Fall Canyon - Los Padres National Forest
34.74917, -119.73194
- Longitude: -119.73194
- Latitude: 34.74917
Recent Water Reports:
Date |
Surveyor |
Water Report |
05-21-2022 | Addison Jerlow | Dry |
09-29-2019 | MSchless | Dry |
04-05-2018 | Zoot Horn Rollo | Flowing |
Name: Fall Canyon
Location: Santa Barbara
Feature Type: valley
Latitude: 34.74917
Longitude: -119.73194
Topo Map: Big Pine Mountain
Survey Photos:

Addison Jerlow - 05-21-2022

Addison Jerlow - 05-21-2022

Addison Jerlow - 05-21-2022
Weather Forecasts for Fall Canyon
Submitted Reports
Fall Canyon Survey - 05-21-2022 - by Addison JerlowLink: | Fall Canyon |
Date: | 05-21-2022 |
Surveyor Name: | Addison Jerlow |
Camp Description: | Surprisingly easy to follow but be prepared for a green tunnel bushwack sufferfest. Thank you to whomever has been out there with the loppers and saw! Good shape from Mission Pine junction through the meadow. A few large downed trees just after. The rough cutting and dead branches made the trail easy to follow to Fall Canyon Camp as the brush is so thick there is really no way to lose the trail. Tread is there and follows my gps trail exactly. Did not see water at the spring below camp.
Tread worsens after camp but still easy to follow until where the trail cuts away from the sanctuary. Chamise has completely overtaken the last 3 or 4 switchbacks. Luckily, a wide trail has been cut in the flat below providing a good focal point as you dive through the brush. The final switchback to the flat is completely gone whereas I was able to follow the trail almost exactly until that point. Good from this point to Mansfield.
Nice views of the Sisquoc drainage and Sierra Madre in the lower section, no views period in the upper. |
Water Source: | Dry |
Water Source Details: | |
Weather Conditions: | mid 70s |
Images: |
Fall Canyon Survey - 09-29-2019 - by MSchlessLink: | Fall Canyon |
Date: | 09-29-2019 |
Surveyor Name: | MSchless |
Camp Description: | Tape was invaluable. Thank you to whoever has been up there with loppers and tape. Next time I do this trail I will definitely bring up a roll since most of it looks to be a couple seasons old. The lower part of the trail once you depart from the Condor Sanctuary border was basically just a connect the dots with tape and rock cairns.
Incredibly overgrown. Pants are not optional unless you want your legs shredded (speaking from my own stupidity). A couple downed trees along the way but nothing impassable. Brush is definitely fighting to retake the trail.
Camp was in good shape but I didnt check the springs down below to see if it had water. Everything seemed pretty dry though.
"Meadow"/clearing after the initial climb out of MP Basin was a little confusing. Make sure to go to the tape mark in the middle of the field and then continue straight/northeastish rather than following the more prominent game trail off to the left. |
Water Source: | Dry |
Water Source Details: | Didn't check springs but everything else was dry |
Weather Conditions: | 70s |
Fall Canyon Survey - 04-05-2018 - by Zoot Horn RolloLink: | Fall Canyon |
Date: | 04-05-2018 |
Surveyor Name: | Zoot Horn Rollo |
Camp Description: | Trail is well-marked, easy to follow but overgrown/almost impassible in some sections. Others have been very well cleared recently. Do not expect to move at a fast pace through the more densely overgrown parts that make up maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the trail, loppers are not optional.
Water Source: | Flowing |
Water Source Details: | Good flow in creek |
Weather Conditions: | Sunny 60s/70s |
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Last Updated: Tuesday, August 13, 2013