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Chorro Grande Trail - Los Padres National Forest
Trail Distance 5.02 Miles

From Ojai, take Highway 33 north 25.8 miles to the Chorro Grande Trail sign. For first-timers, the sign and nearby parking space is easy to accidentally pass by, so slow down a few miles before where you think the trailhead is. From the trailhead, hike 1.7 miles across chaparral to Oak Camp where there is water in most, but not all months. From here, the trail climbs very steeply. During the winter months, you may hit snow. After 2.6 miles, you reach Chorro Springs Camp, which has water year-round, in a spring some conifers. The trail ends on Pine Mountain Ridge at the Reyes Peak Campground after another 0.8 miles. On clear days, you can see some of the Channel Islands and the Matilija Wilderness from the ridge.

CHORRO: Spanish for "gush". After the winter rain and snow, the spring has a good strong flow.

Trail Details

  • Trail #: 23W05
  • Wilderness Area: Non Wilderness Area
  • County: Ventura County
  • Ranger District: Ojai Ranger District
  • Trail-head Latitude: 34.5993
  • Trail-head Longitude: -119.33628
  • Trail Condition: Good - Trail is easy to follow and is in good shape
  • Topo Maps:
  • Activities & Features:
    • Biking
    • Day Hiking
    • Mountain Biking
    • Wildlife Viewing

Trail Stats

  • Total Elevation Gain: + 3318 feet.
  • Total Elevation Loss: - 242 feet.
  • Overall Average Slope Gain: + 13 %.
  • Overall Average Slope Loss: - 6 %.
  • Kilometers: (km)
  • Meters: (m)
  • Miles: (mi)
  • Feet: (ft)
  • Average Slope: (%)

Trail Camps

Photo By: Craig R. Carey - Website Link

Photo By: Craig R. Carey - Website Link
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Survey Photos:

  • Ed Diaz - 01-22-2015

  • Ed Diaz - 01-22-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-22-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 02-22-2015

  • B2H - 12-17-2005

  • B2H - 12-17-2005

  • B2H - 12-17-2005

  • B2H - 12-17-2005

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 08-12-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-22-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-22-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-22-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 09-22-2015

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 04-16-2016

  • Craig R. Carey - 03-30-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 03-30-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 03-30-2018

  • Craig R. Carey - 03-30-2018

  • Carol Day - 01-29-2020

  • Carol Day - 01-29-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-18-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-18-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-18-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 03-18-2020

  • Anonymous Surveyor - 04-04-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 06-11-2020

  • Antonio Calderon - 06-11-2020

  • bardley - 11-22-2020

  • Scott W - 12-18-2020

  • Scott W - 12-18-2020

  • bardley - 02-22-2022

  • bardley - 02-22-2022

  • bardley - 02-22-2022

Submitted Trail Reports

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 02-01-2025 - by Paul Muhl
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 02-01-2025
Surveyor Name:Paul Muhl
Trail description:Beautiful trail in great condition with excellent views going from classic chaparral at the start to towering pines at the top. Loved it.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 03-11-2024 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 03-11-2024
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Trail report and article by Dan McCaslin:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 03-09-2024 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 03-09-2024
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:Trail is in good condition all the way to Chorro Grande camp. Some brushy spots 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 09-24-2023 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 09-24-2023
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:The LFPA spent a day brushing, clearing trees and performing tread work from the upper trailhead until .2 miles down trail of Chorro Camp. The trail is brushy beyond that point, but not difficult to follow. The spring at camp was flowing and was partially cleaned. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 01-07-2023 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 01-07-2023
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:Overall good condition. The trail was not very muddy after the recent rain. Only one small section where the trail had rocks slide on it. No large logs on the trail near Chorro Grande Camp
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 04-18-2022 - by Doug edwards
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 04-18-2022
Surveyor Name:Doug edwards
Trail description:Overall good shape, some small trees down near the bottom 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 02-22-2022 - by bardley
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 02-22-2022
Surveyor Name:bardley
Trail description:a group of six removed three trail blocking trees on 2.21.22 that were with 1/2 mile of pine mtn road.  there remains one large trail blocking tree that is easily bypassed.  one cut done, one to go.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 04-09-2021 - by bardley
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 04-09-2021
Surveyor Name:bardley
Trail description:needs treadwork.  needs brushing.  no obstructions. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:60s breezy
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 01-09-2021 - by Nancy Aguilar
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 01-09-2021
Surveyor Name:Nancy Aguilar
Trail description:I love this trail. My first time riding up the trail. It took me at least 3 hours to get to the top. Once I got to the top, I made a left on Pine Mountain Road. The majority of the road was snowed in. I turned back around after 1 mile and proceeded to head down Chorro.
I have always ridden Pine Mountain Road to ride Chorro down. The descent is the bomb. There are some tight switchbacks that I get off and walk. There are some rocky sections as well. I can clear some of them and those I cant I get off my bike and walk!  Overall good conditions. Saw 4 sets of hikers
Mode of transport:Bicycle
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 12-18-2020 - by Scott W
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 12-18-2020
Surveyor Name:Scott W
Trail description:Mountain biked this trail for the first time. Didn’t know what to expect since I have never hiked it either. Started from the trailhead along hwy 33 and road up the pavement all the way to the top. 12 strenuous miles of climbing with 3300 ft of gain. Beautiful views along every corner and bend. The trail is in pretty good shape for bikes. I wore shorts and didn’t lose any skin.  Some brushing needed but not too bad.  The upper section was the best part up to Chorro campground. Very flowy and fun. The middle section was challenging and technical. Lots of exposure, loose dirt, tight hairpin corners, and a six inch wide trail along a cliff. Max pucker factor. The bottom section was very fun also.  This trail is definitely for experts. Fun and different than the other Ojai trails. 
Mode of transport:Bicycle
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Mountain biked

