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Arroyo Burro Trail South - Los Padres National Forest
Trail Distance 4.42 Miles

The trail begins slightly more than a half mile after you begin your hike up the Jesusita Trail. The trail sign is under a large oak and is situated right before you would head up onto a long plateau if you were continuing on the Jesusita.

I noticed the sign for the first time in Fall, 1999. Curious about what was beyond I abandoned my planned hike, which was up to Inspiration Point, and began to investigate. The Arroyo Burro Trail was the first I ever hiked in these mountains and I was very interested to discover where it would lead me today.

The trail crosses the creek and heads up the west side of the canyon wall. A decade ago an old bulldozed path could be followed up to a higher crest where you could then continue along, yo yo’ing up and down on the ridgeline until you reached the end of the powerlines and the beginning of the upper trail. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

A hundred yards up the hill the trail disappeared at a wide asphalt driveway. I was at a bit of a loss where to head next then I spotted another trail sign up the road. I headed over to it, thinking there must be a path hidden in the brush just beyond it, but when I got there I couldn’t find the trail. Slowly it dawned on me that the driveway, which headed steeply up the hill, was the trail—or at least that’s what you were supposed to follow.

As I trudged up the hill I questioned whether this was the route but sure enough, when I reached the top, there was another trail sign, a reminder that, indeed, the trail easement did go this way.

I’ve come back several times since this, exploring more of the upper trail. The route from here on isn’t what it used to be like, and the necessity of having to follow the asphalt takes a lot away from the experience, but I like it up here. But then, I am prejudiced: getting up onto the upper Arroyo Burro Trail is like coming home and it evokes very special memories.

The ridgeline you reach, once you have gotten up this extremely steep road, separates San Roque and Barger canyons. There are sweeping views in all directions and I can see why the road leads here. Were I rich enough I would want to have my home perched on one of the knolls which dot the ridge.

The route continues to follow the asphalt for several hundred more yards, and is level, so you have time to catch your breath and look out on the coastline. Just as the road starts to drop down into Barger Canyon there is another trail sign. Here, you will finally get back on a real trail. This cuts across the west side of the ridgeline, leading to a large, open meadow. What you will be doing is paralleling the ridge but just off it. There is a dirt road which goes straight up the ridge and I suppose you could just follow that but I don’t think you are supposed to, even though no signs tell you not to (that could change).

Beyond the meadow, the trail heads up into the chaparral until it reaches a dirt road. You turn right and follow this a hundred yards to a point where you are back on the main ridge. From there you will go left and until you reach the end of the powerlines you will be going up and down a series of short steep hills leading up the main ridge.

On one of my afternoon explorations I was fortunate enough to spot a bobcat sitting at the bottom of one of these hills. It was staring into the bushes just off the trail, kind of a like most cats do when they’ve spotted something in the grass and are stalking it. I watched it for more than ten minutes. It remained motionless until it caught onto my presence, then it slowly made its way on up the road and disappeared into the chaparral.

When I reached the point where it had gone in the brush I could see the small path it had followed. There it was, sitting under a ceanothus bush, barely ten yards away, staring at me. I watched it for what seemed like a long time then I moved on, letting it be. On the way back down I spotted it again bounding down the road. What a treat.

By the time you’ve reached the end of the powerlines your legs will probably be pretty tired. There are a lot of ups and downs. But there is a great rest stop just ahead of you. The upper trail begins right after the last tower. There are several switchbacks leading to an outcropping of Sespe red beds and the perfect place to take a break. You can tell plenty of others have too. There are carvings everywhere. This is also a good spot to end your hike unless, of course, you can’t resist more switchbacks and lots more uphill.

The trail moves from the Sespe into layers of Coldwater Sandstone and really begins to gain elevation. Seven hundred feet of switchbacks bring you to a second series of outcroppings, several of which make good rest spots. Right after this the trail levels out, goes through several meadows, then begins cutting west across the mountainside until you reach the east fork of San Antonio Creek. The trail drops down into the canyon, follows it upstream for a bit then crosses to the west side of the canyon and rises rapidly for 800 feet to East Camino Cielo. Unfortunately, the canyon section is private property, making it illegal for you to hike all the way up to the crest.

RAY FORD - http://www.sboutdoors.com/arroyo-burro-trail.html

Directions: From Santa Barbara Hwy 101, 10 miles NW on Hwy 154, 7 miles East on Paradise and park near the gate where Arroyo Burro Road intersects Paradise Road (do not block gate). The trailhead is 1/4 mile up Arroyo Burro Road on the other side of the river on the right near the large cottonwood trees.


