyor Name: | Addison Jerlow |
Camp Description: | Good water at the creek where the trail crosses. Camp and table are in great shape. Very exposed in the middle of the day but shade is to be had at the creek. |
Water Source: | Flowing |
Water Source Details: | 4-6 inches, deeper pools |
Weather Conditions: | |
Images: | |
Lower Alamar Camp Survey - 05-25-2019 - by Los Padres Forest AssociationLink: | Lower Alamar Camp |
Date: | 05-25-2019 |
Surveyor Name: | Los Padres Forest Association |
Camp Description: | LPFA led a multi-week trail project this spring 2019 focused on the Alamar Trail. The Alamar should be in the best shape its been in for over a few decades. This latest project cleared the trail from above Dutch Oven down to Lower Alamar and then up and over to the Lomas and down to Caracole Camp just above Mono Narrows. Have at it!
Lower Alamar Camp was in good shape, table intact and recently painted. It could use some campers though. Get out and check it. |
Water Source: | Flowing |
Water Source Details: | Alamar Creek is cranking along! |
Weather Conditions: | some rain, some sun |
Images: | |
Lower Alamar Camp Survey - 11-18-2018 - by Los Padres Forest AssociationLink: | Lower Alamar Camp |
Date: | 11-18-2018 |
Surveyor Name: | Los Padres Forest Association |
Camp Description: | Lower Alamar looking good! Table, fire ring, old "trash" from the Tin Shack. |
Water Source: | Stagnant |
Water Source Details: | The nearest water was about 1/4 mile up-canyon and was nothing but a stagnant puddle of bird poop - BUT it was water. |
Weather Conditions: | |
Images: |  Lower Alamar Camp  Remnants of the Tin Shack |
Lower Alamar Camp Survey - 03-28-2018 - by Shaddus MaximusLink: | Lower Alamar Camp |
Date: | 03-28-2018 |
Surveyor Name: | Shaddus Maximus |
Camp Description: | FYI, there is no shade at this camp, so if it's hot and you're not arriving late in the day, you might want to avoid it. |
Water Source: | Flowing |
Water Source Details: | |
Weather Conditions: | |
Lower Alamar Camp Survey - 12-19-2016 - by Menso de JongLink: | Lower Alamar Camp |
Date: | 12-19-2016 |
Surveyor Name: | Menso de Jong |
Camp Description: | First water at hour ten of a crazy adventure. Water is readily available all along Mono Alamar Trail downstream from here to Oglivy Ranch.
Water Source: | Flowing |
Water Source Details: | Water readily availabe here |
Weather Conditions: | freezing cold |
Images: |  Water at last! |
Lower Alamar Camp Survey - 02-29-2016 - by Los Padres Forest AssociationLink: | Lower Alamar Camp |
Date: | 02-29-2016 |
Surveyor Name: | Los Padres Forest Association |
Camp Description: | Lower Alamar Camp (aka Alamar Tin Shack) was looking great. Â The table and fire ring were moved into the small meadow about a year ago and its made the camp much much nicer. Â Didn't appear that anyone has stayed here since then. Â Water was flowing nicely through the creek, although it had more silt in it than you'd like with no deep pools to be found. |
Water Source: | Flowing |
Water Source Details: | |
Weather Conditions: | HOT for February, low 80's and sunny! |
Images: |  The remains of the Alamar Tin Shack  Trail sign at camp
 Lower Alamar Camp  Water just below camp, it was better than it looked in the photo |
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Survey / Report Form
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 1, 2016