Best views in Ojai

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 11-24-2020 - by Dan Whelan
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 11-24-2020
Surveyor Name:Dan Whelan
Trail description:Hiked in from Hwy 33 to about a .25 miles past Oak Camp Ground. The trail tread is mostly good, and no downed trees or logs across the trail. The trail is easy to follow. Brush is growing in on the trail in many spots to the point were you are getting brushed from both sides of the trail, but most of this is low growing. At no point did I have to push through. Surprisingly there is water at Oak Camp ground. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 11-22-2020 - by bardley
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 11-22-2020
Surveyor Name:bardley
Trail description:a crew of six removed the trail-blocking portion (20' -25') of the large fallen tree just south of chorro grande campsite.  a complex project completed efficiently.  the trail is now open to hikers, bikers, and stock.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 08-01-2020 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 08-01-2020
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Recent article by Dan McCaslin from Noozhawk:

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 06-11-2020 - by Antonio Calderon
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 06-11-2020
Surveyor Name:Antonio Calderon
Trail description:Other than a few brushy spots and a huge fallen tree right before chorro grande camp the trails is in good shape and easy to follow. Sentinel trees are dead and one is down. Trail is steep but rewards you with incredible views. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 04-04-2020 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 04-04-2020
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:Only one large tree that you have to climb over near Chorro Grande camp
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 03-18-2020 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 03-18-2020
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:Portions of the trail were muddy and very slippery until it gets covered in snow. Started to see snow around the trail about at Oak camp. Snow eventually covers trail as you gain altitude. Some fallen trees on and around the trail just before Chorro Grande camp. I stopped at Chorro Grande camp where the snow depth was about a foot, maybe more in some places. Trail seemed easy enough to follow, but I have no idea was it is like when not covered in snow.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Near trailhead.

Snowy trail.

Snowy mountainside.

Snowy trees.
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 01-29-2020 - by Carol Day
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 01-29-2020
Surveyor Name:Carol Day
Trail description:The report submitted by the previous reviewer is substantially accurate, but the downed tree he refers to has been removed, and possibly some light brushing has also been done since then.   Much of the trail is not in very bad shape, though there are some bad sections of tread.  Low brush is encroaching on the tread in many places, and occasionally some larger bushes are in the way, but none of it is blocking the trail.  Places where people not used to the trail might get confused are where the trail from the bottom first crosses the big rock outcrop and near where it crosses the old read before the climb up to the ridge.

Oak Camp is in excellent shape and still has good water.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Notes from a survey done for ORD

Crossing the large rock outcrop -- could be confusing

Example of bad tread and brush
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 01-05-2020 - by MightyM
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 01-05-2020
Surveyor Name:MightyM
Trail description:Needs work.  Some minor brushing appears to have been done recently (cuttings left on the trail), but a lot more needed as well as tread clearing.  If you know where you're going, it's too not hard to follow but if you don't know the trail you could easily lose it.  Decent sized tree down at 34.61567, -119.32990 between Oak Camp and the Sentinel Trees (alas, now both deceased) 

ExPat will surely provide a fitting memorial to the Sentinel Trees.