Trail Details

  • Trail #: 27W13
  • Wilderness Area: Non Wilderness Area
  • County: Santa Barbara County
  • Ranger District: Santa Barbara Ranger District
  • Trail-head Latitude: 34.46095
  • Trail-head Longitude: -119.72955
  • Trail Condition: Good - Trail is easy to follow and is in good shape
  • Topo Maps:
  • Activities & Features:
    • Backpacking
    • Car Camping
    • Day Hiking
    • Mountain Biking
    • Wildlife Viewing

Trail Stats

  • Total Elevation Gain: + 3331 feet.
  • Total Elevation Loss: - 853 feet.
  • Overall Average Slope Gain: + 12 %.
  • Overall Average Slope Loss: - 17 %.
  • Kilometers: (km)
  • Meters: (m)
  • Miles: (mi)
  • Feet: (ft)
  • Average Slope: (%)
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Survey Photos:

  • Los Padres Forest Association - 10-26-2018

Submitted Trail Reports

Arroyo Burro Trail South Survey - 03-04-2025 - by Anonymous Surveyor
Link: Arroyo Burro Trail South
Date: 03-04-2025
Surveyor Name:Anonymous Surveyor
Trail description:Starting to get some poison oak encroaching on the single track just as you get off the paved road, but otherwise it is in good shape. I only went up to the meadow and back above the sandstone outcroppings, so can't say how the single track trail looks beyond that. 
All Trails indicates that this is a "closed" trail but I didn't see any signage to that effect at the trailhead. Does anyone know if it is now ok to go all the way up to Camino Cielo (is there an easement through the private property as you get back in there)?

Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Arroyo Burro Trail South Survey - 07-17-2023 - by Mielikki
Link: Arroyo Burro Trail South
Date: 07-17-2023
Surveyor Name:Mielikki
Trail description:Started at Stevens Park to Jesusita to Arroyo Burro and then up. Once past the steep asphalt road, the "real trail" is overgrown, but easy to follow both by signage and the path itself. Just be prepared to push through some tall mustard once in a while. The dirt road under the power lines is vey exposed (wear a hat and sunscreen and bring lots of water!), but the diversity and number of wildlife tracks is worth slowing down for a close look. Keep an eye out for snakes. The trail past the power lines is in decent shape to the Sespe red beds. I turned around once I got to this terrific spot (despite an early start, it was really heating up). I hope to go back and go farther at some point in the (hopefully cooler) future. 
I like the feeling of the history of this trail (thank you Mr. Ford!) as well as the isolation. It seems very few folks head up much past the main ridge. I love it when human boot prints are far outnumbered by the local wildlife tracks!
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Good shape and easy to follow
Arroyo Burro Trail South Survey - 11-23-2019 - by Stephen S
Link: Arroyo Burro Trail South
Date: 11-23-2019
Surveyor Name:Stephen S
Trail description:Took the trail from Jesusita up to the canyon. It was fairly easy to follow, though quite a lot of brush starting to grow over the trail. Once I started descending down into the canyon I counted probably 5 downed trees before getting to the creek.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Arroyo Burro Trail South Survey - 10-26-2018 - by Los Padres Forest Association
Link: Arroyo Burro Trail South
Date: 10-26-2018
Surveyor Name:Los Padres Forest Association
Trail description:Oak trees continue to fall across the forest.  This tree fell across Arroyo Burro at the junction with the Jesusita Trail.  It was cleared by SB City crews.  If you come across any downed trees please share with us either through this site or INFO@LPForest.org
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work

Photo KCody
Arroyo Burro Trail South Survey - 04-11-2018 - by Valerie Norton
Link: Arroyo Burro Trail South
Date: 04-11-2018
Surveyor Name:Valerie Norton
Trail description:We hiked up the trail for the Wednesday night conditioning hike and got a ride down from the top. The trail signs seem to be in place. From the split from Jesesita, we found someone had come down from Ontare with a wide tractor until getting stopped near the creek, so it's quite wide and clear there. Walking up the pavement is, of course, annoying. Trail around the side of the house has some holes from horses when it was wet. Trail that parallels the utility road is fine for now, but the mustard is coming in. Once on the utility road, the winds were blowing small rocks into our eyes, but that's quite weather dependent. Past the last power tower and up into the rocks, I suspect it helped that I knew to just go the steep ways. Above the rocks, brush was cut back in a wide area a while ago and that is mostly holding. It gets a bit tighter past a bunch of rocks that people like to visit. (I'm pretty sure this is where the Catered Burrito is. It's a burned out ammo can geocache.) Lots of trees down as we dropped into the canyon. Some of this is just silky work. The last switchback before getting down to the road in the canyon is very nearly gone. (Admittedly, there is more left of it than I expected.) The road is washed out and rock covered in spots, so definitely not ready for travel if anyone wants to service the well. For hikers, it is easy enough. Long grasses hang over it. Heading out of the canyon after the well is very washed out and it looks like some think they are going for a 4th crossing rather than climbing. The climb is decidedly steeper than I remember. The switchbacks are getting shaved off. There are some slide spots, but nothing looking dangerous. Loads of low bridges, some quite low, getting toward the top. The top is a little thin, but we had no trouble following it in the dark.
Mode of transport:Hike
Trail condition:Needs some work
Condition details:trees down on trail into canyon, last switchback above road is dangerous

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Last Updated: Tuesday, March 1, 2016

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