A little snow above 4500 ft in the shadows.

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Mourning the Sentinel Trees
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 07-20-2019 - by bardley
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 07-20-2019
Surveyor Name:bardley
Trail description:it was a tough choice between "needs some work" which is a gross understatement and "hard to follow" which is also true, but not necessarily if you've been there before.  of all of the trails in the ojai district that "needs some work" this one should be at the top of anyone's list.  from the overgrown vegetation that covers and is beginning to block the trail, which is the majority of the trailhead to the intersection of the old mining road section above oak camp where the trail begins to gain elevation, the trail can be an exercise in minor-to-major bushwhacking and route finding.  the mining road to the trailhead at pine mountain road section is rutted - hence the rock garden tread for the majority of its length.  this is due to long-term non maintenance and a total lack of any water diversion / disbursement measures.  this could and should be a jewel of the ojai district as it ranges from the chaparral to the pines with water features and large boulders thrown in for good measure.  oh, did i mention the views?
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:water flowing at oak camp / ground damp at chorro spring
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 02-10-2019 - by Bdiz4Shiz
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 02-10-2019
Surveyor Name:Bdiz4Shiz
Trail description:Went for a backcountry snow trip 02/08/2019-02/10/2019. Hiked into Oak Camp the night of 02/08/2019. Some patches of snow around camp, but otherwise dry. Woke up 02/09/2019 to falling snow, probably about 1/4 inch fell at Oak Camp, and then melted once the sun came out. Hiked up the rest of Chorro Grande to Pine Mountain Ridge Road where we camped at the last campground before the dirt road. Very muddy until we hit the treeline which was also the snowline. Trail was relatively easy to follow in the snow (tree markers helped a lot). Woke up to lots of snow falling 02/10/2019. Over an inch fell overnight, and continued to fall after we left. Turned to sleet then rain as we descended in elevation.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Some sections getting overgrown
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 05-05-2018 - by Jasonn Beckstrand
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 05-05-2018
Surveyor Name:Jasonn Beckstrand
Trail description:
Trail maintenance was done on the trail.  Starting at the lower trail head along HWY33.

The trail was cleared of brush out the first 1.5 miles.  Just past the second creek crossing.

There is more worked up to open the trail up to Oak camp and also to the beginning of the climb up to Chorro Springs.

There are two projects scheduled for 2019

Lower section - May 4, 2019
Upper section  - June 1, 2019
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:Brushing is needed along most of the trail
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 06-16-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 06-16-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:
Recent Report from a Friend of the LPFA:

From 33, the first mile of trail is in great condition, but I believe there are Poodle Dog Bushes alongside the trail.  The second mile has some short sections that are very overgrown near seasonal creeks.  Only one creek had a tiny trickle of water.  The third mile is in great condition.  The last two miles have some sections that could use some tread work to make it more level while traversing the steep hillside, but nothing critical.  There are two large trees downed across the trail in the last mile (18” diameter), but both can be easily stepped over.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 05-05-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 05-05-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:LPFA led an ORD First Saturday trail project along the lower stretch of the Chorro Grande Trail.  We cleared the trail from the Hwy 33 trailhead up to Oak Camp and then a short ways above that.  More work is needed immediately above the camp as the trail becomes somewhat confusing with multiple user-trails.  We did not start the major ascent of Pine Mtn and are hoping to continue work along Chorro later this year.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 03-30-2018 - by Craig R. Carey
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 03-30-2018
Surveyor Name:Craig R. Carey
Trail description:BSA Troop 111 (Ventura) descended the Chorro Grande trail as part of a 17-mile training hike this past Good Friday. Tread in fine shape; a few trees down in the upper section. No water at Chorro Grande camp, but decent flow at clearing near Gypsum Road intersection and at Oak Camp. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 10-10-2017 - by Valerie Norton
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 10-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Valerie Norton
Trail description:I hiked up as far as the old road just above Oak. The flats below Oak are getting some slight braided trails, but I was able to follow it down in the dark. Brush is growing into the trail. There is a stand of poodledog around about the last viewpoint of the waterfall and a couple of these are coming into the trail. If you don't know what poodledog is, find out. About 50% of people find it worse than poison oak.

My trip was actually out to Munson Spring along the old road. It has some spots where it is somewhat hard to push through the brush, but is mostly open. Both bear and deer use it, so there is always some way to get through. There was a single section where the tread had fallen away for about 20 feet. I expect it would be less work to make this a normal trail than a lot of our actual trails. That spring really flows! Encountered irrigation line a couple places.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:brush growing into trail
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 08-23-2017 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 08-23-2017
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:There was a section around 1 mile in that was a little difficult to follow due to overgrown brush. Otherwise, the trail was in great shape!
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 03-10-2017 - by Dan Whelan
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 03-10-2017
Surveyor Name:Dan Whelan
Trail description:Lots of washouts. Water bars need help. Several areas of the trail were destroyed in recent rains in the fire area, leaving lots of rocks and ruts. Above Oak camp the trail is 80% good. There are a few washouts to be fixed and water bars to be cleared. Brush is growing in on about 20% of trail. Another year some ares may be hard to pass 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:The recent rain was not to kind to this trail
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 05-25-2016 - by Drew Smith
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 05-25-2016
Surveyor Name:Drew Smith
Trail description:The wildflowers are wonderful in the recent burn area. Very abundant and I counted 31 types.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 04-16-2016 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 04-16-2016
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Ojai Ranger District project to work the trail within the recent fire perimeter.  Worked from Oak Camp back down to the lower trail head.  Thanks to ORD, Ranger Heidi and the volunteers for their help.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Photo Ranger Heidi
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 04-10-2016 - by Kevin Madden
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 04-10-2016
Surveyor Name:Kevin Madden
Trail description:The 1st  1.6 miles is in a recent burn area, but the trail has been marked well, Water at Oak camp, no water at the top spring.
GREAT, GREAT hike with not one person
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 09-22-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 09-22-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Bardley of Ojai patrolled the Chorro Grande Trail after the Chorro Fire.  Nature is doing her thing and there are new plants that are already over 24" tall, amazing.  The trail was burned but not annihilated.  Also surprisingly, there was some water pooled in parts of the creek.  Sadly one of the large twin "sentinel" pines near the top is dead.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Photo Bardley of Ojai

Photo Bardley of Ojai

Photo Bardley of Ojai

Photo Bardley of Ojai
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 08-12-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 08-12-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:
The Chorro Fire was started on August 2, 2015 near the Hwy 33 Trailhead.  The fire burned 282 acres over the next 10 days until it was 100% contained on August 12.  More information can be seen here:

Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Needs some work

Chorro Fire Perimeter Showing Chorro Grande Trail and Pine Mountain
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 06-16-2015 - by Donna Spencer
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 06-16-2015
Surveyor Name:Donna Spencer
Trail description:  This was a great trail from start to finish, if you want a good workout start from Highway 33 and climb to Pine Mountain Road.  Only iffy section will be from lower campground through the canyon with tall grasses.  However this hike has excellent views and majestic pine trees and rock formation from Chorro Spring Campground to Pine Mountain Road. 
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 05-10-2015 - by Hike Los Padres
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 05-10-2015
Surveyor Name:Hike Los Padres
Trail description:Still some water along the lower section of the trail.
Mode of transport:Array
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 12-17-2005 - by B2H
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 12-17-2005
Surveyor Name:B2H
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow

Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 02-22-2015 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 02-22-2015
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:As reported by Erin the Great:

Lower Chorro Grande trail in good condition from recent trail work. Middle Chorro Grande is over grown in some sections and needs trimming, but ok for los padres standards. Chorro spring is barely flowing, but enough water there to pump. Downed oak tree on trail just uphill from Chorro spring. Its not hard to walk around though. Downed White Fir Tree up on pine mtn road near the reyes peak campground outhouse. No snow at all, not even on north side of reyes peak.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Downed pine blocking the road at the top

Spring at Chorro Camp
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 02-15-2015 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 02-15-2015
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:This is for the very lower portion of the trail up to Oak Camp.

In general, the trail is in very good condition. It does see a fair amount of use (at least relative to other trails in the Sespe region), so it's unlikely to get overgrown any time soon.

However, it's clear that a little bit work needs to be done. Some parts of the trail are indistinguishable from the creek. Parts of the trail are brushy and needs clipping.

Other than that it's all pretty nice. A load of bugs as usual. Not many ticks when I was there.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Chorro Grande Trail Survey - 01-22-2015 - by Ed Diaz
Link: Chorro Grande Trail
Date: 01-22-2015
Surveyor Name:Ed Diaz
Trail description:

Small creek bed forming on trail 1/2 mile in.  Needs water features to divert.  Oak Camp tidy and clean but no water.  Small but decent water 1/2 mile north of camp on secondary trail.

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Good water

Oak Camp

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Last Updated: Wednesday, February 17, 2016

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